loop back to a menu when using a return statement?


I am adding up all the values in a text file and using a return statement to display the value at the end, I am also using that value in another function. So basically I have a function that calls another function.

My problem is that I need to ask the user if they want to go back to the menu again but I can't do that when using a return statement but if I don't use a return statement then I can get the total to go into my other function.

The average_salary function is the one that calls the total_salary function so that it can get the total value.

My code :

with open("Records.txt") as file:  # Opens the text file with all the records in it
records = [line.strip() for line in file if not line.startswith("#")] # Creates a list named Records and stores all the records ignoring any lines with a '#'

def main():
print("nSelect from one of the options below:n") # Asks the user to select one of the options on the menu
print("Enter '1' to print out the number of records" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 1
"nEnter '2' to display a list of employees and their respective details" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 2
"nEnter '3' to display the total salary bill" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 3
"nEnter '4' to display a report showing the average salary based on the amount of employees" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 4
"nEnter '5' to add a new employee to the list" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 5
"nEnter '6' to display a report to show the amount of employees that are in each position type" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 6
"nEnter '7' to display employees who earn a higher salary than the threshold" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 7
"nEnter '8' to search for an existing record" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 8
"nEnter '9' to exit the programn") # Tells the user what will happen if they select 9

user_choice = input("Please enter the number of the option you would like use: ") # Asks the user to select what they would to do with the program from a selection of options

if user_choice == "1": # Checks to see if the user has entered '1', if the user enters '1' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
number_of_lines() # Call the number_of_lines function

elif user_choice == "2": # Checks to see if the user has entered '2', if the user enters '2' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
list_of_employees() # Calls the list_of_employees function

elif user_choice == "3": # Checks to see if the user has entered '3', if the user enters '3' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
print("nYour salary total is £", format(total_salary(), ",.2f"), sep='') # calls the total_salary function and separates it with a space

elif user_choice == "4": # Checks to see if the user has entered '4', if the user enters '4' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
average_salary() # Calls the average_salary function

elif user_choice == "5": # Checks to see if the user has entered '5', if the user enters '5' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
add_new_employee() # Calls the add_new_employee function

elif user_choice == "6": # Checks to see if the user has entered '6', if the user enters '6' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
number_of_position_type() # Calls the number_of_position_type function

elif user_choice == "7": # Checks to see if the user has entered '7', if the user enters '7' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
above_salary_threshold() # Calls the above_user_threshold function

elif user_choice == "8": # Checks to see if the user has entered '8', if the user enters '8' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
search_for_a_record() # Calls the add_new_employee function

elif user_choice == "9": # Checks to see if the user has entered '9', if the user enters '9' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
print("nProgram closed successfully") # Prints a message to the user
exit() # Exits the program

print("nEnter a number between 1 to 9") # Displays a message to the user if the do not select one of the above options

# End of IF Statement

def number_of_lines(): # Creates a function named 'number_of_lines'
records_count = sum(1 for records_count in open("Records.txt") if not records_count.startswith("#")) # converts the record_count to a sum and calculates the number of lines in the records.txt file, ignoring the commented lines
print("nThe number of records is:", records_count) # Prints the number of records for the user to see
lines_finished = input("nAre you ready to return back to the menu?(yes/no): ").lower() # Asks the user for input
if lines_finished == 'yes': # Checks the users input to see if it is 'yes' , if the users input matches the condition then the code inside the IF will run
main() # Returns the user to the main function
number_of_lines() # If the user types anything but yes then the number_of_lines function will run

def list_of_employees(): # Creates a function named 'list_of_employees'
for line in open("Records.txt"): # Opens the records text file
li = line.strip() # Remove any unnecessary spaces
if not li.startswith("#"): # removes any lines that start with a '#'
print(line.rstrip()) # prints the records to the user
employees_finished = input("nAre you ready to return back to the menu?(yes/no): ").lower()
if employees_finished == 'yes': # Checks if the users input is equal to yes
main() # Returns the user to the main function
list_of_employees() # If the user types anything but yes then the list_of_employees function will run

def total_salary(): # Creates a function named 'total_salary'
with open("Records.txt", "r") as record_file: # Opens the records files as read and creates a variable called record_file
salaries_list = (record_file.read().split()[11::7]) # Creates a variable named salaries_list, the records files is then read in and split. I then tell the program to start on index 11 and to skip the next 7 elements, this happens until the loop is over
salaries = ' '.join(salaries_list) # joins all values into a list
salaries = salaries.replace(',', '') # Replaces all the ',' with spaces
salaries = salaries.split() # Puts all the salaries into a list again
total = 0 # creates a variable called total
for i in salaries: # Creates a for loop to loop the salaries and add them all together
total += int(i) # Increments by one every time adding all the salaries together
return total # returns the total value

def average_salary(): # Creates a function named 'average_salary'
record_count = sum(1 for record in open("Records.txt") if not record.startswith("#")) # converts the record_count to a sum and calculates the number of lines in the records.txt file
print("nThe amount of employees is:", record_count) # Prints out the number of records and takes away one to take away the heading line inside the text file
salary = total_salary() # Calls the total_salary() function
print("nThe total salary is: £", format(salary, ",.2f"))
print("nThe average salary is: £", format(salary / record_count, ".2f")) # Takes the total salary bill and divides it by the amount of lines and formats it to 2 decimal places
average_salary_finished = input("nAre you ready to return back to the menu?(yes/no): ").lower() # Stores the users input into the average_salary_finished variable and converts it to lowercase
if average_salary_finished == 'yes': # Checks if the users input is equal to yes
main() # Returns the user to the main function
average_salary() # If the user types anything but yes then the average_salary function will run

def add_new_employee(): # Creates a function named 'add_new_employee'
with open("records.txt", "a+") as storing_records: # Opens the record text file for append+ so that anything written to the text file will be written to the end and also I can read the file
last_record = records[-1] # Creates a variable called last_record and stores the values of the records variable inside, then it gets the last value in the list.
print("nThe last record in the file is:n" + last_record, "n" + "nPlease enter the number that comes after the previous user ID") # Prints the last_record variable
another_record = "y" # Creates a variable called another_Record and sets it to 'y'
while another_record == "y" or another_record == "Y": # Creates a while loop that will keep running as long as the another_Record variable is set to 'y' or 'Y'
employee_number = input("nEnter your employee number:") # Stores the users input in the employee_number variable
employee_name = input("nEnter your name:") # Stores the users input in the employee_name variable
employee_age = input("nEnter your age:") # Stores the users input in the employee_age variable
employee_position = input("nEnter your position:") # Stores the users input in the employee_position variable
employee_salary = input("nEnter your salary:") # Stores the users input in the employee_salary variable
employee_years = input("nEnter the amount of years you have been employed:") # Stores the users input in the employee_years variable
user_input_record = employee_number + ', ' + employee_name + ', ' + employee_age + ', ' + employee_position + ', ' + employee_salary + ', ' + employee_years # Adds all the user inputs together and separates them with comas
storing_records.write(user_input_record + "n") # Stores the user input in the records text file
another_record = input("nDo you want to input another record? (yes/no): ").lower() # Asks the user if they want to add another record, if the user types 'y' or 'Y' then the while loops will run again
if another_record == 'yes':
add_new_employee() # If the user types anything but yes then the add_new_employee function will run
main() # Returns the user to the main function

def number_of_position_type(): # Creates a function called number_of_position_type
with open("Records.txt", "r") as record: # Reads in the text file as record
position_type_list = (record.read().split()[10::7]) # Creates a variable named position_type_list, the records files is then read in and split. I then tell the program to start on index 10 and to skip the next 7 elements, this happens until the loop is over
position_type = ' '.join(position_type_list) # joins all values into a list
position_type = (position_type.replace(',', '')) # Replaces all the ',' with spaces
developer = position_type.count("Developer") # Creates a variable called developer and counts the position_type variable to see how many times the word 'Developers' appears
print('%-40s%-0s' % ("The total number of Developers is:", developer)) # Prints out the developer variable
devops = position_type.count("DevOps") # Creates a variable called devops and counts the position_type variable to see how many times the word 'DevOps' appears
print('%-40s%-0s' % ("The total number of DevOps is:", devops)) # Prints out the devops variable
analyst = position_type.count("Analyst") # Creates a variable called analyst and counts the position_type variable to see how many times the word 'Analyst' appears
print('%-40s%-0s' % ("The total number of Analysts is:", analyst)) # Prints out the analyst variable
tester = position_type.count("Tester") # Creates a variable called analyst and counts the position_type variable to see how many times the word 'Tester' appears
print('%-40s%-0s' % ("The total number of Testers is:", tester)) # Prints out the tester variable
designer = position_type.count("Designer") # Creates a variable called designer and counts the position_type variable to see how many times the word 'Designer' appears
print('%-40s%-0s' % ("The total number of Designers is:", designer)) # Prints out the designer variable
position_finished = input("Are you ready to return back to the menu?(yes/no): ").lower() # Stores the user input into the position_finished variable
if position_finished == 'yes': # Checks the users input to see if it equal to 'yes'
main() # Returns the user to the main function
average_salary() # Returns the user to the search_for_a_record function

def above_salary_threshold(): # Creates a function called above_salary_threshold
try: # Tries the code for any errors
user_threshold = int(input("Enter the salary threshold: ")) # Asks the user to input data and stores it as an integer
for line in records: # Creates a for loop
fields = line.split(', ') # Creates a variable called fields and splits the lines that have ','
if user_threshold < int(fields[4]): # Creates an if statement
print('%03itt%-20s£%-10.2f' % (int(fields[0]), fields[1], int(fields[4]))) # Formats the output
above_salary_finished = input("Are you ready to return back to the menu?(yes/no): ").lower()
if above_salary_finished == 'yes': # Checks if the users input is equal to use
main() # Returns the user to the main function
above_salary_threshold() # Returns the user to the above_salary_threshold function
except ValueError: # Catches any value errors
print("You have entered an invalid number") # Prints a message to the user

def search_for_a_record():
try: # Tries the code for any errors
data = open('Records.txt').read().splitlines() # opens the records file and reads and splits the lines and stores it to the data variable
emp_no = input("nEnter the UserID you would like to search for: ") # Creates a variable called emp_no and asks the user to enter a userID
record = [line for line in data if line.split(',')[0] == emp_no][0] # Creates a for loop to search through the list of records and splits them up and searches each line for the value entered in by the user
print(record) # Prints the records variable
another_record = input("nDo you want to enter another User_ID?(yes/no): ").lower() # Stores the user input as lowercase
if another_record == 'yes': # Creates an IF statement to see if the user wants to search for another record, if the user selects yes the code in this section will run
search_for_a_record() # Returns to the beginning of the search_for_a_record function
main() # Returns the user to the main function
except IndexError: # Catches any errors
print("nYou have entered an invalid number") # Prints a message to the user
search_for_a_record() # Returns the user to the search_for_a_record function

users_name = input("What is your name?: ") # Asks the user for their name and stores their input to the users_name variable
print("nWelcome", users_name) # Prints welcome followed by the name stored in the users_name variable

main() # calls the main function

share|improve this question

  • Why would total_salary be concerned with menus? What's wrong with how things are currently set up? This should loop via a recursive call if they say they want to go back to the menu. The only major problem I see is total_salary() should be print(total_salary()) if you want that to be printed.

    – Carcigenicate
    Nov 28 '18 at 17:04

  • Sorry I must not have made it clear, in the total_salary function I need the user to be able to go back to the menu as I can not have the program exiting without using the menu

    – Darren_D19
    Nov 28 '18 at 17:07

  • It should be already going back to the menu once total_salary returns. And just a note, you're not going to want to call total_salary several times. Call it once in average_salary, save the return value, and use the return instead. Something like salary = total_salary(). Calling total_salary involves reading a file, so you don't want to be doing that over and over again when you don't need to.

    – Carcigenicate
    Nov 28 '18 at 17:09

  • Thank you for that information. also so when I run the total_salary function and it returns the total my program just exits, it doesn't go back to the main function that holds the menu. Any ideas on why that happens?

    – Darren_D19
    Nov 28 '18 at 17:13

  • With the code you've posted, the only way I can see that possibly happening is if it's exiting due to an error. How are you running the code?

    – Carcigenicate
    Nov 28 '18 at 17:15


I am adding up all the values in a text file and using a return statement to display the value at the end, I am also using that value in another function. So basically I have a function that calls another function.

My problem is that I need to ask the user if they want to go back to the menu again but I can't do that when using a return statement but if I don't use a return statement then I can get the total to go into my other function.

The average_salary function is the one that calls the total_salary function so that it can get the total value.

My code :

with open("Records.txt") as file:  # Opens the text file with all the records in it
records = [line.strip() for line in file if not line.startswith("#")] # Creates a list named Records and stores all the records ignoring any lines with a '#'

def main():
print("nSelect from one of the options below:n") # Asks the user to select one of the options on the menu
print("Enter '1' to print out the number of records" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 1
"nEnter '2' to display a list of employees and their respective details" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 2
"nEnter '3' to display the total salary bill" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 3
"nEnter '4' to display a report showing the average salary based on the amount of employees" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 4
"nEnter '5' to add a new employee to the list" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 5
"nEnter '6' to display a report to show the amount of employees that are in each position type" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 6
"nEnter '7' to display employees who earn a higher salary than the threshold" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 7
"nEnter '8' to search for an existing record" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 8
"nEnter '9' to exit the programn") # Tells the user what will happen if they select 9

user_choice = input("Please enter the number of the option you would like use: ") # Asks the user to select what they would to do with the program from a selection of options

if user_choice == "1": # Checks to see if the user has entered '1', if the user enters '1' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
number_of_lines() # Call the number_of_lines function

elif user_choice == "2": # Checks to see if the user has entered '2', if the user enters '2' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
list_of_employees() # Calls the list_of_employees function

elif user_choice == "3": # Checks to see if the user has entered '3', if the user enters '3' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
print("nYour salary total is £", format(total_salary(), ",.2f"), sep='') # calls the total_salary function and separates it with a space

elif user_choice == "4": # Checks to see if the user has entered '4', if the user enters '4' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
average_salary() # Calls the average_salary function

elif user_choice == "5": # Checks to see if the user has entered '5', if the user enters '5' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
add_new_employee() # Calls the add_new_employee function

elif user_choice == "6": # Checks to see if the user has entered '6', if the user enters '6' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
number_of_position_type() # Calls the number_of_position_type function

elif user_choice == "7": # Checks to see if the user has entered '7', if the user enters '7' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
above_salary_threshold() # Calls the above_user_threshold function

elif user_choice == "8": # Checks to see if the user has entered '8', if the user enters '8' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
search_for_a_record() # Calls the add_new_employee function

elif user_choice == "9": # Checks to see if the user has entered '9', if the user enters '9' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
print("nProgram closed successfully") # Prints a message to the user
exit() # Exits the program

print("nEnter a number between 1 to 9") # Displays a message to the user if the do not select one of the above options

# End of IF Statement

def number_of_lines(): # Creates a function named 'number_of_lines'
records_count = sum(1 for records_count in open("Records.txt") if not records_count.startswith("#")) # converts the record_count to a sum and calculates the number of lines in the records.txt file, ignoring the commented lines
print("nThe number of records is:", records_count) # Prints the number of records for the user to see
lines_finished = input("nAre you ready to return back to the menu?(yes/no): ").lower() # Asks the user for input
if lines_finished == 'yes': # Checks the users input to see if it is 'yes' , if the users input matches the condition then the code inside the IF will run
main() # Returns the user to the main function
number_of_lines() # If the user types anything but yes then the number_of_lines function will run

def list_of_employees(): # Creates a function named 'list_of_employees'
for line in open("Records.txt"): # Opens the records text file
li = line.strip() # Remove any unnecessary spaces
if not li.startswith("#"): # removes any lines that start with a '#'
print(line.rstrip()) # prints the records to the user
employees_finished = input("nAre you ready to return back to the menu?(yes/no): ").lower()
if employees_finished == 'yes': # Checks if the users input is equal to yes
main() # Returns the user to the main function
list_of_employees() # If the user types anything but yes then the list_of_employees function will run

def total_salary(): # Creates a function named 'total_salary'
with open("Records.txt", "r") as record_file: # Opens the records files as read and creates a variable called record_file
salaries_list = (record_file.read().split()[11::7]) # Creates a variable named salaries_list, the records files is then read in and split. I then tell the program to start on index 11 and to skip the next 7 elements, this happens until the loop is over
salaries = ' '.join(salaries_list) # joins all values into a list
salaries = salaries.replace(',', '') # Replaces all the ',' with spaces
salaries = salaries.split() # Puts all the salaries into a list again
total = 0 # creates a variable called total
for i in salaries: # Creates a for loop to loop the salaries and add them all together
total += int(i) # Increments by one every time adding all the salaries together
return total # returns the total value

def average_salary(): # Creates a function named 'average_salary'
record_count = sum(1 for record in open("Records.txt") if not record.startswith("#")) # converts the record_count to a sum and calculates the number of lines in the records.txt file
print("nThe amount of employees is:", record_count) # Prints out the number of records and takes away one to take away the heading line inside the text file
salary = total_salary() # Calls the total_salary() function
print("nThe total salary is: £", format(salary, ",.2f"))
print("nThe average salary is: £", format(salary / record_count, ".2f")) # Takes the total salary bill and divides it by the amount of lines and formats it to 2 decimal places
average_salary_finished = input("nAre you ready to return back to the menu?(yes/no): ").lower() # Stores the users input into the average_salary_finished variable and converts it to lowercase
if average_salary_finished == 'yes': # Checks if the users input is equal to yes
main() # Returns the user to the main function
average_salary() # If the user types anything but yes then the average_salary function will run

def add_new_employee(): # Creates a function named 'add_new_employee'
with open("records.txt", "a+") as storing_records: # Opens the record text file for append+ so that anything written to the text file will be written to the end and also I can read the file
last_record = records[-1] # Creates a variable called last_record and stores the values of the records variable inside, then it gets the last value in the list.
print("nThe last record in the file is:n" + last_record, "n" + "nPlease enter the number that comes after the previous user ID") # Prints the last_record variable
another_record = "y" # Creates a variable called another_Record and sets it to 'y'
while another_record == "y" or another_record == "Y": # Creates a while loop that will keep running as long as the another_Record variable is set to 'y' or 'Y'
employee_number = input("nEnter your employee number:") # Stores the users input in the employee_number variable
employee_name = input("nEnter your name:") # Stores the users input in the employee_name variable
employee_age = input("nEnter your age:") # Stores the users input in the employee_age variable
employee_position = input("nEnter your position:") # Stores the users input in the employee_position variable
employee_salary = input("nEnter your salary:") # Stores the users input in the employee_salary variable
employee_years = input("nEnter the amount of years you have been employed:") # Stores the users input in the employee_years variable
user_input_record = employee_number + ', ' + employee_name + ', ' + employee_age + ', ' + employee_position + ', ' + employee_salary + ', ' + employee_years # Adds all the user inputs together and separates them with comas
storing_records.write(user_input_record + "n") # Stores the user input in the records text file
another_record = input("nDo you want to input another record? (yes/no): ").lower() # Asks the user if they want to add another record, if the user types 'y' or 'Y' then the while loops will run again
if another_record == 'yes':
add_new_employee() # If the user types anything but yes then the add_new_employee function will run
main() # Returns the user to the main function

def number_of_position_type(): # Creates a function called number_of_position_type
with open("Records.txt", "r") as record: # Reads in the text file as record
position_type_list = (record.read().split()[10::7]) # Creates a variable named position_type_list, the records files is then read in and split. I then tell the program to start on index 10 and to skip the next 7 elements, this happens until the loop is over
position_type = ' '.join(position_type_list) # joins all values into a list
position_type = (position_type.replace(',', '')) # Replaces all the ',' with spaces
developer = position_type.count("Developer") # Creates a variable called developer and counts the position_type variable to see how many times the word 'Developers' appears
print('%-40s%-0s' % ("The total number of Developers is:", developer)) # Prints out the developer variable
devops = position_type.count("DevOps") # Creates a variable called devops and counts the position_type variable to see how many times the word 'DevOps' appears
print('%-40s%-0s' % ("The total number of DevOps is:", devops)) # Prints out the devops variable
analyst = position_type.count("Analyst") # Creates a variable called analyst and counts the position_type variable to see how many times the word 'Analyst' appears
print('%-40s%-0s' % ("The total number of Analysts is:", analyst)) # Prints out the analyst variable
tester = position_type.count("Tester") # Creates a variable called analyst and counts the position_type variable to see how many times the word 'Tester' appears
print('%-40s%-0s' % ("The total number of Testers is:", tester)) # Prints out the tester variable
designer = position_type.count("Designer") # Creates a variable called designer and counts the position_type variable to see how many times the word 'Designer' appears
print('%-40s%-0s' % ("The total number of Designers is:", designer)) # Prints out the designer variable
position_finished = input("Are you ready to return back to the menu?(yes/no): ").lower() # Stores the user input into the position_finished variable
if position_finished == 'yes': # Checks the users input to see if it equal to 'yes'
main() # Returns the user to the main function
average_salary() # Returns the user to the search_for_a_record function

def above_salary_threshold(): # Creates a function called above_salary_threshold
try: # Tries the code for any errors
user_threshold = int(input("Enter the salary threshold: ")) # Asks the user to input data and stores it as an integer
for line in records: # Creates a for loop
fields = line.split(', ') # Creates a variable called fields and splits the lines that have ','
if user_threshold < int(fields[4]): # Creates an if statement
print('%03itt%-20s£%-10.2f' % (int(fields[0]), fields[1], int(fields[4]))) # Formats the output
above_salary_finished = input("Are you ready to return back to the menu?(yes/no): ").lower()
if above_salary_finished == 'yes': # Checks if the users input is equal to use
main() # Returns the user to the main function
above_salary_threshold() # Returns the user to the above_salary_threshold function
except ValueError: # Catches any value errors
print("You have entered an invalid number") # Prints a message to the user

def search_for_a_record():
try: # Tries the code for any errors
data = open('Records.txt').read().splitlines() # opens the records file and reads and splits the lines and stores it to the data variable
emp_no = input("nEnter the UserID you would like to search for: ") # Creates a variable called emp_no and asks the user to enter a userID
record = [line for line in data if line.split(',')[0] == emp_no][0] # Creates a for loop to search through the list of records and splits them up and searches each line for the value entered in by the user
print(record) # Prints the records variable
another_record = input("nDo you want to enter another User_ID?(yes/no): ").lower() # Stores the user input as lowercase
if another_record == 'yes': # Creates an IF statement to see if the user wants to search for another record, if the user selects yes the code in this section will run
search_for_a_record() # Returns to the beginning of the search_for_a_record function
main() # Returns the user to the main function
except IndexError: # Catches any errors
print("nYou have entered an invalid number") # Prints a message to the user
search_for_a_record() # Returns the user to the search_for_a_record function

users_name = input("What is your name?: ") # Asks the user for their name and stores their input to the users_name variable
print("nWelcome", users_name) # Prints welcome followed by the name stored in the users_name variable

main() # calls the main function

share|improve this question

  • Why would total_salary be concerned with menus? What's wrong with how things are currently set up? This should loop via a recursive call if they say they want to go back to the menu. The only major problem I see is total_salary() should be print(total_salary()) if you want that to be printed.

    – Carcigenicate
    Nov 28 '18 at 17:04

  • Sorry I must not have made it clear, in the total_salary function I need the user to be able to go back to the menu as I can not have the program exiting without using the menu

    – Darren_D19
    Nov 28 '18 at 17:07

  • It should be already going back to the menu once total_salary returns. And just a note, you're not going to want to call total_salary several times. Call it once in average_salary, save the return value, and use the return instead. Something like salary = total_salary(). Calling total_salary involves reading a file, so you don't want to be doing that over and over again when you don't need to.

    – Carcigenicate
    Nov 28 '18 at 17:09

  • Thank you for that information. also so when I run the total_salary function and it returns the total my program just exits, it doesn't go back to the main function that holds the menu. Any ideas on why that happens?

    – Darren_D19
    Nov 28 '18 at 17:13

  • With the code you've posted, the only way I can see that possibly happening is if it's exiting due to an error. How are you running the code?

    – Carcigenicate
    Nov 28 '18 at 17:15




I am adding up all the values in a text file and using a return statement to display the value at the end, I am also using that value in another function. So basically I have a function that calls another function.

My problem is that I need to ask the user if they want to go back to the menu again but I can't do that when using a return statement but if I don't use a return statement then I can get the total to go into my other function.

The average_salary function is the one that calls the total_salary function so that it can get the total value.

My code :

with open("Records.txt") as file:  # Opens the text file with all the records in it
records = [line.strip() for line in file if not line.startswith("#")] # Creates a list named Records and stores all the records ignoring any lines with a '#'

def main():
print("nSelect from one of the options below:n") # Asks the user to select one of the options on the menu
print("Enter '1' to print out the number of records" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 1
"nEnter '2' to display a list of employees and their respective details" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 2
"nEnter '3' to display the total salary bill" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 3
"nEnter '4' to display a report showing the average salary based on the amount of employees" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 4
"nEnter '5' to add a new employee to the list" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 5
"nEnter '6' to display a report to show the amount of employees that are in each position type" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 6
"nEnter '7' to display employees who earn a higher salary than the threshold" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 7
"nEnter '8' to search for an existing record" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 8
"nEnter '9' to exit the programn") # Tells the user what will happen if they select 9

user_choice = input("Please enter the number of the option you would like use: ") # Asks the user to select what they would to do with the program from a selection of options

if user_choice == "1": # Checks to see if the user has entered '1', if the user enters '1' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
number_of_lines() # Call the number_of_lines function

elif user_choice == "2": # Checks to see if the user has entered '2', if the user enters '2' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
list_of_employees() # Calls the list_of_employees function

elif user_choice == "3": # Checks to see if the user has entered '3', if the user enters '3' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
print("nYour salary total is £", format(total_salary(), ",.2f"), sep='') # calls the total_salary function and separates it with a space

elif user_choice == "4": # Checks to see if the user has entered '4', if the user enters '4' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
average_salary() # Calls the average_salary function

elif user_choice == "5": # Checks to see if the user has entered '5', if the user enters '5' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
add_new_employee() # Calls the add_new_employee function

elif user_choice == "6": # Checks to see if the user has entered '6', if the user enters '6' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
number_of_position_type() # Calls the number_of_position_type function

elif user_choice == "7": # Checks to see if the user has entered '7', if the user enters '7' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
above_salary_threshold() # Calls the above_user_threshold function

elif user_choice == "8": # Checks to see if the user has entered '8', if the user enters '8' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
search_for_a_record() # Calls the add_new_employee function

elif user_choice == "9": # Checks to see if the user has entered '9', if the user enters '9' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
print("nProgram closed successfully") # Prints a message to the user
exit() # Exits the program

print("nEnter a number between 1 to 9") # Displays a message to the user if the do not select one of the above options

# End of IF Statement

def number_of_lines(): # Creates a function named 'number_of_lines'
records_count = sum(1 for records_count in open("Records.txt") if not records_count.startswith("#")) # converts the record_count to a sum and calculates the number of lines in the records.txt file, ignoring the commented lines
print("nThe number of records is:", records_count) # Prints the number of records for the user to see
lines_finished = input("nAre you ready to return back to the menu?(yes/no): ").lower() # Asks the user for input
if lines_finished == 'yes': # Checks the users input to see if it is 'yes' , if the users input matches the condition then the code inside the IF will run
main() # Returns the user to the main function
number_of_lines() # If the user types anything but yes then the number_of_lines function will run

def list_of_employees(): # Creates a function named 'list_of_employees'
for line in open("Records.txt"): # Opens the records text file
li = line.strip() # Remove any unnecessary spaces
if not li.startswith("#"): # removes any lines that start with a '#'
print(line.rstrip()) # prints the records to the user
employees_finished = input("nAre you ready to return back to the menu?(yes/no): ").lower()
if employees_finished == 'yes': # Checks if the users input is equal to yes
main() # Returns the user to the main function
list_of_employees() # If the user types anything but yes then the list_of_employees function will run

def total_salary(): # Creates a function named 'total_salary'
with open("Records.txt", "r") as record_file: # Opens the records files as read and creates a variable called record_file
salaries_list = (record_file.read().split()[11::7]) # Creates a variable named salaries_list, the records files is then read in and split. I then tell the program to start on index 11 and to skip the next 7 elements, this happens until the loop is over
salaries = ' '.join(salaries_list) # joins all values into a list
salaries = salaries.replace(',', '') # Replaces all the ',' with spaces
salaries = salaries.split() # Puts all the salaries into a list again
total = 0 # creates a variable called total
for i in salaries: # Creates a for loop to loop the salaries and add them all together
total += int(i) # Increments by one every time adding all the salaries together
return total # returns the total value

def average_salary(): # Creates a function named 'average_salary'
record_count = sum(1 for record in open("Records.txt") if not record.startswith("#")) # converts the record_count to a sum and calculates the number of lines in the records.txt file
print("nThe amount of employees is:", record_count) # Prints out the number of records and takes away one to take away the heading line inside the text file
salary = total_salary() # Calls the total_salary() function
print("nThe total salary is: £", format(salary, ",.2f"))
print("nThe average salary is: £", format(salary / record_count, ".2f")) # Takes the total salary bill and divides it by the amount of lines and formats it to 2 decimal places
average_salary_finished = input("nAre you ready to return back to the menu?(yes/no): ").lower() # Stores the users input into the average_salary_finished variable and converts it to lowercase
if average_salary_finished == 'yes': # Checks if the users input is equal to yes
main() # Returns the user to the main function
average_salary() # If the user types anything but yes then the average_salary function will run

def add_new_employee(): # Creates a function named 'add_new_employee'
with open("records.txt", "a+") as storing_records: # Opens the record text file for append+ so that anything written to the text file will be written to the end and also I can read the file
last_record = records[-1] # Creates a variable called last_record and stores the values of the records variable inside, then it gets the last value in the list.
print("nThe last record in the file is:n" + last_record, "n" + "nPlease enter the number that comes after the previous user ID") # Prints the last_record variable
another_record = "y" # Creates a variable called another_Record and sets it to 'y'
while another_record == "y" or another_record == "Y": # Creates a while loop that will keep running as long as the another_Record variable is set to 'y' or 'Y'
employee_number = input("nEnter your employee number:") # Stores the users input in the employee_number variable
employee_name = input("nEnter your name:") # Stores the users input in the employee_name variable
employee_age = input("nEnter your age:") # Stores the users input in the employee_age variable
employee_position = input("nEnter your position:") # Stores the users input in the employee_position variable
employee_salary = input("nEnter your salary:") # Stores the users input in the employee_salary variable
employee_years = input("nEnter the amount of years you have been employed:") # Stores the users input in the employee_years variable
user_input_record = employee_number + ', ' + employee_name + ', ' + employee_age + ', ' + employee_position + ', ' + employee_salary + ', ' + employee_years # Adds all the user inputs together and separates them with comas
storing_records.write(user_input_record + "n") # Stores the user input in the records text file
another_record = input("nDo you want to input another record? (yes/no): ").lower() # Asks the user if they want to add another record, if the user types 'y' or 'Y' then the while loops will run again
if another_record == 'yes':
add_new_employee() # If the user types anything but yes then the add_new_employee function will run
main() # Returns the user to the main function

def number_of_position_type(): # Creates a function called number_of_position_type
with open("Records.txt", "r") as record: # Reads in the text file as record
position_type_list = (record.read().split()[10::7]) # Creates a variable named position_type_list, the records files is then read in and split. I then tell the program to start on index 10 and to skip the next 7 elements, this happens until the loop is over
position_type = ' '.join(position_type_list) # joins all values into a list
position_type = (position_type.replace(',', '')) # Replaces all the ',' with spaces
developer = position_type.count("Developer") # Creates a variable called developer and counts the position_type variable to see how many times the word 'Developers' appears
print('%-40s%-0s' % ("The total number of Developers is:", developer)) # Prints out the developer variable
devops = position_type.count("DevOps") # Creates a variable called devops and counts the position_type variable to see how many times the word 'DevOps' appears
print('%-40s%-0s' % ("The total number of DevOps is:", devops)) # Prints out the devops variable
analyst = position_type.count("Analyst") # Creates a variable called analyst and counts the position_type variable to see how many times the word 'Analyst' appears
print('%-40s%-0s' % ("The total number of Analysts is:", analyst)) # Prints out the analyst variable
tester = position_type.count("Tester") # Creates a variable called analyst and counts the position_type variable to see how many times the word 'Tester' appears
print('%-40s%-0s' % ("The total number of Testers is:", tester)) # Prints out the tester variable
designer = position_type.count("Designer") # Creates a variable called designer and counts the position_type variable to see how many times the word 'Designer' appears
print('%-40s%-0s' % ("The total number of Designers is:", designer)) # Prints out the designer variable
position_finished = input("Are you ready to return back to the menu?(yes/no): ").lower() # Stores the user input into the position_finished variable
if position_finished == 'yes': # Checks the users input to see if it equal to 'yes'
main() # Returns the user to the main function
average_salary() # Returns the user to the search_for_a_record function

def above_salary_threshold(): # Creates a function called above_salary_threshold
try: # Tries the code for any errors
user_threshold = int(input("Enter the salary threshold: ")) # Asks the user to input data and stores it as an integer
for line in records: # Creates a for loop
fields = line.split(', ') # Creates a variable called fields and splits the lines that have ','
if user_threshold < int(fields[4]): # Creates an if statement
print('%03itt%-20s£%-10.2f' % (int(fields[0]), fields[1], int(fields[4]))) # Formats the output
above_salary_finished = input("Are you ready to return back to the menu?(yes/no): ").lower()
if above_salary_finished == 'yes': # Checks if the users input is equal to use
main() # Returns the user to the main function
above_salary_threshold() # Returns the user to the above_salary_threshold function
except ValueError: # Catches any value errors
print("You have entered an invalid number") # Prints a message to the user

def search_for_a_record():
try: # Tries the code for any errors
data = open('Records.txt').read().splitlines() # opens the records file and reads and splits the lines and stores it to the data variable
emp_no = input("nEnter the UserID you would like to search for: ") # Creates a variable called emp_no and asks the user to enter a userID
record = [line for line in data if line.split(',')[0] == emp_no][0] # Creates a for loop to search through the list of records and splits them up and searches each line for the value entered in by the user
print(record) # Prints the records variable
another_record = input("nDo you want to enter another User_ID?(yes/no): ").lower() # Stores the user input as lowercase
if another_record == 'yes': # Creates an IF statement to see if the user wants to search for another record, if the user selects yes the code in this section will run
search_for_a_record() # Returns to the beginning of the search_for_a_record function
main() # Returns the user to the main function
except IndexError: # Catches any errors
print("nYou have entered an invalid number") # Prints a message to the user
search_for_a_record() # Returns the user to the search_for_a_record function

users_name = input("What is your name?: ") # Asks the user for their name and stores their input to the users_name variable
print("nWelcome", users_name) # Prints welcome followed by the name stored in the users_name variable

main() # calls the main function

share|improve this question

I am adding up all the values in a text file and using a return statement to display the value at the end, I am also using that value in another function. So basically I have a function that calls another function.

My problem is that I need to ask the user if they want to go back to the menu again but I can't do that when using a return statement but if I don't use a return statement then I can get the total to go into my other function.

The average_salary function is the one that calls the total_salary function so that it can get the total value.

My code :

with open("Records.txt") as file:  # Opens the text file with all the records in it
records = [line.strip() for line in file if not line.startswith("#")] # Creates a list named Records and stores all the records ignoring any lines with a '#'

def main():
print("nSelect from one of the options below:n") # Asks the user to select one of the options on the menu
print("Enter '1' to print out the number of records" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 1
"nEnter '2' to display a list of employees and their respective details" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 2
"nEnter '3' to display the total salary bill" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 3
"nEnter '4' to display a report showing the average salary based on the amount of employees" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 4
"nEnter '5' to add a new employee to the list" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 5
"nEnter '6' to display a report to show the amount of employees that are in each position type" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 6
"nEnter '7' to display employees who earn a higher salary than the threshold" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 7
"nEnter '8' to search for an existing record" # Tells the user what will happen if they select 8
"nEnter '9' to exit the programn") # Tells the user what will happen if they select 9

user_choice = input("Please enter the number of the option you would like use: ") # Asks the user to select what they would to do with the program from a selection of options

if user_choice == "1": # Checks to see if the user has entered '1', if the user enters '1' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
number_of_lines() # Call the number_of_lines function

elif user_choice == "2": # Checks to see if the user has entered '2', if the user enters '2' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
list_of_employees() # Calls the list_of_employees function

elif user_choice == "3": # Checks to see if the user has entered '3', if the user enters '3' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
print("nYour salary total is £", format(total_salary(), ",.2f"), sep='') # calls the total_salary function and separates it with a space

elif user_choice == "4": # Checks to see if the user has entered '4', if the user enters '4' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
average_salary() # Calls the average_salary function

elif user_choice == "5": # Checks to see if the user has entered '5', if the user enters '5' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
add_new_employee() # Calls the add_new_employee function

elif user_choice == "6": # Checks to see if the user has entered '6', if the user enters '6' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
number_of_position_type() # Calls the number_of_position_type function

elif user_choice == "7": # Checks to see if the user has entered '7', if the user enters '7' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
above_salary_threshold() # Calls the above_user_threshold function

elif user_choice == "8": # Checks to see if the user has entered '8', if the user enters '8' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
search_for_a_record() # Calls the add_new_employee function

elif user_choice == "9": # Checks to see if the user has entered '9', if the user enters '9' then the code inside this IF Statement will execute
print("nProgram closed successfully") # Prints a message to the user
exit() # Exits the program

print("nEnter a number between 1 to 9") # Displays a message to the user if the do not select one of the above options

# End of IF Statement

def number_of_lines(): # Creates a function named 'number_of_lines'
records_count = sum(1 for records_count in open("Records.txt") if not records_count.startswith("#")) # converts the record_count to a sum and calculates the number of lines in the records.txt file, ignoring the commented lines
print("nThe number of records is:", records_count) # Prints the number of records for the user to see
lines_finished = input("nAre you ready to return back to the menu?(yes/no): ").lower() # Asks the user for input
if lines_finished == 'yes': # Checks the users input to see if it is 'yes' , if the users input matches the condition then the code inside the IF will run
main() # Returns the user to the main function
number_of_lines() # If the user types anything but yes then the number_of_lines function will run

def list_of_employees(): # Creates a function named 'list_of_employees'
for line in open("Records.txt"): # Opens the records text file
li = line.strip() # Remove any unnecessary spaces
if not li.startswith("#"): # removes any lines that start with a '#'
print(line.rstrip()) # prints the records to the user
employees_finished = input("nAre you ready to return back to the menu?(yes/no): ").lower()
if employees_finished == 'yes': # Checks if the users input is equal to yes
main() # Returns the user to the main function
list_of_employees() # If the user types anything but yes then the list_of_employees function will run

def total_salary(): # Creates a function named 'total_salary'
with open("Records.txt", "r") as record_file: # Opens the records files as read and creates a variable called record_file
salaries_list = (record_file.read().split()[11::7]) # Creates a variable named salaries_list, the records files is then read in and split. I then tell the program to start on index 11 and to skip the next 7 elements, this happens until the loop is over
salaries = ' '.join(salaries_list) # joins all values into a list
salaries = salaries.replace(',', '') # Replaces all the ',' with spaces
salaries = salaries.split() # Puts all the salaries into a list again
total = 0 # creates a variable called total
for i in salaries: # Creates a for loop to loop the salaries and add them all together
total += int(i) # Increments by one every time adding all the salaries together
return total # returns the total value

def average_salary(): # Creates a function named 'average_salary'
record_count = sum(1 for record in open("Records.txt") if not record.startswith("#")) # converts the record_count to a sum and calculates the number of lines in the records.txt file
print("nThe amount of employees is:", record_count) # Prints out the number of records and takes away one to take away the heading line inside the text file
salary = total_salary() # Calls the total_salary() function
print("nThe total salary is: £", format(salary, ",.2f"))
print("nThe average salary is: £", format(salary / record_count, ".2f")) # Takes the total salary bill and divides it by the amount of lines and formats it to 2 decimal places
average_salary_finished = input("nAre you ready to return back to the menu?(yes/no): ").lower() # Stores the users input into the average_salary_finished variable and converts it to lowercase
if average_salary_finished == 'yes': # Checks if the users input is equal to yes
main() # Returns the user to the main function
average_salary() # If the user types anything but yes then the average_salary function will run

def add_new_employee(): # Creates a function named 'add_new_employee'
with open("records.txt", "a+") as storing_records: # Opens the record text file for append+ so that anything written to the text file will be written to the end and also I can read the file
last_record = records[-1] # Creates a variable called last_record and stores the values of the records variable inside, then it gets the last value in the list.
print("nThe last record in the file is:n" + last_record, "n" + "nPlease enter the number that comes after the previous user ID") # Prints the last_record variable
another_record = "y" # Creates a variable called another_Record and sets it to 'y'
while another_record == "y" or another_record == "Y": # Creates a while loop that will keep running as long as the another_Record variable is set to 'y' or 'Y'
employee_number = input("nEnter your employee number:") # Stores the users input in the employee_number variable
employee_name = input("nEnter your name:") # Stores the users input in the employee_name variable
employee_age = input("nEnter your age:") # Stores the users input in the employee_age variable
employee_position = input("nEnter your position:") # Stores the users input in the employee_position variable
employee_salary = input("nEnter your salary:") # Stores the users input in the employee_salary variable
employee_years = input("nEnter the amount of years you have been employed:") # Stores the users input in the employee_years variable
user_input_record = employee_number + ', ' + employee_name + ', ' + employee_age + ', ' + employee_position + ', ' + employee_salary + ', ' + employee_years # Adds all the user inputs together and separates them with comas
storing_records.write(user_input_record + "n") # Stores the user input in the records text file
another_record = input("nDo you want to input another record? (yes/no): ").lower() # Asks the user if they want to add another record, if the user types 'y' or 'Y' then the while loops will run again
if another_record == 'yes':
add_new_employee() # If the user types anything but yes then the add_new_employee function will run
main() # Returns the user to the main function

def number_of_position_type(): # Creates a function called number_of_position_type
with open("Records.txt", "r") as record: # Reads in the text file as record
position_type_list = (record.read().split()[10::7]) # Creates a variable named position_type_list, the records files is then read in and split. I then tell the program to start on index 10 and to skip the next 7 elements, this happens until the loop is over
position_type = ' '.join(position_type_list) # joins all values into a list
position_type = (position_type.replace(',', '')) # Replaces all the ',' with spaces
developer = position_type.count("Developer") # Creates a variable called developer and counts the position_type variable to see how many times the word 'Developers' appears
print('%-40s%-0s' % ("The total number of Developers is:", developer)) # Prints out the developer variable
devops = position_type.count("DevOps") # Creates a variable called devops and counts the position_type variable to see how many times the word 'DevOps' appears
print('%-40s%-0s' % ("The total number of DevOps is:", devops)) # Prints out the devops variable
analyst = position_type.count("Analyst") # Creates a variable called analyst and counts the position_type variable to see how many times the word 'Analyst' appears
print('%-40s%-0s' % ("The total number of Analysts is:", analyst)) # Prints out the analyst variable
tester = position_type.count("Tester") # Creates a variable called analyst and counts the position_type variable to see how many times the word 'Tester' appears
print('%-40s%-0s' % ("The total number of Testers is:", tester)) # Prints out the tester variable
designer = position_type.count("Designer") # Creates a variable called designer and counts the position_type variable to see how many times the word 'Designer' appears
print('%-40s%-0s' % ("The total number of Designers is:", designer)) # Prints out the designer variable
position_finished = input("Are you ready to return back to the menu?(yes/no): ").lower() # Stores the user input into the position_finished variable
if position_finished == 'yes': # Checks the users input to see if it equal to 'yes'
main() # Returns the user to the main function
average_salary() # Returns the user to the search_for_a_record function

def above_salary_threshold(): # Creates a function called above_salary_threshold
try: # Tries the code for any errors
user_threshold = int(input("Enter the salary threshold: ")) # Asks the user to input data and stores it as an integer
for line in records: # Creates a for loop
fields = line.split(', ') # Creates a variable called fields and splits the lines that have ','
if user_threshold < int(fields[4]): # Creates an if statement
print('%03itt%-20s£%-10.2f' % (int(fields[0]), fields[1], int(fields[4]))) # Formats the output
above_salary_finished = input("Are you ready to return back to the menu?(yes/no): ").lower()
if above_salary_finished == 'yes': # Checks if the users input is equal to use
main() # Returns the user to the main function
above_salary_threshold() # Returns the user to the above_salary_threshold function
except ValueError: # Catches any value errors
print("You have entered an invalid number") # Prints a message to the user

def search_for_a_record():
try: # Tries the code for any errors
data = open('Records.txt').read().splitlines() # opens the records file and reads and splits the lines and stores it to the data variable
emp_no = input("nEnter the UserID you would like to search for: ") # Creates a variable called emp_no and asks the user to enter a userID
record = [line for line in data if line.split(',')[0] == emp_no][0] # Creates a for loop to search through the list of records and splits them up and searches each line for the value entered in by the user
print(record) # Prints the records variable
another_record = input("nDo you want to enter another User_ID?(yes/no): ").lower() # Stores the user input as lowercase
if another_record == 'yes': # Creates an IF statement to see if the user wants to search for another record, if the user selects yes the code in this section will run
search_for_a_record() # Returns to the beginning of the search_for_a_record function
main() # Returns the user to the main function
except IndexError: # Catches any errors
print("nYou have entered an invalid number") # Prints a message to the user
search_for_a_record() # Returns the user to the search_for_a_record function

users_name = input("What is your name?: ") # Asks the user for their name and stores their input to the users_name variable
print("nWelcome", users_name) # Prints welcome followed by the name stored in the users_name variable

main() # calls the main function


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edited Nov 28 '18 at 17:20


asked Nov 28 '18 at 17:00




  • Why would total_salary be concerned with menus? What's wrong with how things are currently set up? This should loop via a recursive call if they say they want to go back to the menu. The only major problem I see is total_salary() should be print(total_salary()) if you want that to be printed.

    – Carcigenicate
    Nov 28 '18 at 17:04

  • Sorry I must not have made it clear, in the total_salary function I need the user to be able to go back to the menu as I can not have the program exiting without using the menu

    – Darren_D19
    Nov 28 '18 at 17:07

  • It should be already going back to the menu once total_salary returns. And just a note, you're not going to want to call total_salary several times. Call it once in average_salary, save the return value, and use the return instead. Something like salary = total_salary(). Calling total_salary involves reading a file, so you don't want to be doing that over and over again when you don't need to.

    – Carcigenicate
    Nov 28 '18 at 17:09

  • Thank you for that information. also so when I run the total_salary function and it returns the total my program just exits, it doesn't go back to the main function that holds the menu. Any ideas on why that happens?

    – Darren_D19
    Nov 28 '18 at 17:13

  • With the code you've posted, the only way I can see that possibly happening is if it's exiting due to an error. How are you running the code?

    – Carcigenicate
    Nov 28 '18 at 17:15

  • Why would total_salary be concerned with menus? What's wrong with how things are currently set up? This should loop via a recursive call if they say they want to go back to the menu. The only major problem I see is total_salary() should be print(total_salary()) if you want that to be printed.

    – Carcigenicate
    Nov 28 '18 at 17:04

  • Sorry I must not have made it clear, in the total_salary function I need the user to be able to go back to the menu as I can not have the program exiting without using the menu

    – Darren_D19
    Nov 28 '18 at 17:07

  • It should be already going back to the menu once total_salary returns. And just a note, you're not going to want to call total_salary several times. Call it once in average_salary, save the return value, and use the return instead. Something like salary = total_salary(). Calling total_salary involves reading a file, so you don't want to be doing that over and over again when you don't need to.

    – Carcigenicate
    Nov 28 '18 at 17:09

  • Thank you for that information. also so when I run the total_salary function and it returns the total my program just exits, it doesn't go back to the main function that holds the menu. Any ideas on why that happens?

    – Darren_D19
    Nov 28 '18 at 17:13

  • With the code you've posted, the only way I can see that possibly happening is if it's exiting due to an error. How are you running the code?

    – Carcigenicate
    Nov 28 '18 at 17:15

Why would total_salary be concerned with menus? What's wrong with how things are currently set up? This should loop via a recursive call if they say they want to go back to the menu. The only major problem I see is total_salary() should be print(total_salary()) if you want that to be printed.

– Carcigenicate
Nov 28 '18 at 17:04

Why would total_salary be concerned with menus? What's wrong with how things are currently set up? This should loop via a recursive call if they say they want to go back to the menu. The only major problem I see is total_salary() should be print(total_salary()) if you want that to be printed.

– Carcigenicate
Nov 28 '18 at 17:04

Sorry I must not have made it clear, in the total_salary function I need the user to be able to go back to the menu as I can not have the program exiting without using the menu

– Darren_D19
Nov 28 '18 at 17:07

Sorry I must not have made it clear, in the total_salary function I need the user to be able to go back to the menu as I can not have the program exiting without using the menu

– Darren_D19
Nov 28 '18 at 17:07

It should be already going back to the menu once total_salary returns. And just a note, you're not going to want to call total_salary several times. Call it once in average_salary, save the return value, and use the return instead. Something like salary = total_salary(). Calling total_salary involves reading a file, so you don't want to be doing that over and over again when you don't need to.

– Carcigenicate
Nov 28 '18 at 17:09

It should be already going back to the menu once total_salary returns. And just a note, you're not going to want to call total_salary several times. Call it once in average_salary, save the return value, and use the return instead. Something like salary = total_salary(). Calling total_salary involves reading a file, so you don't want to be doing that over and over again when you don't need to.

– Carcigenicate
Nov 28 '18 at 17:09

Thank you for that information. also so when I run the total_salary function and it returns the total my program just exits, it doesn't go back to the main function that holds the menu. Any ideas on why that happens?

– Darren_D19
Nov 28 '18 at 17:13

Thank you for that information. also so when I run the total_salary function and it returns the total my program just exits, it doesn't go back to the main function that holds the menu. Any ideas on why that happens?

– Darren_D19
Nov 28 '18 at 17:13

With the code you've posted, the only way I can see that possibly happening is if it's exiting due to an error. How are you running the code?

– Carcigenicate
Nov 28 '18 at 17:15

With the code you've posted, the only way I can see that possibly happening is if it's exiting due to an error. How are you running the code?

– Carcigenicate
Nov 28 '18 at 17:15





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