
Showing posts from December 12, 2018

Mastax thermarum

Mastax thermarum Classificação científica Reino: Animalia Filo: Arthropoda Subfilo: Hexapoda Classe: Insecta Subclasse: Pterygota Infraclasse: Neoptera Superordem: Endopterygota Ordem: Coleoptera Subordem: Adephaga Família: Carabidae Subfamília: Brachininae Tribo: Brachinini Subtribo: Mastacina Gênero: Mastax Nome binomial Mastax thermarum (Steven, 1806)

scss file set place holder text to bold

up vote 1 down vote favorite I have an angular front end in which i have a form with textarea: <mat-form-field class="full-width"> <textarea class="left-alligned" formcontrolname="x1" matInput placeholder="some text"/> </mat-form-field> i also have a scss file for that component with: mat-form-field{ margin-left:20px; } I have tried using selecotors by class .s { mat-palceholder:{ font-weight: bold; } } but that didnt work... How do i make the placeholder text BOLD? How do i make part of the placeholder text BOLD? i also did: added class name <mat-form-field class="full-width"> <textarea class="left-alligned x1" formcontrolname="x1" matInput placeholder="some text"/> <