
Showing posts from January 24, 2019

OpenCV to JNI how to make it work?

0 I am tring to use opencv and java for face detection, and in that pursit i found this "JNI2OPENCV" file....but i am confused on how to make it work, can anyone help me? and the following is the class JNIOpenCV { static { System.loadLibrary("JNI2OpenCV"); } public native int detectFace(int minFaceWidth, int minFaceHeight, String cascade, String filename); } public class FaceDetection { private JNIOpenCV myJNIOpenCV; private FaceDetection myFaceDetection; public FaceDetection() { myJNIOpenCV = new JNIOpenCV(); String filename = "lena.jpg"; String cascade = "haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml"; int detectedFaces = myJNIOpenCV.detec