
Showing posts from January 17, 2019

Oracle SQL query to Convert Indian date to Saudi Arabian date

0 I have a requirement of displaying Saudi Arabian date in a field. Currently it is displaying Indian date format.I need a SQL query to convert Indian date to Arabian date format. Can somebody help me on this? Thanks in advance oracle share | improve this question asked Nov 24 '18 at 14:21 renuka renuka 1 Did you tried some convert or the cast functions? Which type h

Ilhas Virgens Americanas nos Jogos Paralímpicos de Verão de 2012

Ilhas Virgens Americanas nos Jogos Paralímpicos Comitê Paralímpico Nacional (CPN) Código do CPI ISV Nome Comitê Paralímpico das Ilhas Virgens Americanas Jogos Paralímpicos de Verão de 2012 Sede Londres, Reino Unido Medalhas Pos. n/d 0 0 0 0 Participações nos Jogos Paralímpicos Verão 2012 • 2016

Gzip compression of static files on google cloud storage breaks site

2 I host my static site on google cloud storage. My files without gzip compression make my site work perfectly. When I gzip my files locally (with gzip -r folder ) prior to upload to my cloud storage bucket and run following command, my whole site breaks (images, js, css, all broken - no style information found warning etc.) gsutil -m -h content-encoding:gzip rsync -c -r ~/my-gzipped-folder gs:// Why the error and how to fix? google-cloud-platform google-cloud-storage gzip gsutil static-site share | improve this question asked Nov 24 '18 at 14:12 proruzi proruzi 26 3