
Showing posts from March 6, 2019

align “Show 10 entries” in datatable to right instead of left

-1 How can i align "Show 10 entries" option from left to right in datatable jquery? I tried the below but did not helped div.dataTables_length label { font-weight: normal; text-align: right; white-space: nowrap; align:center; } jquery html5 datatable datatables share | improve this question asked Nov 27 '18 at 17:47 Suyash Suyash 8 3

Is there a standard way to include ORCID in TeX / PDF?

22 6 I would like to add the ORCID to the metadata of documents I write. Is this possible with PDF? Is there a standard way to include it in TeX? The nicest way would be if there way a standard TeX command so that the compiled PDF would automatically have this information. But if it is possible to add this after the PDF was compiled, it would be nice, too. The simplest way to add the ORCID to the TeX code is adding a comment % ORCID of the author: But how do other people add their ORCID to papers? Is there a recommendation how to do it, so that scripts / search engines can use the information? metadata author hyperlink share | improve this question