
Showing posts from February 25, 2019

Where do we learn that students are like offspring?

1 Is there a quote in the Talmud that says something like "anyone who teaches a child Torah is like he is his parent?" sources-mekorot talmud-gemara torah-study quotations share | improve this question edited 4 hours ago Alex 21.2k 1 53 125 asked 4 hours ago Jeremy Jeremy 6,581 22 52

Long Beach (Mississippi)

Coordenadas: 30° 21' 9" N 89° 9' 34" O Long Beach Localidade dos Estados Unidos Long Beach Localização de Long Beach em Mississippi Long Beach Localização de Long Beach nos Estados Unidos Localização 30° 21' 9" N 89° 9' 34" O Condado Condado de Harrison Estado Mississippi Tipo de localidade Cidade Características geográficas Área 26,2 km² - água 0,5 km² População (2000) 17 320 hab. (661 hab./km²) Códigos código FIPS 41680

How to stop a class being added to an element if other elements have that class?

1 I have a slider that runs on a timer with buttons left and right that also move the slider. The slider works by using JQuery to add an 'active' class to each 'li' element which in turn adds the correct CSS and animation. The Problem: When the sider is in animation and you click one of the buttons or you click the buttons repeatedly it doubles up the JQuery function adding class 'active' to more than one 'li' element so two or more images appear and mucks up the slider. The Solution: I want to put an if statement that says as long as no other 'li' elements have the 'active' class then run the function otherwise stop. As you can see I'm trying to use "if($("li:not(.active)")){" but this is not working. Any help greatly appreciated.