
Showing posts from January 27, 2019

Logging from an occasional connect network device (syslog)

0 I am trying to sort out logging from laptop running Ubuntu to a central logging server (loghost) When the laptop is plugged in the network everything works as expected, log messages are forwarded from the laptop to the loghost. As soon as the laptop is disconnected, errors are issued about being unable to connect to loghost. Is there anyway of configuring syslog to say something like, Log everything locally with out error if you can find a connection to a remote loghost. As soon as you find a connection remote loghost transfer all logged messages to remote loghost My idea is that as soon as laptop is plugged in I scan looking for an issues in the same that I can look for issues on any other device of the network. If syslog can not do this, is there an alternative software package ?


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90s cartoon about guardians against nightmares

5 In the 1990s, I saw an animated show about some guardians of dreams that protect children’s dreams against nightmares. I dont remeber much, only that they travel in pillow-like space ship and there was a rule that the kid can’t wake up because they die or something. Does anybody know this show? story-identification cartoon dreams animated-series share | improve this question edited 12 hours ago Named 61 7 asked 12 hours ago John Smith John Smith 116 5