Celery CRITICAL/MainProcess] Unrecoverable error: AttributeError(“'float' object has no attribute...


I've been running a flask application with a celery worker and redis in three separated docker containers without any issue.

This is how I start it:

celery worker -A app.controller.engine.celery -l info --concurrency=2 --pool eventlet

Celery starts fine:

 -------------- celery@a828bd5b0089 v4.2.1 (windowlicker)
---- **** -----
--- * *** * -- Linux-4.9.93-linuxkit-aufs-x86_64-with 2018-11-15 16:06:59
-- * - **** ---
- ** ---------- [config]
- ** ---------- .> app: app.controller.engine:0x7f8ba4eb70b8
- ** ---------- .> transport: redis://redis:6379/0
- ** ---------- .> results: redis://redis:6379/1
- *** --- * --- .> concurrency: 2 (eventlet)
-- ******* ---- .> task events: ON
--- ***** -----
-------------- [queues]
.> celery exchange=celery(direct) key=celery

. app.controller.engine.do

INFO:engineio:Server initialized for eventlet.
INFO:engineio:Server initialized for threading.
[2018-11-15 15:44:34,301: INFO/MainProcess] Connected to redis://redis:6379/0
[2018-11-15 15:44:34,321: INFO/MainProcess] mingle: searching for neighbors
[2018-11-15 15:44:35,358: INFO/MainProcess] mingle: all alone
[2018-11-15 15:44:35,396: INFO/MainProcess] pidbox: Connected to redis://redis:6379/0.
[2018-11-15 15:44:35,415: INFO/MainProcess] celery@12af03844cd0 ready.

But when starting a task , it suddenly crashes:

[2018-11-15 15:02:03,224: CRITICAL/MainProcess] Unrecoverable error: AttributeError("'float' object has no attribute 'items'",)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/worker/worker.py", line 205, in start
File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/bootsteps.py", line 119, in start
File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/bootsteps.py", line 369, in start
return self.obj.start()
File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/worker/consumer/consumer.py", line 317, in start
File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/bootsteps.py", line 119, in start
File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/worker/consumer/consumer.py", line 593, in start
File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/worker/loops.py", line 121, in synloop
File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/connection.py", line 301, in drain_events
return self.transport.drain_events(self.connection, **kwargs)
File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/virtual/base.py", line 963, in drain_events
get(self._deliver, timeout=timeout)
File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/redis.py", line 359, in get
ret = self.handle_event(fileno, event)
File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/redis.py", line 341, in handle_event
return self.on_readable(fileno), self
File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/redis.py", line 337, in on_readable
File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/redis.py", line 724, in _brpop_read
self.connection._deliver(loads(bytes_to_str(item)), dest)
File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/virtual/base.py", line 983, in _deliver
File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/virtual/base.py", line 632, in _callback
self.qos.append(message, message.delivery_tag)
File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/redis.py", line 149, in append
pipe.zadd(self.unacked_index_key, time(), delivery_tag)
File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/redis/client.py", line 2263, in zadd
for pair in iteritems(mapping):
File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/redis/_compat.py", line 123, in iteritems
return iter(x.items())
AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'items'

I don't see any reference to my code in the stacktrace.

This is the task method:

def do(module_name, json_input):
logger.info('____ Running _________________________')
logger.info('testing ***********************')
#modules.run(module_name, json_input)

I commented the call to my actual code just to verify I didn't mess it up with my modules code.. but it's crashing anyways.

Anybody has an idea what could be wrong or how to debug it properly?

Thanks a lot

share|improve this question


    I've been running a flask application with a celery worker and redis in three separated docker containers without any issue.

    This is how I start it:

    celery worker -A app.controller.engine.celery -l info --concurrency=2 --pool eventlet

    Celery starts fine:

     -------------- celery@a828bd5b0089 v4.2.1 (windowlicker)
    ---- **** -----
    --- * *** * -- Linux-4.9.93-linuxkit-aufs-x86_64-with 2018-11-15 16:06:59
    -- * - **** ---
    - ** ---------- [config]
    - ** ---------- .> app: app.controller.engine:0x7f8ba4eb70b8
    - ** ---------- .> transport: redis://redis:6379/0
    - ** ---------- .> results: redis://redis:6379/1
    - *** --- * --- .> concurrency: 2 (eventlet)
    -- ******* ---- .> task events: ON
    --- ***** -----
    -------------- [queues]
    .> celery exchange=celery(direct) key=celery

    . app.controller.engine.do

    INFO:engineio:Server initialized for eventlet.
    INFO:engineio:Server initialized for threading.
    [2018-11-15 15:44:34,301: INFO/MainProcess] Connected to redis://redis:6379/0
    [2018-11-15 15:44:34,321: INFO/MainProcess] mingle: searching for neighbors
    [2018-11-15 15:44:35,358: INFO/MainProcess] mingle: all alone
    [2018-11-15 15:44:35,396: INFO/MainProcess] pidbox: Connected to redis://redis:6379/0.
    [2018-11-15 15:44:35,415: INFO/MainProcess] celery@12af03844cd0 ready.

    But when starting a task , it suddenly crashes:

    [2018-11-15 15:02:03,224: CRITICAL/MainProcess] Unrecoverable error: AttributeError("'float' object has no attribute 'items'",)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/worker/worker.py", line 205, in start
    File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/bootsteps.py", line 119, in start
    File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/bootsteps.py", line 369, in start
    return self.obj.start()
    File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/worker/consumer/consumer.py", line 317, in start
    File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/bootsteps.py", line 119, in start
    File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/worker/consumer/consumer.py", line 593, in start
    File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/worker/loops.py", line 121, in synloop
    File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/connection.py", line 301, in drain_events
    return self.transport.drain_events(self.connection, **kwargs)
    File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/virtual/base.py", line 963, in drain_events
    get(self._deliver, timeout=timeout)
    File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/redis.py", line 359, in get
    ret = self.handle_event(fileno, event)
    File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/redis.py", line 341, in handle_event
    return self.on_readable(fileno), self
    File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/redis.py", line 337, in on_readable
    File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/redis.py", line 724, in _brpop_read
    self.connection._deliver(loads(bytes_to_str(item)), dest)
    File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/virtual/base.py", line 983, in _deliver
    File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/virtual/base.py", line 632, in _callback
    self.qos.append(message, message.delivery_tag)
    File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/redis.py", line 149, in append
    pipe.zadd(self.unacked_index_key, time(), delivery_tag)
    File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/redis/client.py", line 2263, in zadd
    for pair in iteritems(mapping):
    File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/redis/_compat.py", line 123, in iteritems
    return iter(x.items())
    AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'items'

    I don't see any reference to my code in the stacktrace.

    This is the task method:

    def do(module_name, json_input):
    logger.info('____ Running _________________________')
    logger.info('testing ***********************')
    #modules.run(module_name, json_input)

    I commented the call to my actual code just to verify I didn't mess it up with my modules code.. but it's crashing anyways.

    Anybody has an idea what could be wrong or how to debug it properly?

    Thanks a lot

    share|improve this question





      I've been running a flask application with a celery worker and redis in three separated docker containers without any issue.

      This is how I start it:

      celery worker -A app.controller.engine.celery -l info --concurrency=2 --pool eventlet

      Celery starts fine:

       -------------- celery@a828bd5b0089 v4.2.1 (windowlicker)
      ---- **** -----
      --- * *** * -- Linux-4.9.93-linuxkit-aufs-x86_64-with 2018-11-15 16:06:59
      -- * - **** ---
      - ** ---------- [config]
      - ** ---------- .> app: app.controller.engine:0x7f8ba4eb70b8
      - ** ---------- .> transport: redis://redis:6379/0
      - ** ---------- .> results: redis://redis:6379/1
      - *** --- * --- .> concurrency: 2 (eventlet)
      -- ******* ---- .> task events: ON
      --- ***** -----
      -------------- [queues]
      .> celery exchange=celery(direct) key=celery

      . app.controller.engine.do

      INFO:engineio:Server initialized for eventlet.
      INFO:engineio:Server initialized for threading.
      [2018-11-15 15:44:34,301: INFO/MainProcess] Connected to redis://redis:6379/0
      [2018-11-15 15:44:34,321: INFO/MainProcess] mingle: searching for neighbors
      [2018-11-15 15:44:35,358: INFO/MainProcess] mingle: all alone
      [2018-11-15 15:44:35,396: INFO/MainProcess] pidbox: Connected to redis://redis:6379/0.
      [2018-11-15 15:44:35,415: INFO/MainProcess] celery@12af03844cd0 ready.

      But when starting a task , it suddenly crashes:

      [2018-11-15 15:02:03,224: CRITICAL/MainProcess] Unrecoverable error: AttributeError("'float' object has no attribute 'items'",)
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/worker/worker.py", line 205, in start
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/bootsteps.py", line 119, in start
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/bootsteps.py", line 369, in start
      return self.obj.start()
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/worker/consumer/consumer.py", line 317, in start
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/bootsteps.py", line 119, in start
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/worker/consumer/consumer.py", line 593, in start
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/worker/loops.py", line 121, in synloop
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/connection.py", line 301, in drain_events
      return self.transport.drain_events(self.connection, **kwargs)
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/virtual/base.py", line 963, in drain_events
      get(self._deliver, timeout=timeout)
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/redis.py", line 359, in get
      ret = self.handle_event(fileno, event)
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/redis.py", line 341, in handle_event
      return self.on_readable(fileno), self
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/redis.py", line 337, in on_readable
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/redis.py", line 724, in _brpop_read
      self.connection._deliver(loads(bytes_to_str(item)), dest)
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/virtual/base.py", line 983, in _deliver
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/virtual/base.py", line 632, in _callback
      self.qos.append(message, message.delivery_tag)
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/redis.py", line 149, in append
      pipe.zadd(self.unacked_index_key, time(), delivery_tag)
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/redis/client.py", line 2263, in zadd
      for pair in iteritems(mapping):
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/redis/_compat.py", line 123, in iteritems
      return iter(x.items())
      AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'items'

      I don't see any reference to my code in the stacktrace.

      This is the task method:

      def do(module_name, json_input):
      logger.info('____ Running _________________________')
      logger.info('testing ***********************')
      #modules.run(module_name, json_input)

      I commented the call to my actual code just to verify I didn't mess it up with my modules code.. but it's crashing anyways.

      Anybody has an idea what could be wrong or how to debug it properly?

      Thanks a lot

      share|improve this question

      I've been running a flask application with a celery worker and redis in three separated docker containers without any issue.

      This is how I start it:

      celery worker -A app.controller.engine.celery -l info --concurrency=2 --pool eventlet

      Celery starts fine:

       -------------- celery@a828bd5b0089 v4.2.1 (windowlicker)
      ---- **** -----
      --- * *** * -- Linux-4.9.93-linuxkit-aufs-x86_64-with 2018-11-15 16:06:59
      -- * - **** ---
      - ** ---------- [config]
      - ** ---------- .> app: app.controller.engine:0x7f8ba4eb70b8
      - ** ---------- .> transport: redis://redis:6379/0
      - ** ---------- .> results: redis://redis:6379/1
      - *** --- * --- .> concurrency: 2 (eventlet)
      -- ******* ---- .> task events: ON
      --- ***** -----
      -------------- [queues]
      .> celery exchange=celery(direct) key=celery

      . app.controller.engine.do

      INFO:engineio:Server initialized for eventlet.
      INFO:engineio:Server initialized for threading.
      [2018-11-15 15:44:34,301: INFO/MainProcess] Connected to redis://redis:6379/0
      [2018-11-15 15:44:34,321: INFO/MainProcess] mingle: searching for neighbors
      [2018-11-15 15:44:35,358: INFO/MainProcess] mingle: all alone
      [2018-11-15 15:44:35,396: INFO/MainProcess] pidbox: Connected to redis://redis:6379/0.
      [2018-11-15 15:44:35,415: INFO/MainProcess] celery@12af03844cd0 ready.

      But when starting a task , it suddenly crashes:

      [2018-11-15 15:02:03,224: CRITICAL/MainProcess] Unrecoverable error: AttributeError("'float' object has no attribute 'items'",)
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/worker/worker.py", line 205, in start
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/bootsteps.py", line 119, in start
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/bootsteps.py", line 369, in start
      return self.obj.start()
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/worker/consumer/consumer.py", line 317, in start
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/bootsteps.py", line 119, in start
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/worker/consumer/consumer.py", line 593, in start
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/celery/worker/loops.py", line 121, in synloop
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/connection.py", line 301, in drain_events
      return self.transport.drain_events(self.connection, **kwargs)
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/virtual/base.py", line 963, in drain_events
      get(self._deliver, timeout=timeout)
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/redis.py", line 359, in get
      ret = self.handle_event(fileno, event)
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/redis.py", line 341, in handle_event
      return self.on_readable(fileno), self
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/redis.py", line 337, in on_readable
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/redis.py", line 724, in _brpop_read
      self.connection._deliver(loads(bytes_to_str(item)), dest)
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/virtual/base.py", line 983, in _deliver
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/virtual/base.py", line 632, in _callback
      self.qos.append(message, message.delivery_tag)
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kombu/transport/redis.py", line 149, in append
      pipe.zadd(self.unacked_index_key, time(), delivery_tag)
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/redis/client.py", line 2263, in zadd
      for pair in iteritems(mapping):
      File "/app/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/redis/_compat.py", line 123, in iteritems
      return iter(x.items())
      AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'items'

      I don't see any reference to my code in the stacktrace.

      This is the task method:

      def do(module_name, json_input):
      logger.info('____ Running _________________________')
      logger.info('testing ***********************')
      #modules.run(module_name, json_input)

      I commented the call to my actual code just to verify I didn't mess it up with my modules code.. but it's crashing anyways.

      Anybody has an idea what could be wrong or how to debug it properly?

      Thanks a lot

      flask celery celery-task

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Nov 15 at 16:18

      asked Nov 15 at 15:10




          4 Answers





          The problem was that the my celery container downloaded a new release of the redis package with pip at build time, eventually with a bug or a serious change that crashes when celery tries to use it when connecting to redis. This new redis library is the 3.0.0 and it was released today.

          To fix the issue you have to specify the previous version in the requirements.txt (which is 2.10.6).

          And actually, specifying package versions in the requirements.txt is a good practice that prevents this type of problems.

          share|improve this answer

          • 3

            Thank you so much!
            – mizhgun
            Nov 16 at 19:31

          • 1

            thanks for this - saved me some time!
            – Chris Kannon
            Nov 19 at 22:41

          • 1

            You are the real MVP!
            – Drugo
            Nov 30 at 16:27


          I ran into this same issue today. hopefully this gets resolved shortly in an update by Celery. I reverted back to a previous version as well.

          share|improve this answer


            For anyone who use the docker-airflow, I used the folk of puckel/docker-airflow
            Just need to modify the dockerfile by adding

               && pip install 'redis>=2.10.5,<3'

            replace celery[redis] with only celery, by adding celery in apache-airflow built-in module i.e.,

              && pip install apache-airflow[crypto,celery,postgres,hive,jdbc,mysql]==$AIRFLOW_VERSION 

            They also change the docker-airflow dockerfile recently to fix this bug, see here

            share|improve this answer


              Not enough rep yet for a comment:

              This issue is tracked by the celery folks in:

              Leading to this PR:

              Which has been merged and reverted. Because some other fix landed. I'm not sure if this fixed it. It is no longer relevant for me.

              share|improve this answer

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                4 Answers




                4 Answers











                The problem was that the my celery container downloaded a new release of the redis package with pip at build time, eventually with a bug or a serious change that crashes when celery tries to use it when connecting to redis. This new redis library is the 3.0.0 and it was released today.

                To fix the issue you have to specify the previous version in the requirements.txt (which is 2.10.6).

                And actually, specifying package versions in the requirements.txt is a good practice that prevents this type of problems.

                share|improve this answer

                • 3

                  Thank you so much!
                  – mizhgun
                  Nov 16 at 19:31

                • 1

                  thanks for this - saved me some time!
                  – Chris Kannon
                  Nov 19 at 22:41

                • 1

                  You are the real MVP!
                  – Drugo
                  Nov 30 at 16:27


                The problem was that the my celery container downloaded a new release of the redis package with pip at build time, eventually with a bug or a serious change that crashes when celery tries to use it when connecting to redis. This new redis library is the 3.0.0 and it was released today.

                To fix the issue you have to specify the previous version in the requirements.txt (which is 2.10.6).

                And actually, specifying package versions in the requirements.txt is a good practice that prevents this type of problems.

                share|improve this answer

                • 3

                  Thank you so much!
                  – mizhgun
                  Nov 16 at 19:31

                • 1

                  thanks for this - saved me some time!
                  – Chris Kannon
                  Nov 19 at 22:41

                • 1

                  You are the real MVP!
                  – Drugo
                  Nov 30 at 16:27




                The problem was that the my celery container downloaded a new release of the redis package with pip at build time, eventually with a bug or a serious change that crashes when celery tries to use it when connecting to redis. This new redis library is the 3.0.0 and it was released today.

                To fix the issue you have to specify the previous version in the requirements.txt (which is 2.10.6).

                And actually, specifying package versions in the requirements.txt is a good practice that prevents this type of problems.

                share|improve this answer

                The problem was that the my celery container downloaded a new release of the redis package with pip at build time, eventually with a bug or a serious change that crashes when celery tries to use it when connecting to redis. This new redis library is the 3.0.0 and it was released today.

                To fix the issue you have to specify the previous version in the requirements.txt (which is 2.10.6).

                And actually, specifying package versions in the requirements.txt is a good practice that prevents this type of problems.

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                answered Nov 15 at 17:13




                • 3

                  Thank you so much!
                  – mizhgun
                  Nov 16 at 19:31

                • 1

                  thanks for this - saved me some time!
                  – Chris Kannon
                  Nov 19 at 22:41

                • 1

                  You are the real MVP!
                  – Drugo
                  Nov 30 at 16:27

                • 3

                  Thank you so much!
                  – mizhgun
                  Nov 16 at 19:31

                • 1

                  thanks for this - saved me some time!
                  – Chris Kannon
                  Nov 19 at 22:41

                • 1

                  You are the real MVP!
                  – Drugo
                  Nov 30 at 16:27



                Thank you so much!
                – mizhgun
                Nov 16 at 19:31

                Thank you so much!
                – mizhgun
                Nov 16 at 19:31



                thanks for this - saved me some time!
                – Chris Kannon
                Nov 19 at 22:41

                thanks for this - saved me some time!
                – Chris Kannon
                Nov 19 at 22:41



                You are the real MVP!
                – Drugo
                Nov 30 at 16:27

                You are the real MVP!
                – Drugo
                Nov 30 at 16:27


                I ran into this same issue today. hopefully this gets resolved shortly in an update by Celery. I reverted back to a previous version as well.

                share|improve this answer


                  I ran into this same issue today. hopefully this gets resolved shortly in an update by Celery. I reverted back to a previous version as well.

                  share|improve this answer




                    I ran into this same issue today. hopefully this gets resolved shortly in an update by Celery. I reverted back to a previous version as well.

                    share|improve this answer

                    I ran into this same issue today. hopefully this gets resolved shortly in an update by Celery. I reverted back to a previous version as well.

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    answered Nov 15 at 23:43

                    Rocky Holms




                        For anyone who use the docker-airflow, I used the folk of puckel/docker-airflow
                        Just need to modify the dockerfile by adding

                           && pip install 'redis>=2.10.5,<3'

                        replace celery[redis] with only celery, by adding celery in apache-airflow built-in module i.e.,

                          && pip install apache-airflow[crypto,celery,postgres,hive,jdbc,mysql]==$AIRFLOW_VERSION 

                        They also change the docker-airflow dockerfile recently to fix this bug, see here

                        share|improve this answer


                          For anyone who use the docker-airflow, I used the folk of puckel/docker-airflow
                          Just need to modify the dockerfile by adding

                             && pip install 'redis>=2.10.5,<3'

                          replace celery[redis] with only celery, by adding celery in apache-airflow built-in module i.e.,

                            && pip install apache-airflow[crypto,celery,postgres,hive,jdbc,mysql]==$AIRFLOW_VERSION 

                          They also change the docker-airflow dockerfile recently to fix this bug, see here

                          share|improve this answer




                            For anyone who use the docker-airflow, I used the folk of puckel/docker-airflow
                            Just need to modify the dockerfile by adding

                               && pip install 'redis>=2.10.5,<3'

                            replace celery[redis] with only celery, by adding celery in apache-airflow built-in module i.e.,

                              && pip install apache-airflow[crypto,celery,postgres,hive,jdbc,mysql]==$AIRFLOW_VERSION 

                            They also change the docker-airflow dockerfile recently to fix this bug, see here

                            share|improve this answer

                            For anyone who use the docker-airflow, I used the folk of puckel/docker-airflow
                            Just need to modify the dockerfile by adding

                               && pip install 'redis>=2.10.5,<3'

                            replace celery[redis] with only celery, by adding celery in apache-airflow built-in module i.e.,

                              && pip install apache-airflow[crypto,celery,postgres,hive,jdbc,mysql]==$AIRFLOW_VERSION 

                            They also change the docker-airflow dockerfile recently to fix this bug, see here

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            answered Nov 23 at 2:31

                            Kevin Li




                                Not enough rep yet for a comment:

                                This issue is tracked by the celery folks in:

                                Leading to this PR:

                                Which has been merged and reverted. Because some other fix landed. I'm not sure if this fixed it. It is no longer relevant for me.

                                share|improve this answer


                                  Not enough rep yet for a comment:

                                  This issue is tracked by the celery folks in:

                                  Leading to this PR:

                                  Which has been merged and reverted. Because some other fix landed. I'm not sure if this fixed it. It is no longer relevant for me.

                                  share|improve this answer




                                    Not enough rep yet for a comment:

                                    This issue is tracked by the celery folks in:

                                    Leading to this PR:

                                    Which has been merged and reverted. Because some other fix landed. I'm not sure if this fixed it. It is no longer relevant for me.

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    Not enough rep yet for a comment:

                                    This issue is tracked by the celery folks in:

                                    Leading to this PR:

                                    Which has been merged and reverted. Because some other fix landed. I'm not sure if this fixed it. It is no longer relevant for me.

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    edited Nov 26 at 10:02

                                    answered Nov 19 at 19:26

                                    Sander Beekhuis



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