Whether bookmarks duplicates or not is dependent on engine and `caption` package



This answer of question Bookmark tables and figures says

[usage of bookmark ready to be inserted]

Next issue: caption often sets its argument twice, because it wants to check, whether the caption fits in one line. This can be turned off with singlelinecheck=false. But this affects the formatting of single line captions.

[first solution, using DeclareCaptionTextFormat to define a new caption text format in which an bookmark is inserted]


I am curious about what happens when "caption sets its argument twice", so I use a simplified example and come with the following table:

| Engine + format | is `caption` loaded | is bookmark duplicate             |
| --------------- | ------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| xelatex | no | no |
| xelatex | yes | no |
| pdflatex | no | only multiline captions duplicate |
| pdflatex | yes | yes |

Here "duplicate" means there are two adjacent bookmarks, both having the same content and destination, in the PDF file.

  • no duplicate: no duplicate

  • partly duplicate: partly duplicate

  • fully duplicate: fully duplicate

Hence my question is

  1. Why the output is engine dependent?

    I guess this may come from the different bookmark driver files, but currently I am not able to read through or understand them.

    From another perspective, if every usage of caption sets its argument twice (for example, inside @makecaption provided by standard classes), bookmarks will always be duplicate, independent of engines.

  2. For pdflatex, why the output is pacakge caption dependent? Which part of the source code of this package causes this?

version info

  • macOS 12.14.2 with TeX Live 2018

  • XeTeX, 3.14159265-2.6-0.99999

  • pdfTeX, 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.19

  • LaTeX2e, 2018-12-01

output of listfiles with caption loaded and xelatex

 *File List*
article.cls 2018/09/03 v1.4i Standard LaTeX document class
size10.clo 2018/09/03 v1.4i Standard LaTeX file (size option)
caption.sty 2018/10/06 v3.3-154 Customizing captions (AR)
caption3.sty 2018/09/12 v1.8c caption3 kernel (AR)
keyval.sty 2014/10/28 v1.15 key=value parser (DPC)
bookmark.sty 2016/05/17 v1.26 PDF bookmarks (HO)
pdfescape.sty 2016/05/16 v1.14 Implements pdfTeX's escape features (HO)
ltxcmds.sty 2016/05/16 v1.23 LaTeX kernel commands for general use (HO)
pdftexcmds.sty 2018/09/10 v0.29 Utility functions of pdfTeX for LuaTeX (HO)
infwarerr.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Providing info/warning/error messages (HO)
ifluatex.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Provides the ifluatex switch (HO)
ifpdf.sty 2018/09/07 v3.3 Provides the ifpdf switch
ifxetex.sty 2010/09/12 v0.6 Provides ifxetex conditional
ifvtex.sty 2016/05/16 v1.6 Detect VTeX and its facilities (HO)
hyperref.sty 2018/11/30 v6.88e Hypertext links for LaTeX
hobsub-hyperref.sty 2016/05/16 v1.14 Bundle oberdiek, subset hyperref (HO)
hobsub-generic.sty 2016/05/16 v1.14 Bundle oberdiek, subset generic (HO)
hobsub.sty 2016/05/16 v1.14 Construct package bundles (HO)
intcalc.sty 2016/05/16 v1.2 Expandable calculations with integers (HO)
etexcmds.sty 2016/05/16 v1.6 Avoid name clashes with e-TeX commands (HO)
kvsetkeys.sty 2016/05/16 v1.17 Key value parser (HO)
kvdefinekeys.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Define keys (HO)
bigintcalc.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Expandable calculations on big integers (HO)
bitset.sty 2016/05/16 v1.2 Handle bit-vector datatype (HO)
uniquecounter.sty 2016/05/16 v1.3 Provide unlimited unique counter (HO)
letltxmacro.sty 2016/05/16 v1.5 Let assignment for LaTeX macros (HO)
hopatch.sty 2016/05/16 v1.3 Wrapper for package hooks (HO)
xcolor-patch.sty 2016/05/16 xcolor patch
atveryend.sty 2016/05/16 v1.9 Hooks at the very end of document (HO)
atbegshi.sty 2016/06/09 v1.18 At begin shipout hook (HO)
refcount.sty 2016/05/16 v3.5 Data extraction from label references (HO)
hycolor.sty 2016/05/16 v1.8 Color options for hyperref/bookmark (HO)
auxhook.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Hooks for auxiliary files (HO)
kvoptions.sty 2016/05/16 v3.12 Key value format for package options (HO)
pd1enc.def 2018/11/30 v6.88e Hyperref: PDFDocEncoding definition (HO)
hyperref.cfg 2002/06/06 v1.2 hyperref configuration of TeXLive
url.sty 2013/09/16 ver 3.4 Verb mode for urls, etc.
hxetex.def 2018/11/30 v6.88e Hyperref driver for XeTeX
puenc.def 2018/11/30 v6.88e Hyperref: PDF Unicode definition (HO)
stringenc.sty 2016/05/16 v1.11 Convert strings between diff. encodings (HO)
rerunfilecheck.sty 2016/05/16 v1.8 Rerun checks for auxiliary files (HO)
bkm-dvipdfm.def 2016/05/17 v1.26 bookmark driver for dvipdfm (HO)
nameref.sty 2016/05/21 v2.44 Cross-referencing by name of section
gettitlestring.sty 2016/05/16 v1.5 Cleanup title references (HO)
se-ascii-print.def 2016/05/16 v1.11 stringenc: Printable ASCII characters

Example document

% simplified from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/178548/79060
bookmark[dest=@currentHref]{Figure thefigure: #1}%


dummy text
caption{addBookmark{Figure caption text}}

caption{addBookmark{Figure caption long long long long long long long long long long long long text}}

newpage % add a blank page to make it easier to see bookmark targets
dummy text


share|improve this question



    This answer of question Bookmark tables and figures says

    [usage of bookmark ready to be inserted]

    Next issue: caption often sets its argument twice, because it wants to check, whether the caption fits in one line. This can be turned off with singlelinecheck=false. But this affects the formatting of single line captions.

    [first solution, using DeclareCaptionTextFormat to define a new caption text format in which an bookmark is inserted]


    I am curious about what happens when "caption sets its argument twice", so I use a simplified example and come with the following table:

    | Engine + format | is `caption` loaded | is bookmark duplicate             |
    | --------------- | ------------------- | --------------------------------- |
    | xelatex | no | no |
    | xelatex | yes | no |
    | pdflatex | no | only multiline captions duplicate |
    | pdflatex | yes | yes |

    Here "duplicate" means there are two adjacent bookmarks, both having the same content and destination, in the PDF file.

    • no duplicate: no duplicate

    • partly duplicate: partly duplicate

    • fully duplicate: fully duplicate

    Hence my question is

    1. Why the output is engine dependent?

      I guess this may come from the different bookmark driver files, but currently I am not able to read through or understand them.

      From another perspective, if every usage of caption sets its argument twice (for example, inside @makecaption provided by standard classes), bookmarks will always be duplicate, independent of engines.

    2. For pdflatex, why the output is pacakge caption dependent? Which part of the source code of this package causes this?

    version info

    • macOS 12.14.2 with TeX Live 2018

    • XeTeX, 3.14159265-2.6-0.99999

    • pdfTeX, 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.19

    • LaTeX2e, 2018-12-01

    output of listfiles with caption loaded and xelatex

     *File List*
    article.cls 2018/09/03 v1.4i Standard LaTeX document class
    size10.clo 2018/09/03 v1.4i Standard LaTeX file (size option)
    caption.sty 2018/10/06 v3.3-154 Customizing captions (AR)
    caption3.sty 2018/09/12 v1.8c caption3 kernel (AR)
    keyval.sty 2014/10/28 v1.15 key=value parser (DPC)
    bookmark.sty 2016/05/17 v1.26 PDF bookmarks (HO)
    pdfescape.sty 2016/05/16 v1.14 Implements pdfTeX's escape features (HO)
    ltxcmds.sty 2016/05/16 v1.23 LaTeX kernel commands for general use (HO)
    pdftexcmds.sty 2018/09/10 v0.29 Utility functions of pdfTeX for LuaTeX (HO)
    infwarerr.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Providing info/warning/error messages (HO)
    ifluatex.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Provides the ifluatex switch (HO)
    ifpdf.sty 2018/09/07 v3.3 Provides the ifpdf switch
    ifxetex.sty 2010/09/12 v0.6 Provides ifxetex conditional
    ifvtex.sty 2016/05/16 v1.6 Detect VTeX and its facilities (HO)
    hyperref.sty 2018/11/30 v6.88e Hypertext links for LaTeX
    hobsub-hyperref.sty 2016/05/16 v1.14 Bundle oberdiek, subset hyperref (HO)
    hobsub-generic.sty 2016/05/16 v1.14 Bundle oberdiek, subset generic (HO)
    hobsub.sty 2016/05/16 v1.14 Construct package bundles (HO)
    intcalc.sty 2016/05/16 v1.2 Expandable calculations with integers (HO)
    etexcmds.sty 2016/05/16 v1.6 Avoid name clashes with e-TeX commands (HO)
    kvsetkeys.sty 2016/05/16 v1.17 Key value parser (HO)
    kvdefinekeys.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Define keys (HO)
    bigintcalc.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Expandable calculations on big integers (HO)
    bitset.sty 2016/05/16 v1.2 Handle bit-vector datatype (HO)
    uniquecounter.sty 2016/05/16 v1.3 Provide unlimited unique counter (HO)
    letltxmacro.sty 2016/05/16 v1.5 Let assignment for LaTeX macros (HO)
    hopatch.sty 2016/05/16 v1.3 Wrapper for package hooks (HO)
    xcolor-patch.sty 2016/05/16 xcolor patch
    atveryend.sty 2016/05/16 v1.9 Hooks at the very end of document (HO)
    atbegshi.sty 2016/06/09 v1.18 At begin shipout hook (HO)
    refcount.sty 2016/05/16 v3.5 Data extraction from label references (HO)
    hycolor.sty 2016/05/16 v1.8 Color options for hyperref/bookmark (HO)
    auxhook.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Hooks for auxiliary files (HO)
    kvoptions.sty 2016/05/16 v3.12 Key value format for package options (HO)
    pd1enc.def 2018/11/30 v6.88e Hyperref: PDFDocEncoding definition (HO)
    hyperref.cfg 2002/06/06 v1.2 hyperref configuration of TeXLive
    url.sty 2013/09/16 ver 3.4 Verb mode for urls, etc.
    hxetex.def 2018/11/30 v6.88e Hyperref driver for XeTeX
    puenc.def 2018/11/30 v6.88e Hyperref: PDF Unicode definition (HO)
    stringenc.sty 2016/05/16 v1.11 Convert strings between diff. encodings (HO)
    rerunfilecheck.sty 2016/05/16 v1.8 Rerun checks for auxiliary files (HO)
    bkm-dvipdfm.def 2016/05/17 v1.26 bookmark driver for dvipdfm (HO)
    nameref.sty 2016/05/21 v2.44 Cross-referencing by name of section
    gettitlestring.sty 2016/05/16 v1.5 Cleanup title references (HO)
    se-ascii-print.def 2016/05/16 v1.11 stringenc: Printable ASCII characters

    Example document

    % simplified from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/178548/79060
    bookmark[dest=@currentHref]{Figure thefigure: #1}%


    dummy text
    caption{addBookmark{Figure caption text}}

    caption{addBookmark{Figure caption long long long long long long long long long long long long text}}

    newpage % add a blank page to make it easier to see bookmark targets
    dummy text


    share|improve this question





      This answer of question Bookmark tables and figures says

      [usage of bookmark ready to be inserted]

      Next issue: caption often sets its argument twice, because it wants to check, whether the caption fits in one line. This can be turned off with singlelinecheck=false. But this affects the formatting of single line captions.

      [first solution, using DeclareCaptionTextFormat to define a new caption text format in which an bookmark is inserted]


      I am curious about what happens when "caption sets its argument twice", so I use a simplified example and come with the following table:

      | Engine + format | is `caption` loaded | is bookmark duplicate             |
      | --------------- | ------------------- | --------------------------------- |
      | xelatex | no | no |
      | xelatex | yes | no |
      | pdflatex | no | only multiline captions duplicate |
      | pdflatex | yes | yes |

      Here "duplicate" means there are two adjacent bookmarks, both having the same content and destination, in the PDF file.

      • no duplicate: no duplicate

      • partly duplicate: partly duplicate

      • fully duplicate: fully duplicate

      Hence my question is

      1. Why the output is engine dependent?

        I guess this may come from the different bookmark driver files, but currently I am not able to read through or understand them.

        From another perspective, if every usage of caption sets its argument twice (for example, inside @makecaption provided by standard classes), bookmarks will always be duplicate, independent of engines.

      2. For pdflatex, why the output is pacakge caption dependent? Which part of the source code of this package causes this?

      version info

      • macOS 12.14.2 with TeX Live 2018

      • XeTeX, 3.14159265-2.6-0.99999

      • pdfTeX, 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.19

      • LaTeX2e, 2018-12-01

      output of listfiles with caption loaded and xelatex

       *File List*
      article.cls 2018/09/03 v1.4i Standard LaTeX document class
      size10.clo 2018/09/03 v1.4i Standard LaTeX file (size option)
      caption.sty 2018/10/06 v3.3-154 Customizing captions (AR)
      caption3.sty 2018/09/12 v1.8c caption3 kernel (AR)
      keyval.sty 2014/10/28 v1.15 key=value parser (DPC)
      bookmark.sty 2016/05/17 v1.26 PDF bookmarks (HO)
      pdfescape.sty 2016/05/16 v1.14 Implements pdfTeX's escape features (HO)
      ltxcmds.sty 2016/05/16 v1.23 LaTeX kernel commands for general use (HO)
      pdftexcmds.sty 2018/09/10 v0.29 Utility functions of pdfTeX for LuaTeX (HO)
      infwarerr.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Providing info/warning/error messages (HO)
      ifluatex.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Provides the ifluatex switch (HO)
      ifpdf.sty 2018/09/07 v3.3 Provides the ifpdf switch
      ifxetex.sty 2010/09/12 v0.6 Provides ifxetex conditional
      ifvtex.sty 2016/05/16 v1.6 Detect VTeX and its facilities (HO)
      hyperref.sty 2018/11/30 v6.88e Hypertext links for LaTeX
      hobsub-hyperref.sty 2016/05/16 v1.14 Bundle oberdiek, subset hyperref (HO)
      hobsub-generic.sty 2016/05/16 v1.14 Bundle oberdiek, subset generic (HO)
      hobsub.sty 2016/05/16 v1.14 Construct package bundles (HO)
      intcalc.sty 2016/05/16 v1.2 Expandable calculations with integers (HO)
      etexcmds.sty 2016/05/16 v1.6 Avoid name clashes with e-TeX commands (HO)
      kvsetkeys.sty 2016/05/16 v1.17 Key value parser (HO)
      kvdefinekeys.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Define keys (HO)
      bigintcalc.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Expandable calculations on big integers (HO)
      bitset.sty 2016/05/16 v1.2 Handle bit-vector datatype (HO)
      uniquecounter.sty 2016/05/16 v1.3 Provide unlimited unique counter (HO)
      letltxmacro.sty 2016/05/16 v1.5 Let assignment for LaTeX macros (HO)
      hopatch.sty 2016/05/16 v1.3 Wrapper for package hooks (HO)
      xcolor-patch.sty 2016/05/16 xcolor patch
      atveryend.sty 2016/05/16 v1.9 Hooks at the very end of document (HO)
      atbegshi.sty 2016/06/09 v1.18 At begin shipout hook (HO)
      refcount.sty 2016/05/16 v3.5 Data extraction from label references (HO)
      hycolor.sty 2016/05/16 v1.8 Color options for hyperref/bookmark (HO)
      auxhook.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Hooks for auxiliary files (HO)
      kvoptions.sty 2016/05/16 v3.12 Key value format for package options (HO)
      pd1enc.def 2018/11/30 v6.88e Hyperref: PDFDocEncoding definition (HO)
      hyperref.cfg 2002/06/06 v1.2 hyperref configuration of TeXLive
      url.sty 2013/09/16 ver 3.4 Verb mode for urls, etc.
      hxetex.def 2018/11/30 v6.88e Hyperref driver for XeTeX
      puenc.def 2018/11/30 v6.88e Hyperref: PDF Unicode definition (HO)
      stringenc.sty 2016/05/16 v1.11 Convert strings between diff. encodings (HO)
      rerunfilecheck.sty 2016/05/16 v1.8 Rerun checks for auxiliary files (HO)
      bkm-dvipdfm.def 2016/05/17 v1.26 bookmark driver for dvipdfm (HO)
      nameref.sty 2016/05/21 v2.44 Cross-referencing by name of section
      gettitlestring.sty 2016/05/16 v1.5 Cleanup title references (HO)
      se-ascii-print.def 2016/05/16 v1.11 stringenc: Printable ASCII characters

      Example document

      % simplified from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/178548/79060
      bookmark[dest=@currentHref]{Figure thefigure: #1}%


      dummy text
      caption{addBookmark{Figure caption text}}

      caption{addBookmark{Figure caption long long long long long long long long long long long long text}}

      newpage % add a blank page to make it easier to see bookmark targets
      dummy text


      share|improve this question


      This answer of question Bookmark tables and figures says

      [usage of bookmark ready to be inserted]

      Next issue: caption often sets its argument twice, because it wants to check, whether the caption fits in one line. This can be turned off with singlelinecheck=false. But this affects the formatting of single line captions.

      [first solution, using DeclareCaptionTextFormat to define a new caption text format in which an bookmark is inserted]


      I am curious about what happens when "caption sets its argument twice", so I use a simplified example and come with the following table:

      | Engine + format | is `caption` loaded | is bookmark duplicate             |
      | --------------- | ------------------- | --------------------------------- |
      | xelatex | no | no |
      | xelatex | yes | no |
      | pdflatex | no | only multiline captions duplicate |
      | pdflatex | yes | yes |

      Here "duplicate" means there are two adjacent bookmarks, both having the same content and destination, in the PDF file.

      • no duplicate: no duplicate

      • partly duplicate: partly duplicate

      • fully duplicate: fully duplicate

      Hence my question is

      1. Why the output is engine dependent?

        I guess this may come from the different bookmark driver files, but currently I am not able to read through or understand them.

        From another perspective, if every usage of caption sets its argument twice (for example, inside @makecaption provided by standard classes), bookmarks will always be duplicate, independent of engines.

      2. For pdflatex, why the output is pacakge caption dependent? Which part of the source code of this package causes this?

      version info

      • macOS 12.14.2 with TeX Live 2018

      • XeTeX, 3.14159265-2.6-0.99999

      • pdfTeX, 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.19

      • LaTeX2e, 2018-12-01

      output of listfiles with caption loaded and xelatex

       *File List*
      article.cls 2018/09/03 v1.4i Standard LaTeX document class
      size10.clo 2018/09/03 v1.4i Standard LaTeX file (size option)
      caption.sty 2018/10/06 v3.3-154 Customizing captions (AR)
      caption3.sty 2018/09/12 v1.8c caption3 kernel (AR)
      keyval.sty 2014/10/28 v1.15 key=value parser (DPC)
      bookmark.sty 2016/05/17 v1.26 PDF bookmarks (HO)
      pdfescape.sty 2016/05/16 v1.14 Implements pdfTeX's escape features (HO)
      ltxcmds.sty 2016/05/16 v1.23 LaTeX kernel commands for general use (HO)
      pdftexcmds.sty 2018/09/10 v0.29 Utility functions of pdfTeX for LuaTeX (HO)
      infwarerr.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Providing info/warning/error messages (HO)
      ifluatex.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Provides the ifluatex switch (HO)
      ifpdf.sty 2018/09/07 v3.3 Provides the ifpdf switch
      ifxetex.sty 2010/09/12 v0.6 Provides ifxetex conditional
      ifvtex.sty 2016/05/16 v1.6 Detect VTeX and its facilities (HO)
      hyperref.sty 2018/11/30 v6.88e Hypertext links for LaTeX
      hobsub-hyperref.sty 2016/05/16 v1.14 Bundle oberdiek, subset hyperref (HO)
      hobsub-generic.sty 2016/05/16 v1.14 Bundle oberdiek, subset generic (HO)
      hobsub.sty 2016/05/16 v1.14 Construct package bundles (HO)
      intcalc.sty 2016/05/16 v1.2 Expandable calculations with integers (HO)
      etexcmds.sty 2016/05/16 v1.6 Avoid name clashes with e-TeX commands (HO)
      kvsetkeys.sty 2016/05/16 v1.17 Key value parser (HO)
      kvdefinekeys.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Define keys (HO)
      bigintcalc.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Expandable calculations on big integers (HO)
      bitset.sty 2016/05/16 v1.2 Handle bit-vector datatype (HO)
      uniquecounter.sty 2016/05/16 v1.3 Provide unlimited unique counter (HO)
      letltxmacro.sty 2016/05/16 v1.5 Let assignment for LaTeX macros (HO)
      hopatch.sty 2016/05/16 v1.3 Wrapper for package hooks (HO)
      xcolor-patch.sty 2016/05/16 xcolor patch
      atveryend.sty 2016/05/16 v1.9 Hooks at the very end of document (HO)
      atbegshi.sty 2016/06/09 v1.18 At begin shipout hook (HO)
      refcount.sty 2016/05/16 v3.5 Data extraction from label references (HO)
      hycolor.sty 2016/05/16 v1.8 Color options for hyperref/bookmark (HO)
      auxhook.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Hooks for auxiliary files (HO)
      kvoptions.sty 2016/05/16 v3.12 Key value format for package options (HO)
      pd1enc.def 2018/11/30 v6.88e Hyperref: PDFDocEncoding definition (HO)
      hyperref.cfg 2002/06/06 v1.2 hyperref configuration of TeXLive
      url.sty 2013/09/16 ver 3.4 Verb mode for urls, etc.
      hxetex.def 2018/11/30 v6.88e Hyperref driver for XeTeX
      puenc.def 2018/11/30 v6.88e Hyperref: PDF Unicode definition (HO)
      stringenc.sty 2016/05/16 v1.11 Convert strings between diff. encodings (HO)
      rerunfilecheck.sty 2016/05/16 v1.8 Rerun checks for auxiliary files (HO)
      bkm-dvipdfm.def 2016/05/17 v1.26 bookmark driver for dvipdfm (HO)
      nameref.sty 2016/05/21 v2.44 Cross-referencing by name of section
      gettitlestring.sty 2016/05/16 v1.5 Cleanup title references (HO)
      se-ascii-print.def 2016/05/16 v1.11 stringenc: Printable ASCII characters

      Example document

      % simplified from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/178548/79060
      bookmark[dest=@currentHref]{Figure thefigure: #1}%


      dummy text
      caption{addBookmark{Figure caption text}}

      caption{addBookmark{Figure caption long long long long long long long long long long long long text}}

      newpage % add a blank page to make it easier to see bookmark targets
      dummy text


      captions bookmarks engine

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited 3 hours ago

      Johannes Z

      asked 4 hours ago

      Johannes ZJohannes Z







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