“Error C1060: compiler is out of heap space” when trying to compile a 550x550 Vector made of 4 character...
This program is designed to read an array/vector of strings (e.g. 0101) in a grid to show and solve maze's. It works when inputting a 20x20 array however receives "Error C1060: compiler is out of heap space" when trying to compile and run the 550x550 vector.
I've added /Zm200 to the project properties along with increasing the heap commit size exponentially.
I'm running x64 bit Windows 10 with 8GB RAM and using Visual Studio Professional 2017
// MazeBreaker.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins && ends there.
#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
//Creating Variables
vector<vector<string>> ExampleMaze = {
{"1110", "1100", "1111", "1001", "1101", "1000", "1101", "1010", "1001", "1111", "1010", "1001", "1111", "1110", "1111", "1111", "1101", "1010", "1110", "1100"},
{"0111", "0110", "0010", "0000", "1111", "1000", "1011", "0000", "1010", "1010", "1110", "0011", "0011", "0010", "1001", "1011", "0001", "0110", "1010", "0101"},
{"0110", "1110", "1000", "1100", "1010", "0001", "1111", "1100", "0000", "0010", "0011", "0110", "0000", "1110", "0000", "1000", "1111", "0011", "0001", "1101"},
{"0111", "0011", "0000", "0011", "1111", "0100", "1011", "0011", "1100", "0011", "0111", "0011", "0110", "1001", "1100", "0111", "0000", "1001", "0011", "1111"},
{"0101", "1110", "0001", "1010", "1101", "0001", "0001", "1010", "1000", "1011", "0110", "1000", "0011", "1010", "0100", "0001", "0000", "1001", "1001", "1111"},
{"1100", "0010", "1000", "1000", "0001", "1101", "1010", "1011", "1010", "0110", "0011", "1000", "0000", "1111", "1000", "0011", "1011", "1011", "0111", "1101"},
{"1100", "1110", "0011", "0110", "1100", "0100", "1110", "0010", "0000", "0011", "0110", "1100", "1001", "0001", "0111", "0011", "0000", "0001", "0111", "1101"},
{"1110", "1011", "1011", "0000", "0110", "1101", "1001", "0001", "0100", "0101", "1111", "1101", "0000", "1010", "0110", "0101", "0001", "0011", "0111", "1011"},
{"0110", "1110", "1101", "1100", "0010", "1000", "0010", "0110", "1000", "0110", "0001", "1100", "0001", "0111", "1010", "0110", "0000", "1011", "0110", "0101"},
{"0111", "0101", "0100", "0110", "0001", "1000", "1010", "1001", "0110", "1000", "0110", "1011", "1100", "0011", "1110", "1001", "0100", "0100", "0110", "0101"},
{"1110", "1100", "1110", "0010", "0111", "0100", "1100", "0100", "1101", "1100", "0110", "0101", "1110", "1001", "0111", "0110", "0011", "1011", "1111", "1011"},
{"1111", "0101", "0010", "0101", "0110", "1000", "1100", "1011", "1010", "0001", "1110", "1101", "0100", "1010", "1000", "0000", "1011", "0111", "0010", "0111"},
{"0111", "1111", "1001", "0100", "0101", "0101", "1010", "1100", "1101", "0101", "0011", "0111", "0011", "0000", "1101", "0010", "0101", "1010", "0100", "1111"},
{"1111", "1010", "0000", "0110", "1111", "1000", "1010", "0100", "1110", "0100", "1110", "0110", "0101", "1111", "1010", "1100", "0001", "0011", "0101", "0001"},
{"1101", "1111", "1101", "1110", "0011", "0001", "0101", "1001", "0101", "0101", "1000", "1111", "0111", "0100", "1101", "1010", "0001", "0111", "0001", "1111"},
{"0110", "0001", "1100", "0110", "0110", "0000", "1110", "1011", "1001", "1100", "0100", "1000", "0011", "0010", "0111", "0100", "0100", "0101", "1011", "1011"},
{"0110", "1011", "1101", "0010", "1111", "1101", "1010", "1000", "1000", "1111", "1111", "1011", "0101", "0001", "1101", "1010", "0101", "1011", "0100", "1111"},
{"1100", "1001", "1011", "1010", "1101", "0111", "0100", "0110", "0110", "1100", "1110", "1101", "1110", "0001", "0100", "0001", "0001", "0100", "0111", "1001"},
{"1110", "1101", "1100", "0110", "0100", "1101", "1001", "0110", "1011", "0001", "0100", "0011", "0110", "1111", "1101", "0110", "1100", "1011", "1100", "0011"},
{"0111", "1110", "1110", "0110", "0011", "0111", "0011", "1011", "0110", "0010", "1011", "1011", "0010", "1111", "0111", "0110", "1011", "0010", "0010", "0111"}
vector<vector<string>> ExampleMaze2 = {
{"1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1000", "1000", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1011", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1011", "1100", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1110", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001"},
//..................... * 549
vector<string> DrawMaze(vector<vector<string>> Maze, int StartX, int StartY, int FinishX, int FinishY)
vector<string> MazePath;
int Rows = Maze.size();
int Columns = Maze[0].size();
for (int i = 0; i < Rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j = ++j)
string PrintLayers = "";
for (int k = 0; k < Columns; k = ++k)
bool CheckStartFinish = false;
if (((StartX == k) && (StartY == i)) || ((FinishX == k + 1) && (FinishY == i + 1)))
CheckStartFinish = true;
if (j == 0)
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+ ";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+--";
else if (j == 1)
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
if (CheckStartFinish == false)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
else if (CheckStartFinish == true)
if (StartX == k)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ST";
if (FinishX == k + 1)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " FN";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
if (CheckStartFinish == false)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "| ";
if (CheckStartFinish == true)
if (StartX == k)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|ST";
if (FinishX == k + 1)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|FN";
if ((j == 0) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+";
else if ((j == 1) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|";
if ((i + 1 == Rows) && (j == 2))
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+ ";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+--";
if ((i + 1 == Rows) && (j == 2) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+";
if (!PrintLayers.empty())
cout << PrintLayers << endl;
return MazePath;
vector<string> ShowPath(vector<vector<string>> Maze, int StartX, int StartY, int FinishX, int FinishY)
vector<string> MazePath;
int Rows = Maze.size();
int Columns = Maze[0].size();
for (int i = 0; i < Rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j = ++j)
string PrintLayers;
for (int k = 0; k < Columns; k = ++k)
bool CheckStartFinish = false;
if (((StartX == k) && (StartY == i)) || ((FinishX == k + 1) && (FinishY == i + 1)))
CheckStartFinish = true;
if (j == 0)
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " XX";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
else if (j == 1)
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
if (CheckStartFinish == false)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "XXX";
else if (CheckStartFinish == true)
if (StartX == k)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "XST";
if (FinishX == k + 1)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "XFN";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
if (CheckStartFinish == false)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " XX";
if (CheckStartFinish == true)
if (StartX == k)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ST";
if (FinishX == k + 1)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " FN";
if ((j == 0) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
else if ((j == 1) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
if ((i + 1 == Rows) && (j == 2))
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " XX";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
if ((i + 1 == Rows) && (j == 3) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
if (!PrintLayers.empty())
//cout << PrintLayers << endl;
return MazePath;
vector<vector<int>> FindPaths(vector<string> MazePath)
int xPos = 0;
int yPos = 0;
int TrueXPos = (1 + (xPos * 3));
int TrueYPos = (1 + (yPos * 2));
bool N = true;
bool E = true;
bool S = true;
bool W = true;
vector<string> Path;
string Direction = "N";
int i = 0;
vector<string> DirectionOrder = { "N", "E", "S", "W" };
string TempDirection;
string DirectFrom = "N";
vector<vector<int>> RouteCoords = { {0,0} };
while (((N == true) || (E == true) || (S == true) || (W == true)) && (i < 60))
vector<string> Possibilities = {};
N = false;
E = false;
S = false;
W = false;
if ((TrueYPos - 1 > 0) && (TrueYPos - 1 < MazePath.size()) && (TrueXPos > 0) && (TrueXPos < MazePath[0].size()))
if (MazePath[TrueYPos - 1][TrueXPos] != ' ')
N = true;
if ((TrueYPos > 0) && (TrueYPos < MazePath.size()) && (TrueXPos +2 > 0) && (TrueXPos + 2 < MazePath[0].size()))
if (MazePath[TrueYPos][TrueXPos + 2] != ' ')
E = true;
if ((TrueYPos + 1 > 0) && (TrueYPos + 1 < MazePath.size()) && (TrueXPos > 0) && (TrueXPos < MazePath[0].size()))
if (MazePath[TrueYPos + 1][TrueXPos] != ' ')
S = true;
if ((TrueYPos > 0) && (TrueYPos < MazePath.size()) && (TrueXPos - 1 > 0) && (TrueXPos - 1 < MazePath[0].size()))
if (MazePath[TrueYPos][TrueXPos - 1] != ' ')
W = true;
if (MazePath[TrueYPos][TrueXPos] == 'F')
cout << "Finished" << endl;
return RouteCoords;
if (MazePath[TrueYPos-1][TrueXPos] == 'F')
cout << "Finished" << endl;
return RouteCoords;
if (MazePath[TrueYPos][TrueXPos+2] == 'F')
cout << "Finished" << endl;
return RouteCoords;
if (MazePath[TrueYPos+1][TrueXPos] == 'F')
cout << "Finished" << endl;
return RouteCoords;
if (MazePath[TrueYPos][TrueXPos-1] == 'F')
cout << "Finished" << endl;
return RouteCoords;
for (int z = 0; z < 4; ++z)
//cout << "Checking: " << DirectionOrder[z] << " ";
//cout << "N: " << N << " E: " << E << " S: " << S << " W: " << W << endl;
if ((N == true) && (DirectionOrder[z] == "N"))
cout << "Move North" << endl;
Direction = "N";
yPos += -1;
DirectFrom = "S";
cout << "X: " << xPos << " Y: " << yPos << endl;
if ((S == true) && (DirectionOrder[z] == "S"))
cout << "Move South" << endl;
Direction = "S";
yPos += 1;
DirectFrom = "N";
cout << "X: " << xPos << " Y: " << yPos << endl;
if ((W == true) && (DirectionOrder[z] == "W"))
cout << "Move West" << endl;
Direction = "W";
xPos += -1;
DirectFrom = "E";
cout << "X: " << xPos << " Y: " << yPos << endl;
if ((E == true) && (DirectionOrder[z] == "E"))
cout << "Move East" << endl;
Direction = "E";
xPos += 1;
DirectFrom = "W";
cout << "X: " << xPos << " Y: " << yPos << endl;
auto itr = std::find(DirectionOrder.begin(), DirectionOrder.end(), DirectFrom);
if (itr != DirectionOrder.end()) DirectionOrder.erase(itr);
TrueXPos = (1 + (xPos * 3));
TrueYPos = (1 + (yPos * 2));
i += 1;
for (int b = 0; b < RouteCoords.size(); ++b)
cout << "{";
for (int c = 0; c < RouteCoords[b].size(); ++c)
cout << RouteCoords[b][c] << ",";
cout << "},";
cout << endl;
return RouteCoords;
void MapRoute(vector<vector<string>> Maze, int StartX, int StartY, int FinishX, int FinishY, vector<vector<int>> RouteCoords)
vector<string> MazePath;
int Rows = Maze.size();
int Columns = Maze[0].size();
bool AddRoute = false;
for (int i = 0; i < Rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j = ++j)
string PrintLayers = "";
for (int k = 0; k < Columns; k = ++k)
AddRoute = false;
for (int c = 0; c < RouteCoords.size(); ++c)
if ((RouteCoords[c][0] == k) && (RouteCoords[c][1] == i))
AddRoute = true;
bool CheckStartFinish = false;
if (((StartX == k) && (StartY == i)) || ((FinishX == k + 1) && (FinishY == i + 1)))
CheckStartFinish = true;
if (j == 0)
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+ ";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+--";
else if (j == 1)
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
if (CheckStartFinish == false)
if (AddRoute == true)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " XX";
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
else if (CheckStartFinish == true)
if (StartX == k)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ST";
if (FinishX == k + 1)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " FN";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
if (CheckStartFinish == false)
if (AddRoute == true)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|XX";
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "| ";
if (CheckStartFinish == true)
if (StartX == k)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|ST";
if (FinishX == k + 1)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|FN";
if ((j == 0) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+";
else if ((j == 1) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|";
if ((i + 1 == Rows) && (j == 2))
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+ ";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+--";
if ((i + 1 == Rows) && (j == 2) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+";
if (!PrintLayers.empty())
cout << PrintLayers << endl;
int main()
//cout << ExampleMaze[0][0][0] << endl;
//DrawMaze(ExampleMaze, 0, 0, 20, 20);
cout << endl;
MapRoute(ExampleMaze2,0,0,20,20,FindPaths(ShowPath(ExampleMaze2, 0, 0, 20, 20)));
show 5 more comments
This program is designed to read an array/vector of strings (e.g. 0101) in a grid to show and solve maze's. It works when inputting a 20x20 array however receives "Error C1060: compiler is out of heap space" when trying to compile and run the 550x550 vector.
I've added /Zm200 to the project properties along with increasing the heap commit size exponentially.
I'm running x64 bit Windows 10 with 8GB RAM and using Visual Studio Professional 2017
// MazeBreaker.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins && ends there.
#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
//Creating Variables
vector<vector<string>> ExampleMaze = {
{"1110", "1100", "1111", "1001", "1101", "1000", "1101", "1010", "1001", "1111", "1010", "1001", "1111", "1110", "1111", "1111", "1101", "1010", "1110", "1100"},
{"0111", "0110", "0010", "0000", "1111", "1000", "1011", "0000", "1010", "1010", "1110", "0011", "0011", "0010", "1001", "1011", "0001", "0110", "1010", "0101"},
{"0110", "1110", "1000", "1100", "1010", "0001", "1111", "1100", "0000", "0010", "0011", "0110", "0000", "1110", "0000", "1000", "1111", "0011", "0001", "1101"},
{"0111", "0011", "0000", "0011", "1111", "0100", "1011", "0011", "1100", "0011", "0111", "0011", "0110", "1001", "1100", "0111", "0000", "1001", "0011", "1111"},
{"0101", "1110", "0001", "1010", "1101", "0001", "0001", "1010", "1000", "1011", "0110", "1000", "0011", "1010", "0100", "0001", "0000", "1001", "1001", "1111"},
{"1100", "0010", "1000", "1000", "0001", "1101", "1010", "1011", "1010", "0110", "0011", "1000", "0000", "1111", "1000", "0011", "1011", "1011", "0111", "1101"},
{"1100", "1110", "0011", "0110", "1100", "0100", "1110", "0010", "0000", "0011", "0110", "1100", "1001", "0001", "0111", "0011", "0000", "0001", "0111", "1101"},
{"1110", "1011", "1011", "0000", "0110", "1101", "1001", "0001", "0100", "0101", "1111", "1101", "0000", "1010", "0110", "0101", "0001", "0011", "0111", "1011"},
{"0110", "1110", "1101", "1100", "0010", "1000", "0010", "0110", "1000", "0110", "0001", "1100", "0001", "0111", "1010", "0110", "0000", "1011", "0110", "0101"},
{"0111", "0101", "0100", "0110", "0001", "1000", "1010", "1001", "0110", "1000", "0110", "1011", "1100", "0011", "1110", "1001", "0100", "0100", "0110", "0101"},
{"1110", "1100", "1110", "0010", "0111", "0100", "1100", "0100", "1101", "1100", "0110", "0101", "1110", "1001", "0111", "0110", "0011", "1011", "1111", "1011"},
{"1111", "0101", "0010", "0101", "0110", "1000", "1100", "1011", "1010", "0001", "1110", "1101", "0100", "1010", "1000", "0000", "1011", "0111", "0010", "0111"},
{"0111", "1111", "1001", "0100", "0101", "0101", "1010", "1100", "1101", "0101", "0011", "0111", "0011", "0000", "1101", "0010", "0101", "1010", "0100", "1111"},
{"1111", "1010", "0000", "0110", "1111", "1000", "1010", "0100", "1110", "0100", "1110", "0110", "0101", "1111", "1010", "1100", "0001", "0011", "0101", "0001"},
{"1101", "1111", "1101", "1110", "0011", "0001", "0101", "1001", "0101", "0101", "1000", "1111", "0111", "0100", "1101", "1010", "0001", "0111", "0001", "1111"},
{"0110", "0001", "1100", "0110", "0110", "0000", "1110", "1011", "1001", "1100", "0100", "1000", "0011", "0010", "0111", "0100", "0100", "0101", "1011", "1011"},
{"0110", "1011", "1101", "0010", "1111", "1101", "1010", "1000", "1000", "1111", "1111", "1011", "0101", "0001", "1101", "1010", "0101", "1011", "0100", "1111"},
{"1100", "1001", "1011", "1010", "1101", "0111", "0100", "0110", "0110", "1100", "1110", "1101", "1110", "0001", "0100", "0001", "0001", "0100", "0111", "1001"},
{"1110", "1101", "1100", "0110", "0100", "1101", "1001", "0110", "1011", "0001", "0100", "0011", "0110", "1111", "1101", "0110", "1100", "1011", "1100", "0011"},
{"0111", "1110", "1110", "0110", "0011", "0111", "0011", "1011", "0110", "0010", "1011", "1011", "0010", "1111", "0111", "0110", "1011", "0010", "0010", "0111"}
vector<vector<string>> ExampleMaze2 = {
{"1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1000", "1000", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1011", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1011", "1100", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1110", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001"},
//..................... * 549
vector<string> DrawMaze(vector<vector<string>> Maze, int StartX, int StartY, int FinishX, int FinishY)
vector<string> MazePath;
int Rows = Maze.size();
int Columns = Maze[0].size();
for (int i = 0; i < Rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j = ++j)
string PrintLayers = "";
for (int k = 0; k < Columns; k = ++k)
bool CheckStartFinish = false;
if (((StartX == k) && (StartY == i)) || ((FinishX == k + 1) && (FinishY == i + 1)))
CheckStartFinish = true;
if (j == 0)
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+ ";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+--";
else if (j == 1)
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
if (CheckStartFinish == false)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
else if (CheckStartFinish == true)
if (StartX == k)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ST";
if (FinishX == k + 1)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " FN";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
if (CheckStartFinish == false)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "| ";
if (CheckStartFinish == true)
if (StartX == k)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|ST";
if (FinishX == k + 1)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|FN";
if ((j == 0) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+";
else if ((j == 1) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|";
if ((i + 1 == Rows) && (j == 2))
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+ ";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+--";
if ((i + 1 == Rows) && (j == 2) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+";
if (!PrintLayers.empty())
cout << PrintLayers << endl;
return MazePath;
vector<string> ShowPath(vector<vector<string>> Maze, int StartX, int StartY, int FinishX, int FinishY)
vector<string> MazePath;
int Rows = Maze.size();
int Columns = Maze[0].size();
for (int i = 0; i < Rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j = ++j)
string PrintLayers;
for (int k = 0; k < Columns; k = ++k)
bool CheckStartFinish = false;
if (((StartX == k) && (StartY == i)) || ((FinishX == k + 1) && (FinishY == i + 1)))
CheckStartFinish = true;
if (j == 0)
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " XX";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
else if (j == 1)
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
if (CheckStartFinish == false)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "XXX";
else if (CheckStartFinish == true)
if (StartX == k)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "XST";
if (FinishX == k + 1)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "XFN";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
if (CheckStartFinish == false)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " XX";
if (CheckStartFinish == true)
if (StartX == k)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ST";
if (FinishX == k + 1)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " FN";
if ((j == 0) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
else if ((j == 1) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
if ((i + 1 == Rows) && (j == 2))
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " XX";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
if ((i + 1 == Rows) && (j == 3) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
if (!PrintLayers.empty())
//cout << PrintLayers << endl;
return MazePath;
vector<vector<int>> FindPaths(vector<string> MazePath)
int xPos = 0;
int yPos = 0;
int TrueXPos = (1 + (xPos * 3));
int TrueYPos = (1 + (yPos * 2));
bool N = true;
bool E = true;
bool S = true;
bool W = true;
vector<string> Path;
string Direction = "N";
int i = 0;
vector<string> DirectionOrder = { "N", "E", "S", "W" };
string TempDirection;
string DirectFrom = "N";
vector<vector<int>> RouteCoords = { {0,0} };
while (((N == true) || (E == true) || (S == true) || (W == true)) && (i < 60))
vector<string> Possibilities = {};
N = false;
E = false;
S = false;
W = false;
if ((TrueYPos - 1 > 0) && (TrueYPos - 1 < MazePath.size()) && (TrueXPos > 0) && (TrueXPos < MazePath[0].size()))
if (MazePath[TrueYPos - 1][TrueXPos] != ' ')
N = true;
if ((TrueYPos > 0) && (TrueYPos < MazePath.size()) && (TrueXPos +2 > 0) && (TrueXPos + 2 < MazePath[0].size()))
if (MazePath[TrueYPos][TrueXPos + 2] != ' ')
E = true;
if ((TrueYPos + 1 > 0) && (TrueYPos + 1 < MazePath.size()) && (TrueXPos > 0) && (TrueXPos < MazePath[0].size()))
if (MazePath[TrueYPos + 1][TrueXPos] != ' ')
S = true;
if ((TrueYPos > 0) && (TrueYPos < MazePath.size()) && (TrueXPos - 1 > 0) && (TrueXPos - 1 < MazePath[0].size()))
if (MazePath[TrueYPos][TrueXPos - 1] != ' ')
W = true;
if (MazePath[TrueYPos][TrueXPos] == 'F')
cout << "Finished" << endl;
return RouteCoords;
if (MazePath[TrueYPos-1][TrueXPos] == 'F')
cout << "Finished" << endl;
return RouteCoords;
if (MazePath[TrueYPos][TrueXPos+2] == 'F')
cout << "Finished" << endl;
return RouteCoords;
if (MazePath[TrueYPos+1][TrueXPos] == 'F')
cout << "Finished" << endl;
return RouteCoords;
if (MazePath[TrueYPos][TrueXPos-1] == 'F')
cout << "Finished" << endl;
return RouteCoords;
for (int z = 0; z < 4; ++z)
//cout << "Checking: " << DirectionOrder[z] << " ";
//cout << "N: " << N << " E: " << E << " S: " << S << " W: " << W << endl;
if ((N == true) && (DirectionOrder[z] == "N"))
cout << "Move North" << endl;
Direction = "N";
yPos += -1;
DirectFrom = "S";
cout << "X: " << xPos << " Y: " << yPos << endl;
if ((S == true) && (DirectionOrder[z] == "S"))
cout << "Move South" << endl;
Direction = "S";
yPos += 1;
DirectFrom = "N";
cout << "X: " << xPos << " Y: " << yPos << endl;
if ((W == true) && (DirectionOrder[z] == "W"))
cout << "Move West" << endl;
Direction = "W";
xPos += -1;
DirectFrom = "E";
cout << "X: " << xPos << " Y: " << yPos << endl;
if ((E == true) && (DirectionOrder[z] == "E"))
cout << "Move East" << endl;
Direction = "E";
xPos += 1;
DirectFrom = "W";
cout << "X: " << xPos << " Y: " << yPos << endl;
auto itr = std::find(DirectionOrder.begin(), DirectionOrder.end(), DirectFrom);
if (itr != DirectionOrder.end()) DirectionOrder.erase(itr);
TrueXPos = (1 + (xPos * 3));
TrueYPos = (1 + (yPos * 2));
i += 1;
for (int b = 0; b < RouteCoords.size(); ++b)
cout << "{";
for (int c = 0; c < RouteCoords[b].size(); ++c)
cout << RouteCoords[b][c] << ",";
cout << "},";
cout << endl;
return RouteCoords;
void MapRoute(vector<vector<string>> Maze, int StartX, int StartY, int FinishX, int FinishY, vector<vector<int>> RouteCoords)
vector<string> MazePath;
int Rows = Maze.size();
int Columns = Maze[0].size();
bool AddRoute = false;
for (int i = 0; i < Rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j = ++j)
string PrintLayers = "";
for (int k = 0; k < Columns; k = ++k)
AddRoute = false;
for (int c = 0; c < RouteCoords.size(); ++c)
if ((RouteCoords[c][0] == k) && (RouteCoords[c][1] == i))
AddRoute = true;
bool CheckStartFinish = false;
if (((StartX == k) && (StartY == i)) || ((FinishX == k + 1) && (FinishY == i + 1)))
CheckStartFinish = true;
if (j == 0)
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+ ";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+--";
else if (j == 1)
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
if (CheckStartFinish == false)
if (AddRoute == true)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " XX";
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
else if (CheckStartFinish == true)
if (StartX == k)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ST";
if (FinishX == k + 1)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " FN";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
if (CheckStartFinish == false)
if (AddRoute == true)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|XX";
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "| ";
if (CheckStartFinish == true)
if (StartX == k)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|ST";
if (FinishX == k + 1)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|FN";
if ((j == 0) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+";
else if ((j == 1) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|";
if ((i + 1 == Rows) && (j == 2))
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+ ";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+--";
if ((i + 1 == Rows) && (j == 2) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+";
if (!PrintLayers.empty())
cout << PrintLayers << endl;
int main()
//cout << ExampleMaze[0][0][0] << endl;
//DrawMaze(ExampleMaze, 0, 0, 20, 20);
cout << endl;
MapRoute(ExampleMaze2,0,0,20,20,FindPaths(ShowPath(ExampleMaze2, 0, 0, 20, 20)));
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– Some programmer dude
Nov 27 '18 at 9:22
As for your problem, why do you hard-code all that? Can't you use a file that you read when (and if) needed?
– Some programmer dude
Nov 27 '18 at 9:24
@Someprogrammerdude Currently it uses a hard-coded vector because it gets information from it such as sizes. This is then used to create another vector which shows all the paths that exist within the maze, which is then read and analysed to calculate the final maze solution. The code is a translation from a initial piece of python code i created, which had no issue handling such large arrays. I'm not sure how it would work if using a file, since it needs access to different sizes, positions and lines of the vector and i don't know how line and positional access works with a txt and c++.
– BadgerHobbs
Nov 27 '18 at 11:25
A simple text file containing the strings could easily be read into your vectors. While it would affect the start-up time of the program it won't be by much. It will also be more flexible if you're going to continue to develop the program, especially since you can then load new data on-demand. And most importantly of all, it won't put much strain on the compiler.
– Some programmer dude
Nov 27 '18 at 12:27
Ok thanks, I'll have to check that out. Is it possible to read a line from a text file in the format of a vector, and then set it as a vector variable? As I know with Python you can just read a txt in the format of an array, and then convert is into a array variable.
– BadgerHobbs
Nov 27 '18 at 12:47
show 5 more comments
This program is designed to read an array/vector of strings (e.g. 0101) in a grid to show and solve maze's. It works when inputting a 20x20 array however receives "Error C1060: compiler is out of heap space" when trying to compile and run the 550x550 vector.
I've added /Zm200 to the project properties along with increasing the heap commit size exponentially.
I'm running x64 bit Windows 10 with 8GB RAM and using Visual Studio Professional 2017
// MazeBreaker.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins && ends there.
#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
//Creating Variables
vector<vector<string>> ExampleMaze = {
{"1110", "1100", "1111", "1001", "1101", "1000", "1101", "1010", "1001", "1111", "1010", "1001", "1111", "1110", "1111", "1111", "1101", "1010", "1110", "1100"},
{"0111", "0110", "0010", "0000", "1111", "1000", "1011", "0000", "1010", "1010", "1110", "0011", "0011", "0010", "1001", "1011", "0001", "0110", "1010", "0101"},
{"0110", "1110", "1000", "1100", "1010", "0001", "1111", "1100", "0000", "0010", "0011", "0110", "0000", "1110", "0000", "1000", "1111", "0011", "0001", "1101"},
{"0111", "0011", "0000", "0011", "1111", "0100", "1011", "0011", "1100", "0011", "0111", "0011", "0110", "1001", "1100", "0111", "0000", "1001", "0011", "1111"},
{"0101", "1110", "0001", "1010", "1101", "0001", "0001", "1010", "1000", "1011", "0110", "1000", "0011", "1010", "0100", "0001", "0000", "1001", "1001", "1111"},
{"1100", "0010", "1000", "1000", "0001", "1101", "1010", "1011", "1010", "0110", "0011", "1000", "0000", "1111", "1000", "0011", "1011", "1011", "0111", "1101"},
{"1100", "1110", "0011", "0110", "1100", "0100", "1110", "0010", "0000", "0011", "0110", "1100", "1001", "0001", "0111", "0011", "0000", "0001", "0111", "1101"},
{"1110", "1011", "1011", "0000", "0110", "1101", "1001", "0001", "0100", "0101", "1111", "1101", "0000", "1010", "0110", "0101", "0001", "0011", "0111", "1011"},
{"0110", "1110", "1101", "1100", "0010", "1000", "0010", "0110", "1000", "0110", "0001", "1100", "0001", "0111", "1010", "0110", "0000", "1011", "0110", "0101"},
{"0111", "0101", "0100", "0110", "0001", "1000", "1010", "1001", "0110", "1000", "0110", "1011", "1100", "0011", "1110", "1001", "0100", "0100", "0110", "0101"},
{"1110", "1100", "1110", "0010", "0111", "0100", "1100", "0100", "1101", "1100", "0110", "0101", "1110", "1001", "0111", "0110", "0011", "1011", "1111", "1011"},
{"1111", "0101", "0010", "0101", "0110", "1000", "1100", "1011", "1010", "0001", "1110", "1101", "0100", "1010", "1000", "0000", "1011", "0111", "0010", "0111"},
{"0111", "1111", "1001", "0100", "0101", "0101", "1010", "1100", "1101", "0101", "0011", "0111", "0011", "0000", "1101", "0010", "0101", "1010", "0100", "1111"},
{"1111", "1010", "0000", "0110", "1111", "1000", "1010", "0100", "1110", "0100", "1110", "0110", "0101", "1111", "1010", "1100", "0001", "0011", "0101", "0001"},
{"1101", "1111", "1101", "1110", "0011", "0001", "0101", "1001", "0101", "0101", "1000", "1111", "0111", "0100", "1101", "1010", "0001", "0111", "0001", "1111"},
{"0110", "0001", "1100", "0110", "0110", "0000", "1110", "1011", "1001", "1100", "0100", "1000", "0011", "0010", "0111", "0100", "0100", "0101", "1011", "1011"},
{"0110", "1011", "1101", "0010", "1111", "1101", "1010", "1000", "1000", "1111", "1111", "1011", "0101", "0001", "1101", "1010", "0101", "1011", "0100", "1111"},
{"1100", "1001", "1011", "1010", "1101", "0111", "0100", "0110", "0110", "1100", "1110", "1101", "1110", "0001", "0100", "0001", "0001", "0100", "0111", "1001"},
{"1110", "1101", "1100", "0110", "0100", "1101", "1001", "0110", "1011", "0001", "0100", "0011", "0110", "1111", "1101", "0110", "1100", "1011", "1100", "0011"},
{"0111", "1110", "1110", "0110", "0011", "0111", "0011", "1011", "0110", "0010", "1011", "1011", "0010", "1111", "0111", "0110", "1011", "0010", "0010", "0111"}
vector<vector<string>> ExampleMaze2 = {
{"1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1000", "1000", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1011", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1011", "1100", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1110", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001"},
//..................... * 549
vector<string> DrawMaze(vector<vector<string>> Maze, int StartX, int StartY, int FinishX, int FinishY)
vector<string> MazePath;
int Rows = Maze.size();
int Columns = Maze[0].size();
for (int i = 0; i < Rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j = ++j)
string PrintLayers = "";
for (int k = 0; k < Columns; k = ++k)
bool CheckStartFinish = false;
if (((StartX == k) && (StartY == i)) || ((FinishX == k + 1) && (FinishY == i + 1)))
CheckStartFinish = true;
if (j == 0)
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+ ";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+--";
else if (j == 1)
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
if (CheckStartFinish == false)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
else if (CheckStartFinish == true)
if (StartX == k)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ST";
if (FinishX == k + 1)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " FN";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
if (CheckStartFinish == false)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "| ";
if (CheckStartFinish == true)
if (StartX == k)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|ST";
if (FinishX == k + 1)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|FN";
if ((j == 0) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+";
else if ((j == 1) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|";
if ((i + 1 == Rows) && (j == 2))
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+ ";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+--";
if ((i + 1 == Rows) && (j == 2) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+";
if (!PrintLayers.empty())
cout << PrintLayers << endl;
return MazePath;
vector<string> ShowPath(vector<vector<string>> Maze, int StartX, int StartY, int FinishX, int FinishY)
vector<string> MazePath;
int Rows = Maze.size();
int Columns = Maze[0].size();
for (int i = 0; i < Rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j = ++j)
string PrintLayers;
for (int k = 0; k < Columns; k = ++k)
bool CheckStartFinish = false;
if (((StartX == k) && (StartY == i)) || ((FinishX == k + 1) && (FinishY == i + 1)))
CheckStartFinish = true;
if (j == 0)
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " XX";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
else if (j == 1)
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
if (CheckStartFinish == false)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "XXX";
else if (CheckStartFinish == true)
if (StartX == k)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "XST";
if (FinishX == k + 1)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "XFN";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
if (CheckStartFinish == false)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " XX";
if (CheckStartFinish == true)
if (StartX == k)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ST";
if (FinishX == k + 1)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " FN";
if ((j == 0) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
else if ((j == 1) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
if ((i + 1 == Rows) && (j == 2))
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " XX";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
if ((i + 1 == Rows) && (j == 3) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
if (!PrintLayers.empty())
//cout << PrintLayers << endl;
return MazePath;
vector<vector<int>> FindPaths(vector<string> MazePath)
int xPos = 0;
int yPos = 0;
int TrueXPos = (1 + (xPos * 3));
int TrueYPos = (1 + (yPos * 2));
bool N = true;
bool E = true;
bool S = true;
bool W = true;
vector<string> Path;
string Direction = "N";
int i = 0;
vector<string> DirectionOrder = { "N", "E", "S", "W" };
string TempDirection;
string DirectFrom = "N";
vector<vector<int>> RouteCoords = { {0,0} };
while (((N == true) || (E == true) || (S == true) || (W == true)) && (i < 60))
vector<string> Possibilities = {};
N = false;
E = false;
S = false;
W = false;
if ((TrueYPos - 1 > 0) && (TrueYPos - 1 < MazePath.size()) && (TrueXPos > 0) && (TrueXPos < MazePath[0].size()))
if (MazePath[TrueYPos - 1][TrueXPos] != ' ')
N = true;
if ((TrueYPos > 0) && (TrueYPos < MazePath.size()) && (TrueXPos +2 > 0) && (TrueXPos + 2 < MazePath[0].size()))
if (MazePath[TrueYPos][TrueXPos + 2] != ' ')
E = true;
if ((TrueYPos + 1 > 0) && (TrueYPos + 1 < MazePath.size()) && (TrueXPos > 0) && (TrueXPos < MazePath[0].size()))
if (MazePath[TrueYPos + 1][TrueXPos] != ' ')
S = true;
if ((TrueYPos > 0) && (TrueYPos < MazePath.size()) && (TrueXPos - 1 > 0) && (TrueXPos - 1 < MazePath[0].size()))
if (MazePath[TrueYPos][TrueXPos - 1] != ' ')
W = true;
if (MazePath[TrueYPos][TrueXPos] == 'F')
cout << "Finished" << endl;
return RouteCoords;
if (MazePath[TrueYPos-1][TrueXPos] == 'F')
cout << "Finished" << endl;
return RouteCoords;
if (MazePath[TrueYPos][TrueXPos+2] == 'F')
cout << "Finished" << endl;
return RouteCoords;
if (MazePath[TrueYPos+1][TrueXPos] == 'F')
cout << "Finished" << endl;
return RouteCoords;
if (MazePath[TrueYPos][TrueXPos-1] == 'F')
cout << "Finished" << endl;
return RouteCoords;
for (int z = 0; z < 4; ++z)
//cout << "Checking: " << DirectionOrder[z] << " ";
//cout << "N: " << N << " E: " << E << " S: " << S << " W: " << W << endl;
if ((N == true) && (DirectionOrder[z] == "N"))
cout << "Move North" << endl;
Direction = "N";
yPos += -1;
DirectFrom = "S";
cout << "X: " << xPos << " Y: " << yPos << endl;
if ((S == true) && (DirectionOrder[z] == "S"))
cout << "Move South" << endl;
Direction = "S";
yPos += 1;
DirectFrom = "N";
cout << "X: " << xPos << " Y: " << yPos << endl;
if ((W == true) && (DirectionOrder[z] == "W"))
cout << "Move West" << endl;
Direction = "W";
xPos += -1;
DirectFrom = "E";
cout << "X: " << xPos << " Y: " << yPos << endl;
if ((E == true) && (DirectionOrder[z] == "E"))
cout << "Move East" << endl;
Direction = "E";
xPos += 1;
DirectFrom = "W";
cout << "X: " << xPos << " Y: " << yPos << endl;
auto itr = std::find(DirectionOrder.begin(), DirectionOrder.end(), DirectFrom);
if (itr != DirectionOrder.end()) DirectionOrder.erase(itr);
TrueXPos = (1 + (xPos * 3));
TrueYPos = (1 + (yPos * 2));
i += 1;
for (int b = 0; b < RouteCoords.size(); ++b)
cout << "{";
for (int c = 0; c < RouteCoords[b].size(); ++c)
cout << RouteCoords[b][c] << ",";
cout << "},";
cout << endl;
return RouteCoords;
void MapRoute(vector<vector<string>> Maze, int StartX, int StartY, int FinishX, int FinishY, vector<vector<int>> RouteCoords)
vector<string> MazePath;
int Rows = Maze.size();
int Columns = Maze[0].size();
bool AddRoute = false;
for (int i = 0; i < Rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j = ++j)
string PrintLayers = "";
for (int k = 0; k < Columns; k = ++k)
AddRoute = false;
for (int c = 0; c < RouteCoords.size(); ++c)
if ((RouteCoords[c][0] == k) && (RouteCoords[c][1] == i))
AddRoute = true;
bool CheckStartFinish = false;
if (((StartX == k) && (StartY == i)) || ((FinishX == k + 1) && (FinishY == i + 1)))
CheckStartFinish = true;
if (j == 0)
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+ ";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+--";
else if (j == 1)
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
if (CheckStartFinish == false)
if (AddRoute == true)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " XX";
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
else if (CheckStartFinish == true)
if (StartX == k)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ST";
if (FinishX == k + 1)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " FN";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
if (CheckStartFinish == false)
if (AddRoute == true)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|XX";
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "| ";
if (CheckStartFinish == true)
if (StartX == k)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|ST";
if (FinishX == k + 1)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|FN";
if ((j == 0) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+";
else if ((j == 1) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|";
if ((i + 1 == Rows) && (j == 2))
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+ ";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+--";
if ((i + 1 == Rows) && (j == 2) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+";
if (!PrintLayers.empty())
cout << PrintLayers << endl;
int main()
//cout << ExampleMaze[0][0][0] << endl;
//DrawMaze(ExampleMaze, 0, 0, 20, 20);
cout << endl;
MapRoute(ExampleMaze2,0,0,20,20,FindPaths(ShowPath(ExampleMaze2, 0, 0, 20, 20)));
This program is designed to read an array/vector of strings (e.g. 0101) in a grid to show and solve maze's. It works when inputting a 20x20 array however receives "Error C1060: compiler is out of heap space" when trying to compile and run the 550x550 vector.
I've added /Zm200 to the project properties along with increasing the heap commit size exponentially.
I'm running x64 bit Windows 10 with 8GB RAM and using Visual Studio Professional 2017
// MazeBreaker.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins && ends there.
#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
//Creating Variables
vector<vector<string>> ExampleMaze = {
{"1110", "1100", "1111", "1001", "1101", "1000", "1101", "1010", "1001", "1111", "1010", "1001", "1111", "1110", "1111", "1111", "1101", "1010", "1110", "1100"},
{"0111", "0110", "0010", "0000", "1111", "1000", "1011", "0000", "1010", "1010", "1110", "0011", "0011", "0010", "1001", "1011", "0001", "0110", "1010", "0101"},
{"0110", "1110", "1000", "1100", "1010", "0001", "1111", "1100", "0000", "0010", "0011", "0110", "0000", "1110", "0000", "1000", "1111", "0011", "0001", "1101"},
{"0111", "0011", "0000", "0011", "1111", "0100", "1011", "0011", "1100", "0011", "0111", "0011", "0110", "1001", "1100", "0111", "0000", "1001", "0011", "1111"},
{"0101", "1110", "0001", "1010", "1101", "0001", "0001", "1010", "1000", "1011", "0110", "1000", "0011", "1010", "0100", "0001", "0000", "1001", "1001", "1111"},
{"1100", "0010", "1000", "1000", "0001", "1101", "1010", "1011", "1010", "0110", "0011", "1000", "0000", "1111", "1000", "0011", "1011", "1011", "0111", "1101"},
{"1100", "1110", "0011", "0110", "1100", "0100", "1110", "0010", "0000", "0011", "0110", "1100", "1001", "0001", "0111", "0011", "0000", "0001", "0111", "1101"},
{"1110", "1011", "1011", "0000", "0110", "1101", "1001", "0001", "0100", "0101", "1111", "1101", "0000", "1010", "0110", "0101", "0001", "0011", "0111", "1011"},
{"0110", "1110", "1101", "1100", "0010", "1000", "0010", "0110", "1000", "0110", "0001", "1100", "0001", "0111", "1010", "0110", "0000", "1011", "0110", "0101"},
{"0111", "0101", "0100", "0110", "0001", "1000", "1010", "1001", "0110", "1000", "0110", "1011", "1100", "0011", "1110", "1001", "0100", "0100", "0110", "0101"},
{"1110", "1100", "1110", "0010", "0111", "0100", "1100", "0100", "1101", "1100", "0110", "0101", "1110", "1001", "0111", "0110", "0011", "1011", "1111", "1011"},
{"1111", "0101", "0010", "0101", "0110", "1000", "1100", "1011", "1010", "0001", "1110", "1101", "0100", "1010", "1000", "0000", "1011", "0111", "0010", "0111"},
{"0111", "1111", "1001", "0100", "0101", "0101", "1010", "1100", "1101", "0101", "0011", "0111", "0011", "0000", "1101", "0010", "0101", "1010", "0100", "1111"},
{"1111", "1010", "0000", "0110", "1111", "1000", "1010", "0100", "1110", "0100", "1110", "0110", "0101", "1111", "1010", "1100", "0001", "0011", "0101", "0001"},
{"1101", "1111", "1101", "1110", "0011", "0001", "0101", "1001", "0101", "0101", "1000", "1111", "0111", "0100", "1101", "1010", "0001", "0111", "0001", "1111"},
{"0110", "0001", "1100", "0110", "0110", "0000", "1110", "1011", "1001", "1100", "0100", "1000", "0011", "0010", "0111", "0100", "0100", "0101", "1011", "1011"},
{"0110", "1011", "1101", "0010", "1111", "1101", "1010", "1000", "1000", "1111", "1111", "1011", "0101", "0001", "1101", "1010", "0101", "1011", "0100", "1111"},
{"1100", "1001", "1011", "1010", "1101", "0111", "0100", "0110", "0110", "1100", "1110", "1101", "1110", "0001", "0100", "0001", "0001", "0100", "0111", "1001"},
{"1110", "1101", "1100", "0110", "0100", "1101", "1001", "0110", "1011", "0001", "0100", "0011", "0110", "1111", "1101", "0110", "1100", "1011", "1100", "0011"},
{"0111", "1110", "1110", "0110", "0011", "0111", "0011", "1011", "0110", "0010", "1011", "1011", "0010", "1111", "0111", "0110", "1011", "0010", "0010", "0111"}
vector<vector<string>> ExampleMaze2 = {
{"1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1000", "1000", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1011", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1011", "1100", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1110", "1000", "1011", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1110", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1101", "1100", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001", "1110", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1000", "1000", "1001", "1100", "1010", "1010", "1010", "1001", "1100", "1001"},
//..................... * 549
vector<string> DrawMaze(vector<vector<string>> Maze, int StartX, int StartY, int FinishX, int FinishY)
vector<string> MazePath;
int Rows = Maze.size();
int Columns = Maze[0].size();
for (int i = 0; i < Rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j = ++j)
string PrintLayers = "";
for (int k = 0; k < Columns; k = ++k)
bool CheckStartFinish = false;
if (((StartX == k) && (StartY == i)) || ((FinishX == k + 1) && (FinishY == i + 1)))
CheckStartFinish = true;
if (j == 0)
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+ ";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+--";
else if (j == 1)
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
if (CheckStartFinish == false)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
else if (CheckStartFinish == true)
if (StartX == k)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ST";
if (FinishX == k + 1)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " FN";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
if (CheckStartFinish == false)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "| ";
if (CheckStartFinish == true)
if (StartX == k)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|ST";
if (FinishX == k + 1)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|FN";
if ((j == 0) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+";
else if ((j == 1) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|";
if ((i + 1 == Rows) && (j == 2))
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+ ";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+--";
if ((i + 1 == Rows) && (j == 2) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+";
if (!PrintLayers.empty())
cout << PrintLayers << endl;
return MazePath;
vector<string> ShowPath(vector<vector<string>> Maze, int StartX, int StartY, int FinishX, int FinishY)
vector<string> MazePath;
int Rows = Maze.size();
int Columns = Maze[0].size();
for (int i = 0; i < Rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j = ++j)
string PrintLayers;
for (int k = 0; k < Columns; k = ++k)
bool CheckStartFinish = false;
if (((StartX == k) && (StartY == i)) || ((FinishX == k + 1) && (FinishY == i + 1)))
CheckStartFinish = true;
if (j == 0)
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " XX";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
else if (j == 1)
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
if (CheckStartFinish == false)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "XXX";
else if (CheckStartFinish == true)
if (StartX == k)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "XST";
if (FinishX == k + 1)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "XFN";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
if (CheckStartFinish == false)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " XX";
if (CheckStartFinish == true)
if (StartX == k)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ST";
if (FinishX == k + 1)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " FN";
if ((j == 0) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
else if ((j == 1) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
if ((i + 1 == Rows) && (j == 2))
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " XX";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
if ((i + 1 == Rows) && (j == 3) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
if (!PrintLayers.empty())
//cout << PrintLayers << endl;
return MazePath;
vector<vector<int>> FindPaths(vector<string> MazePath)
int xPos = 0;
int yPos = 0;
int TrueXPos = (1 + (xPos * 3));
int TrueYPos = (1 + (yPos * 2));
bool N = true;
bool E = true;
bool S = true;
bool W = true;
vector<string> Path;
string Direction = "N";
int i = 0;
vector<string> DirectionOrder = { "N", "E", "S", "W" };
string TempDirection;
string DirectFrom = "N";
vector<vector<int>> RouteCoords = { {0,0} };
while (((N == true) || (E == true) || (S == true) || (W == true)) && (i < 60))
vector<string> Possibilities = {};
N = false;
E = false;
S = false;
W = false;
if ((TrueYPos - 1 > 0) && (TrueYPos - 1 < MazePath.size()) && (TrueXPos > 0) && (TrueXPos < MazePath[0].size()))
if (MazePath[TrueYPos - 1][TrueXPos] != ' ')
N = true;
if ((TrueYPos > 0) && (TrueYPos < MazePath.size()) && (TrueXPos +2 > 0) && (TrueXPos + 2 < MazePath[0].size()))
if (MazePath[TrueYPos][TrueXPos + 2] != ' ')
E = true;
if ((TrueYPos + 1 > 0) && (TrueYPos + 1 < MazePath.size()) && (TrueXPos > 0) && (TrueXPos < MazePath[0].size()))
if (MazePath[TrueYPos + 1][TrueXPos] != ' ')
S = true;
if ((TrueYPos > 0) && (TrueYPos < MazePath.size()) && (TrueXPos - 1 > 0) && (TrueXPos - 1 < MazePath[0].size()))
if (MazePath[TrueYPos][TrueXPos - 1] != ' ')
W = true;
if (MazePath[TrueYPos][TrueXPos] == 'F')
cout << "Finished" << endl;
return RouteCoords;
if (MazePath[TrueYPos-1][TrueXPos] == 'F')
cout << "Finished" << endl;
return RouteCoords;
if (MazePath[TrueYPos][TrueXPos+2] == 'F')
cout << "Finished" << endl;
return RouteCoords;
if (MazePath[TrueYPos+1][TrueXPos] == 'F')
cout << "Finished" << endl;
return RouteCoords;
if (MazePath[TrueYPos][TrueXPos-1] == 'F')
cout << "Finished" << endl;
return RouteCoords;
for (int z = 0; z < 4; ++z)
//cout << "Checking: " << DirectionOrder[z] << " ";
//cout << "N: " << N << " E: " << E << " S: " << S << " W: " << W << endl;
if ((N == true) && (DirectionOrder[z] == "N"))
cout << "Move North" << endl;
Direction = "N";
yPos += -1;
DirectFrom = "S";
cout << "X: " << xPos << " Y: " << yPos << endl;
if ((S == true) && (DirectionOrder[z] == "S"))
cout << "Move South" << endl;
Direction = "S";
yPos += 1;
DirectFrom = "N";
cout << "X: " << xPos << " Y: " << yPos << endl;
if ((W == true) && (DirectionOrder[z] == "W"))
cout << "Move West" << endl;
Direction = "W";
xPos += -1;
DirectFrom = "E";
cout << "X: " << xPos << " Y: " << yPos << endl;
if ((E == true) && (DirectionOrder[z] == "E"))
cout << "Move East" << endl;
Direction = "E";
xPos += 1;
DirectFrom = "W";
cout << "X: " << xPos << " Y: " << yPos << endl;
auto itr = std::find(DirectionOrder.begin(), DirectionOrder.end(), DirectFrom);
if (itr != DirectionOrder.end()) DirectionOrder.erase(itr);
TrueXPos = (1 + (xPos * 3));
TrueYPos = (1 + (yPos * 2));
i += 1;
for (int b = 0; b < RouteCoords.size(); ++b)
cout << "{";
for (int c = 0; c < RouteCoords[b].size(); ++c)
cout << RouteCoords[b][c] << ",";
cout << "},";
cout << endl;
return RouteCoords;
void MapRoute(vector<vector<string>> Maze, int StartX, int StartY, int FinishX, int FinishY, vector<vector<int>> RouteCoords)
vector<string> MazePath;
int Rows = Maze.size();
int Columns = Maze[0].size();
bool AddRoute = false;
for (int i = 0; i < Rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j = ++j)
string PrintLayers = "";
for (int k = 0; k < Columns; k = ++k)
AddRoute = false;
for (int c = 0; c < RouteCoords.size(); ++c)
if ((RouteCoords[c][0] == k) && (RouteCoords[c][1] == i))
AddRoute = true;
bool CheckStartFinish = false;
if (((StartX == k) && (StartY == i)) || ((FinishX == k + 1) && (FinishY == i + 1)))
CheckStartFinish = true;
if (j == 0)
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+ ";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+--";
else if (j == 1)
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
if (CheckStartFinish == false)
if (AddRoute == true)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " XX";
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ";
else if (CheckStartFinish == true)
if (StartX == k)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " ST";
if (FinishX == k + 1)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + " FN";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
if (CheckStartFinish == false)
if (AddRoute == true)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|XX";
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "| ";
if (CheckStartFinish == true)
if (StartX == k)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|ST";
if (FinishX == k + 1)
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|FN";
if ((j == 0) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+";
else if ((j == 1) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "|";
if ((i + 1 == Rows) && (j == 2))
if (Maze[i][k][j] == '0')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+ ";
else if (Maze[i][k][j] == '1')
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+--";
if ((i + 1 == Rows) && (j == 2) && (k + 1 == Maze.size()))
PrintLayers = PrintLayers + "+";
if (!PrintLayers.empty())
cout << PrintLayers << endl;
int main()
//cout << ExampleMaze[0][0][0] << endl;
//DrawMaze(ExampleMaze, 0, 0, 20, 20);
cout << endl;
MapRoute(ExampleMaze2,0,0,20,20,FindPaths(ShowPath(ExampleMaze2, 0, 0, 20, 20)));
asked Nov 27 '18 at 9:18


Welcome to Stack Overflow. Please read the help pages, take the SO tour, read about how to ask good questions, as well as this question checklist. Lastly learn how to create a Minimal, Complete and Verifiable Example.
– Some programmer dude
Nov 27 '18 at 9:22
As for your problem, why do you hard-code all that? Can't you use a file that you read when (and if) needed?
– Some programmer dude
Nov 27 '18 at 9:24
@Someprogrammerdude Currently it uses a hard-coded vector because it gets information from it such as sizes. This is then used to create another vector which shows all the paths that exist within the maze, which is then read and analysed to calculate the final maze solution. The code is a translation from a initial piece of python code i created, which had no issue handling such large arrays. I'm not sure how it would work if using a file, since it needs access to different sizes, positions and lines of the vector and i don't know how line and positional access works with a txt and c++.
– BadgerHobbs
Nov 27 '18 at 11:25
A simple text file containing the strings could easily be read into your vectors. While it would affect the start-up time of the program it won't be by much. It will also be more flexible if you're going to continue to develop the program, especially since you can then load new data on-demand. And most importantly of all, it won't put much strain on the compiler.
– Some programmer dude
Nov 27 '18 at 12:27
Ok thanks, I'll have to check that out. Is it possible to read a line from a text file in the format of a vector, and then set it as a vector variable? As I know with Python you can just read a txt in the format of an array, and then convert is into a array variable.
– BadgerHobbs
Nov 27 '18 at 12:47
show 5 more comments
Welcome to Stack Overflow. Please read the help pages, take the SO tour, read about how to ask good questions, as well as this question checklist. Lastly learn how to create a Minimal, Complete and Verifiable Example.
– Some programmer dude
Nov 27 '18 at 9:22
As for your problem, why do you hard-code all that? Can't you use a file that you read when (and if) needed?
– Some programmer dude
Nov 27 '18 at 9:24
@Someprogrammerdude Currently it uses a hard-coded vector because it gets information from it such as sizes. This is then used to create another vector which shows all the paths that exist within the maze, which is then read and analysed to calculate the final maze solution. The code is a translation from a initial piece of python code i created, which had no issue handling such large arrays. I'm not sure how it would work if using a file, since it needs access to different sizes, positions and lines of the vector and i don't know how line and positional access works with a txt and c++.
– BadgerHobbs
Nov 27 '18 at 11:25
A simple text file containing the strings could easily be read into your vectors. While it would affect the start-up time of the program it won't be by much. It will also be more flexible if you're going to continue to develop the program, especially since you can then load new data on-demand. And most importantly of all, it won't put much strain on the compiler.
– Some programmer dude
Nov 27 '18 at 12:27
Ok thanks, I'll have to check that out. Is it possible to read a line from a text file in the format of a vector, and then set it as a vector variable? As I know with Python you can just read a txt in the format of an array, and then convert is into a array variable.
– BadgerHobbs
Nov 27 '18 at 12:47
Welcome to Stack Overflow. Please read the help pages, take the SO tour, read about how to ask good questions, as well as this question checklist. Lastly learn how to create a Minimal, Complete and Verifiable Example.
– Some programmer dude
Nov 27 '18 at 9:22
Welcome to Stack Overflow. Please read the help pages, take the SO tour, read about how to ask good questions, as well as this question checklist. Lastly learn how to create a Minimal, Complete and Verifiable Example.
– Some programmer dude
Nov 27 '18 at 9:22
As for your problem, why do you hard-code all that? Can't you use a file that you read when (and if) needed?
– Some programmer dude
Nov 27 '18 at 9:24
As for your problem, why do you hard-code all that? Can't you use a file that you read when (and if) needed?
– Some programmer dude
Nov 27 '18 at 9:24
@Someprogrammerdude Currently it uses a hard-coded vector because it gets information from it such as sizes. This is then used to create another vector which shows all the paths that exist within the maze, which is then read and analysed to calculate the final maze solution. The code is a translation from a initial piece of python code i created, which had no issue handling such large arrays. I'm not sure how it would work if using a file, since it needs access to different sizes, positions and lines of the vector and i don't know how line and positional access works with a txt and c++.
– BadgerHobbs
Nov 27 '18 at 11:25
@Someprogrammerdude Currently it uses a hard-coded vector because it gets information from it such as sizes. This is then used to create another vector which shows all the paths that exist within the maze, which is then read and analysed to calculate the final maze solution. The code is a translation from a initial piece of python code i created, which had no issue handling such large arrays. I'm not sure how it would work if using a file, since it needs access to different sizes, positions and lines of the vector and i don't know how line and positional access works with a txt and c++.
– BadgerHobbs
Nov 27 '18 at 11:25
A simple text file containing the strings could easily be read into your vectors. While it would affect the start-up time of the program it won't be by much. It will also be more flexible if you're going to continue to develop the program, especially since you can then load new data on-demand. And most importantly of all, it won't put much strain on the compiler.
– Some programmer dude
Nov 27 '18 at 12:27
A simple text file containing the strings could easily be read into your vectors. While it would affect the start-up time of the program it won't be by much. It will also be more flexible if you're going to continue to develop the program, especially since you can then load new data on-demand. And most importantly of all, it won't put much strain on the compiler.
– Some programmer dude
Nov 27 '18 at 12:27
Ok thanks, I'll have to check that out. Is it possible to read a line from a text file in the format of a vector, and then set it as a vector variable? As I know with Python you can just read a txt in the format of an array, and then convert is into a array variable.
– BadgerHobbs
Nov 27 '18 at 12:47
Ok thanks, I'll have to check that out. Is it possible to read a line from a text file in the format of a vector, and then set it as a vector variable? As I know with Python you can just read a txt in the format of an array, and then convert is into a array variable.
– BadgerHobbs
Nov 27 '18 at 12:47
show 5 more comments
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– Some programmer dude
Nov 27 '18 at 9:22
As for your problem, why do you hard-code all that? Can't you use a file that you read when (and if) needed?
– Some programmer dude
Nov 27 '18 at 9:24
@Someprogrammerdude Currently it uses a hard-coded vector because it gets information from it such as sizes. This is then used to create another vector which shows all the paths that exist within the maze, which is then read and analysed to calculate the final maze solution. The code is a translation from a initial piece of python code i created, which had no issue handling such large arrays. I'm not sure how it would work if using a file, since it needs access to different sizes, positions and lines of the vector and i don't know how line and positional access works with a txt and c++.
– BadgerHobbs
Nov 27 '18 at 11:25
A simple text file containing the strings could easily be read into your vectors. While it would affect the start-up time of the program it won't be by much. It will also be more flexible if you're going to continue to develop the program, especially since you can then load new data on-demand. And most importantly of all, it won't put much strain on the compiler.
– Some programmer dude
Nov 27 '18 at 12:27
Ok thanks, I'll have to check that out. Is it possible to read a line from a text file in the format of a vector, and then set it as a vector variable? As I know with Python you can just read a txt in the format of an array, and then convert is into a array variable.
– BadgerHobbs
Nov 27 '18 at 12:47