Test datetime object using flask and mockupdb (mongodb)


I'm testing MongoDB as DB with a Flask's REST Server (and flask-pymongo), using the mockupdb module. I want to receive a DateTime in the json request, and store it as Date object, to perform some range query using this field in the future, so, I send the data as EJSON (BSON) to keep the data exactly as I.

This is the testcase:

def client_and_mongoserver():
mongo_server = MockupDB(auto_ismaster=True, verbose=True)
config = Config()
config.MONGO_URI = mongo_server.uri + '/test'
flask_app = create_app(config)
flask_app.testing = True
client = flask_app.test_client()
yield client, mongo_server

def test_insert(client_and_mongoserver):
client, server = client_and_mongoserver
headers = [('Content-Type', 'application/json')]

id = str(uuid.uuid4()).encode('utf-8')[:12]
now = datetime.now()
obj_id = ObjectId(id)
toInsert = {
"_id": obj_id,
"datetime": now

toVerify = {
"_id": obj_id,
"datetime": now

future = go(client.post, '/api/insert', data=dumps(toInsert), headers=headers)
request = server.receives(
'insert': 'test',
'ordered': True,
'$db': "test",
'$readPreference': {"mode": "primary"},
'documents': [
}, namespace='test')
request.ok(cursor={'inserted_id': id})
# act
http_response = future()

# assert
data = http_response.get_data(as_text=True)

This is the endpoint. Before the insert call I convert the datetime string to datetime object:

from flask_restful import Resource
from bson import json_util
class Insert(Resource):
def post(self):
if not request.json:
json_data = json_util.loads(request.data)
result = mongo.db.test.insert_one(json_data)
return {'message': 'OK'}, 200

But the test generate this assertion:

self = MockupDB(localhost, 37213)
args = (OpMsg({"insert": "test", "ordered": true, "$db": "test", "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"}, "documents": [{"_id": {"$oid": "63343264363661622d393764"}, "datetime": {"$date": 1543493218306}}]}, namespace="test"),)
kwargs = {}, timeout = 10, end = 1543504028.309115
matcher = Matcher(OpMsg({"insert": "test", "ordered": true, "$db": "test", "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"}, "documents": [{"_id": {"$oid": "63343264363661622d393764"}, "datetime": {"$date": 1543493218306}}]}, namespace="test"))
request = OpMsg({"insert": "test", "ordered": true, "$db": "test", "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"}, "documents": [{"_id": {"$oid": "63343264363661622d393764"}, "datetime": {"$date": 1543493218306}}]}, namespace="test")

def receives(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Pop the next `Request` and assert it matches.

Returns None if the server is stopped.

Pass a `Request` or request pattern to specify what client request to
expect. See the tutorial for examples. Pass ``timeout`` as a keyword
argument to override this server's ``request_timeout``.
timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', self._request_timeout)
end = time.time() + timeout
matcher = Matcher(*args, **kwargs)
while not self._stopped:
# Short timeout so we notice if the server is stopped.
request = self._request_q.get(timeout=0.05)
except Empty:
if time.time() > end:
raise AssertionError('expected to receive %r, got nothing' % matcher.prototype)
if matcher.matches(request):
return request
raise AssertionError('expected to receive %r, got %r'
> % (matcher.prototype, request))
E AssertionError: expected to receive OpMsg({"insert": "test", "ordered": true, "$db": "test", "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"}, "documents": [{"_id": {"$oid": "63343264363661622d393764"}, "datetime": {"$date": 1543493218306}}]}, namespace="test"), got OpMsg({"insert": "test", "ordered": true, "$db": "test", "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"}, "documents": [{"_id": {"$oid": "63343264363661622d393764"}, "datetime": {"$date": 1543493218306}}]}, namespace="test")

.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mockupdb/__init__.py:1291: AssertionError

The value match but the assertion is raised either way.
How can I test the Date object using flask?

As pointed out by @bauman.space. The lack of:

'$db': 'test',  # this key appears somewhere at the driver 
'$readPreference': {"mode": "primary"}, # so does this one

Don't affect the validation made by mockupdb. I'd tested that in other test cases.

EDIT 2: Change question to prevent confusion

share|improve this question


    I'm testing MongoDB as DB with a Flask's REST Server (and flask-pymongo), using the mockupdb module. I want to receive a DateTime in the json request, and store it as Date object, to perform some range query using this field in the future, so, I send the data as EJSON (BSON) to keep the data exactly as I.

    This is the testcase:

    def client_and_mongoserver():
    mongo_server = MockupDB(auto_ismaster=True, verbose=True)
    config = Config()
    config.MONGO_URI = mongo_server.uri + '/test'
    flask_app = create_app(config)
    flask_app.testing = True
    client = flask_app.test_client()
    yield client, mongo_server

    def test_insert(client_and_mongoserver):
    client, server = client_and_mongoserver
    headers = [('Content-Type', 'application/json')]

    id = str(uuid.uuid4()).encode('utf-8')[:12]
    now = datetime.now()
    obj_id = ObjectId(id)
    toInsert = {
    "_id": obj_id,
    "datetime": now

    toVerify = {
    "_id": obj_id,
    "datetime": now

    future = go(client.post, '/api/insert', data=dumps(toInsert), headers=headers)
    request = server.receives(
    'insert': 'test',
    'ordered': True,
    '$db': "test",
    '$readPreference': {"mode": "primary"},
    'documents': [
    }, namespace='test')
    request.ok(cursor={'inserted_id': id})
    # act
    http_response = future()

    # assert
    data = http_response.get_data(as_text=True)

    This is the endpoint. Before the insert call I convert the datetime string to datetime object:

    from flask_restful import Resource
    from bson import json_util
    class Insert(Resource):
    def post(self):
    if not request.json:
    json_data = json_util.loads(request.data)
    result = mongo.db.test.insert_one(json_data)
    return {'message': 'OK'}, 200

    But the test generate this assertion:

    self = MockupDB(localhost, 37213)
    args = (OpMsg({"insert": "test", "ordered": true, "$db": "test", "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"}, "documents": [{"_id": {"$oid": "63343264363661622d393764"}, "datetime": {"$date": 1543493218306}}]}, namespace="test"),)
    kwargs = {}, timeout = 10, end = 1543504028.309115
    matcher = Matcher(OpMsg({"insert": "test", "ordered": true, "$db": "test", "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"}, "documents": [{"_id": {"$oid": "63343264363661622d393764"}, "datetime": {"$date": 1543493218306}}]}, namespace="test"))
    request = OpMsg({"insert": "test", "ordered": true, "$db": "test", "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"}, "documents": [{"_id": {"$oid": "63343264363661622d393764"}, "datetime": {"$date": 1543493218306}}]}, namespace="test")

    def receives(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """Pop the next `Request` and assert it matches.

    Returns None if the server is stopped.

    Pass a `Request` or request pattern to specify what client request to
    expect. See the tutorial for examples. Pass ``timeout`` as a keyword
    argument to override this server's ``request_timeout``.
    timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', self._request_timeout)
    end = time.time() + timeout
    matcher = Matcher(*args, **kwargs)
    while not self._stopped:
    # Short timeout so we notice if the server is stopped.
    request = self._request_q.get(timeout=0.05)
    except Empty:
    if time.time() > end:
    raise AssertionError('expected to receive %r, got nothing' % matcher.prototype)
    if matcher.matches(request):
    return request
    raise AssertionError('expected to receive %r, got %r'
    > % (matcher.prototype, request))
    E AssertionError: expected to receive OpMsg({"insert": "test", "ordered": true, "$db": "test", "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"}, "documents": [{"_id": {"$oid": "63343264363661622d393764"}, "datetime": {"$date": 1543493218306}}]}, namespace="test"), got OpMsg({"insert": "test", "ordered": true, "$db": "test", "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"}, "documents": [{"_id": {"$oid": "63343264363661622d393764"}, "datetime": {"$date": 1543493218306}}]}, namespace="test")

    .venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mockupdb/__init__.py:1291: AssertionError

    The value match but the assertion is raised either way.
    How can I test the Date object using flask?

    As pointed out by @bauman.space. The lack of:

    '$db': 'test',  # this key appears somewhere at the driver 
    '$readPreference': {"mode": "primary"}, # so does this one

    Don't affect the validation made by mockupdb. I'd tested that in other test cases.

    EDIT 2: Change question to prevent confusion

    share|improve this question




      I'm testing MongoDB as DB with a Flask's REST Server (and flask-pymongo), using the mockupdb module. I want to receive a DateTime in the json request, and store it as Date object, to perform some range query using this field in the future, so, I send the data as EJSON (BSON) to keep the data exactly as I.

      This is the testcase:

      def client_and_mongoserver():
      mongo_server = MockupDB(auto_ismaster=True, verbose=True)
      config = Config()
      config.MONGO_URI = mongo_server.uri + '/test'
      flask_app = create_app(config)
      flask_app.testing = True
      client = flask_app.test_client()
      yield client, mongo_server

      def test_insert(client_and_mongoserver):
      client, server = client_and_mongoserver
      headers = [('Content-Type', 'application/json')]

      id = str(uuid.uuid4()).encode('utf-8')[:12]
      now = datetime.now()
      obj_id = ObjectId(id)
      toInsert = {
      "_id": obj_id,
      "datetime": now

      toVerify = {
      "_id": obj_id,
      "datetime": now

      future = go(client.post, '/api/insert', data=dumps(toInsert), headers=headers)
      request = server.receives(
      'insert': 'test',
      'ordered': True,
      '$db': "test",
      '$readPreference': {"mode": "primary"},
      'documents': [
      }, namespace='test')
      request.ok(cursor={'inserted_id': id})
      # act
      http_response = future()

      # assert
      data = http_response.get_data(as_text=True)

      This is the endpoint. Before the insert call I convert the datetime string to datetime object:

      from flask_restful import Resource
      from bson import json_util
      class Insert(Resource):
      def post(self):
      if not request.json:
      json_data = json_util.loads(request.data)
      result = mongo.db.test.insert_one(json_data)
      return {'message': 'OK'}, 200

      But the test generate this assertion:

      self = MockupDB(localhost, 37213)
      args = (OpMsg({"insert": "test", "ordered": true, "$db": "test", "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"}, "documents": [{"_id": {"$oid": "63343264363661622d393764"}, "datetime": {"$date": 1543493218306}}]}, namespace="test"),)
      kwargs = {}, timeout = 10, end = 1543504028.309115
      matcher = Matcher(OpMsg({"insert": "test", "ordered": true, "$db": "test", "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"}, "documents": [{"_id": {"$oid": "63343264363661622d393764"}, "datetime": {"$date": 1543493218306}}]}, namespace="test"))
      request = OpMsg({"insert": "test", "ordered": true, "$db": "test", "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"}, "documents": [{"_id": {"$oid": "63343264363661622d393764"}, "datetime": {"$date": 1543493218306}}]}, namespace="test")

      def receives(self, *args, **kwargs):
      """Pop the next `Request` and assert it matches.

      Returns None if the server is stopped.

      Pass a `Request` or request pattern to specify what client request to
      expect. See the tutorial for examples. Pass ``timeout`` as a keyword
      argument to override this server's ``request_timeout``.
      timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', self._request_timeout)
      end = time.time() + timeout
      matcher = Matcher(*args, **kwargs)
      while not self._stopped:
      # Short timeout so we notice if the server is stopped.
      request = self._request_q.get(timeout=0.05)
      except Empty:
      if time.time() > end:
      raise AssertionError('expected to receive %r, got nothing' % matcher.prototype)
      if matcher.matches(request):
      return request
      raise AssertionError('expected to receive %r, got %r'
      > % (matcher.prototype, request))
      E AssertionError: expected to receive OpMsg({"insert": "test", "ordered": true, "$db": "test", "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"}, "documents": [{"_id": {"$oid": "63343264363661622d393764"}, "datetime": {"$date": 1543493218306}}]}, namespace="test"), got OpMsg({"insert": "test", "ordered": true, "$db": "test", "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"}, "documents": [{"_id": {"$oid": "63343264363661622d393764"}, "datetime": {"$date": 1543493218306}}]}, namespace="test")

      .venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mockupdb/__init__.py:1291: AssertionError

      The value match but the assertion is raised either way.
      How can I test the Date object using flask?

      As pointed out by @bauman.space. The lack of:

      '$db': 'test',  # this key appears somewhere at the driver 
      '$readPreference': {"mode": "primary"}, # so does this one

      Don't affect the validation made by mockupdb. I'd tested that in other test cases.

      EDIT 2: Change question to prevent confusion

      share|improve this question

      I'm testing MongoDB as DB with a Flask's REST Server (and flask-pymongo), using the mockupdb module. I want to receive a DateTime in the json request, and store it as Date object, to perform some range query using this field in the future, so, I send the data as EJSON (BSON) to keep the data exactly as I.

      This is the testcase:

      def client_and_mongoserver():
      mongo_server = MockupDB(auto_ismaster=True, verbose=True)
      config = Config()
      config.MONGO_URI = mongo_server.uri + '/test'
      flask_app = create_app(config)
      flask_app.testing = True
      client = flask_app.test_client()
      yield client, mongo_server

      def test_insert(client_and_mongoserver):
      client, server = client_and_mongoserver
      headers = [('Content-Type', 'application/json')]

      id = str(uuid.uuid4()).encode('utf-8')[:12]
      now = datetime.now()
      obj_id = ObjectId(id)
      toInsert = {
      "_id": obj_id,
      "datetime": now

      toVerify = {
      "_id": obj_id,
      "datetime": now

      future = go(client.post, '/api/insert', data=dumps(toInsert), headers=headers)
      request = server.receives(
      'insert': 'test',
      'ordered': True,
      '$db': "test",
      '$readPreference': {"mode": "primary"},
      'documents': [
      }, namespace='test')
      request.ok(cursor={'inserted_id': id})
      # act
      http_response = future()

      # assert
      data = http_response.get_data(as_text=True)

      This is the endpoint. Before the insert call I convert the datetime string to datetime object:

      from flask_restful import Resource
      from bson import json_util
      class Insert(Resource):
      def post(self):
      if not request.json:
      json_data = json_util.loads(request.data)
      result = mongo.db.test.insert_one(json_data)
      return {'message': 'OK'}, 200

      But the test generate this assertion:

      self = MockupDB(localhost, 37213)
      args = (OpMsg({"insert": "test", "ordered": true, "$db": "test", "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"}, "documents": [{"_id": {"$oid": "63343264363661622d393764"}, "datetime": {"$date": 1543493218306}}]}, namespace="test"),)
      kwargs = {}, timeout = 10, end = 1543504028.309115
      matcher = Matcher(OpMsg({"insert": "test", "ordered": true, "$db": "test", "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"}, "documents": [{"_id": {"$oid": "63343264363661622d393764"}, "datetime": {"$date": 1543493218306}}]}, namespace="test"))
      request = OpMsg({"insert": "test", "ordered": true, "$db": "test", "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"}, "documents": [{"_id": {"$oid": "63343264363661622d393764"}, "datetime": {"$date": 1543493218306}}]}, namespace="test")

      def receives(self, *args, **kwargs):
      """Pop the next `Request` and assert it matches.

      Returns None if the server is stopped.

      Pass a `Request` or request pattern to specify what client request to
      expect. See the tutorial for examples. Pass ``timeout`` as a keyword
      argument to override this server's ``request_timeout``.
      timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', self._request_timeout)
      end = time.time() + timeout
      matcher = Matcher(*args, **kwargs)
      while not self._stopped:
      # Short timeout so we notice if the server is stopped.
      request = self._request_q.get(timeout=0.05)
      except Empty:
      if time.time() > end:
      raise AssertionError('expected to receive %r, got nothing' % matcher.prototype)
      if matcher.matches(request):
      return request
      raise AssertionError('expected to receive %r, got %r'
      > % (matcher.prototype, request))
      E AssertionError: expected to receive OpMsg({"insert": "test", "ordered": true, "$db": "test", "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"}, "documents": [{"_id": {"$oid": "63343264363661622d393764"}, "datetime": {"$date": 1543493218306}}]}, namespace="test"), got OpMsg({"insert": "test", "ordered": true, "$db": "test", "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"}, "documents": [{"_id": {"$oid": "63343264363661622d393764"}, "datetime": {"$date": 1543493218306}}]}, namespace="test")

      .venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mockupdb/__init__.py:1291: AssertionError

      The value match but the assertion is raised either way.
      How can I test the Date object using flask?

      As pointed out by @bauman.space. The lack of:

      '$db': 'test',  # this key appears somewhere at the driver 
      '$readPreference': {"mode": "primary"}, # so does this one

      Don't affect the validation made by mockupdb. I'd tested that in other test cases.

      EDIT 2: Change question to prevent confusion

      flask pymongo

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Nov 29 at 15:32

      asked Nov 22 at 19:05

      Jose Truyol



          1 Answer





          your assertion is quite descriptive

          expected to receive
          {"insert": "test",
          "ordered": true,
          "documents": [{"_id": "a3dbe8a7e1cc43469b706a8877b0a14a",
          "datetime": {"$date": 1542901445120}}]
          }, namespace="test"
          {"insert": "test",
          "ordered": true,
          "$db": "test",
          "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"},
          "documents": [{"_id": "a3dbe8a7e1cc43469b706a8877b0a14a",
          "datetime": {"$date": 1542901445120}}]
          }, namespace="test")

          looks like you simply need to include some of the standard MongoDB keys in your verification code.

          Swap yours out with this and give it a try?

          request = server.receives(
          'insert': 'test',
          'ordered': True,
          '$db': 'test', # this key appears somewhere at the driver
          '$readPreference': {"mode": "primary"}, # so does this one
          'documents': [
          }, namespace='test')

          share|improve this answer

          • I'd edited the question. The '$db' and '$readPreference' keys don't affect the validation made by mockupdb.
            – Jose Truyol
            Nov 27 at 13:35

          • can you edit in the new exception once you put those keys in the server.receives? The exception raised looks extremely informative
            – bauman.space
            Nov 27 at 14:57

          • Edited with more code info
            – Jose Truyol
            Nov 29 at 15:33

          Your Answer

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          Post as a guest

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          1 Answer




          1 Answer











          your assertion is quite descriptive

          expected to receive
          {"insert": "test",
          "ordered": true,
          "documents": [{"_id": "a3dbe8a7e1cc43469b706a8877b0a14a",
          "datetime": {"$date": 1542901445120}}]
          }, namespace="test"
          {"insert": "test",
          "ordered": true,
          "$db": "test",
          "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"},
          "documents": [{"_id": "a3dbe8a7e1cc43469b706a8877b0a14a",
          "datetime": {"$date": 1542901445120}}]
          }, namespace="test")

          looks like you simply need to include some of the standard MongoDB keys in your verification code.

          Swap yours out with this and give it a try?

          request = server.receives(
          'insert': 'test',
          'ordered': True,
          '$db': 'test', # this key appears somewhere at the driver
          '$readPreference': {"mode": "primary"}, # so does this one
          'documents': [
          }, namespace='test')

          share|improve this answer

          • I'd edited the question. The '$db' and '$readPreference' keys don't affect the validation made by mockupdb.
            – Jose Truyol
            Nov 27 at 13:35

          • can you edit in the new exception once you put those keys in the server.receives? The exception raised looks extremely informative
            – bauman.space
            Nov 27 at 14:57

          • Edited with more code info
            – Jose Truyol
            Nov 29 at 15:33


          your assertion is quite descriptive

          expected to receive
          {"insert": "test",
          "ordered": true,
          "documents": [{"_id": "a3dbe8a7e1cc43469b706a8877b0a14a",
          "datetime": {"$date": 1542901445120}}]
          }, namespace="test"
          {"insert": "test",
          "ordered": true,
          "$db": "test",
          "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"},
          "documents": [{"_id": "a3dbe8a7e1cc43469b706a8877b0a14a",
          "datetime": {"$date": 1542901445120}}]
          }, namespace="test")

          looks like you simply need to include some of the standard MongoDB keys in your verification code.

          Swap yours out with this and give it a try?

          request = server.receives(
          'insert': 'test',
          'ordered': True,
          '$db': 'test', # this key appears somewhere at the driver
          '$readPreference': {"mode": "primary"}, # so does this one
          'documents': [
          }, namespace='test')

          share|improve this answer

          • I'd edited the question. The '$db' and '$readPreference' keys don't affect the validation made by mockupdb.
            – Jose Truyol
            Nov 27 at 13:35

          • can you edit in the new exception once you put those keys in the server.receives? The exception raised looks extremely informative
            – bauman.space
            Nov 27 at 14:57

          • Edited with more code info
            – Jose Truyol
            Nov 29 at 15:33




          your assertion is quite descriptive

          expected to receive
          {"insert": "test",
          "ordered": true,
          "documents": [{"_id": "a3dbe8a7e1cc43469b706a8877b0a14a",
          "datetime": {"$date": 1542901445120}}]
          }, namespace="test"
          {"insert": "test",
          "ordered": true,
          "$db": "test",
          "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"},
          "documents": [{"_id": "a3dbe8a7e1cc43469b706a8877b0a14a",
          "datetime": {"$date": 1542901445120}}]
          }, namespace="test")

          looks like you simply need to include some of the standard MongoDB keys in your verification code.

          Swap yours out with this and give it a try?

          request = server.receives(
          'insert': 'test',
          'ordered': True,
          '$db': 'test', # this key appears somewhere at the driver
          '$readPreference': {"mode": "primary"}, # so does this one
          'documents': [
          }, namespace='test')

          share|improve this answer

          your assertion is quite descriptive

          expected to receive
          {"insert": "test",
          "ordered": true,
          "documents": [{"_id": "a3dbe8a7e1cc43469b706a8877b0a14a",
          "datetime": {"$date": 1542901445120}}]
          }, namespace="test"
          {"insert": "test",
          "ordered": true,
          "$db": "test",
          "$readPreference": {"mode": "primary"},
          "documents": [{"_id": "a3dbe8a7e1cc43469b706a8877b0a14a",
          "datetime": {"$date": 1542901445120}}]
          }, namespace="test")

          looks like you simply need to include some of the standard MongoDB keys in your verification code.

          Swap yours out with this and give it a try?

          request = server.receives(
          'insert': 'test',
          'ordered': True,
          '$db': 'test', # this key appears somewhere at the driver
          '$readPreference': {"mode": "primary"}, # so does this one
          'documents': [
          }, namespace='test')

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered Nov 27 at 2:05




          • I'd edited the question. The '$db' and '$readPreference' keys don't affect the validation made by mockupdb.
            – Jose Truyol
            Nov 27 at 13:35

          • can you edit in the new exception once you put those keys in the server.receives? The exception raised looks extremely informative
            – bauman.space
            Nov 27 at 14:57

          • Edited with more code info
            – Jose Truyol
            Nov 29 at 15:33

          • I'd edited the question. The '$db' and '$readPreference' keys don't affect the validation made by mockupdb.
            – Jose Truyol
            Nov 27 at 13:35

          • can you edit in the new exception once you put those keys in the server.receives? The exception raised looks extremely informative
            – bauman.space
            Nov 27 at 14:57

          • Edited with more code info
            – Jose Truyol
            Nov 29 at 15:33

          I'd edited the question. The '$db' and '$readPreference' keys don't affect the validation made by mockupdb.
          – Jose Truyol
          Nov 27 at 13:35

          I'd edited the question. The '$db' and '$readPreference' keys don't affect the validation made by mockupdb.
          – Jose Truyol
          Nov 27 at 13:35

          can you edit in the new exception once you put those keys in the server.receives? The exception raised looks extremely informative
          – bauman.space
          Nov 27 at 14:57

          can you edit in the new exception once you put those keys in the server.receives? The exception raised looks extremely informative
          – bauman.space
          Nov 27 at 14:57

          Edited with more code info
          – Jose Truyol
          Nov 29 at 15:33

          Edited with more code info
          – Jose Truyol
          Nov 29 at 15:33

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