Sugar solutions do not have a pH in themselves, but it makes your body acidic. Why?

up vote
down vote


I'm not an expert, but as far as I understood a sugar solution is completely neutral since sugar can't take hydrogen ions out of the water or donate them in. Sugar is a non ionic compound, so it does not release H and OH ions in the water so it will not make the solution acidic or alkaline.

I keep on reading and seeing charts of how sugars make your body acidic, like this one:

Enter image description here

What process makes a neutral pH solution into an acidic one?
I'm not into chemistry at all and therefore the simpler the answer the better.

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New contributor

Mr.Web is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 31

    Charts like these are unscientific nonsense, ignore them.
    – Waylander
    18 hours ago

  • @Waylander ok but is it proven sugars acidifies the body? If so, how?
    – Mr.Web
    18 hours ago

  • 8

    @Mr.Web the opposite is proven - these foods (and any other foods) do not acidify the body. Science formed the hypothesis in the 19th century and disprove it in the early 20th century. People keep making these charts, but they are simply wrong.
    – rumtscho
    14 hours ago

  • 26

    You've got to love the sheer gumption of putting citrus fruits in a column headed 'Alkaline'...
    – AakashM
    14 hours ago

  • 3

    @Mr.Web In general, if you see a chart alleging anything about food without citing at least one scientific study in a journal which, when Googled, doesn't turn up on any predatory journal lists, it's a steaming pile of bullshit. Especially about which foods are "healthy". (That's not always the case, of course -- for example, the charts found in those studies -- but if people are stealing those charts without citation they're plagiarizing and probably leaving out important context.)
    – Nic Hartley
    9 hours ago

up vote
down vote


I'm not an expert, but as far as I understood a sugar solution is completely neutral since sugar can't take hydrogen ions out of the water or donate them in. Sugar is a non ionic compound, so it does not release H and OH ions in the water so it will not make the solution acidic or alkaline.

I keep on reading and seeing charts of how sugars make your body acidic, like this one:

Enter image description here

What process makes a neutral pH solution into an acidic one?
I'm not into chemistry at all and therefore the simpler the answer the better.

share|improve this question

New contributor

Mr.Web is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • 31

    Charts like these are unscientific nonsense, ignore them.
    – Waylander
    18 hours ago

  • @Waylander ok but is it proven sugars acidifies the body? If so, how?
    – Mr.Web
    18 hours ago

  • 8

    @Mr.Web the opposite is proven - these foods (and any other foods) do not acidify the body. Science formed the hypothesis in the 19th century and disprove it in the early 20th century. People keep making these charts, but they are simply wrong.
    – rumtscho
    14 hours ago

  • 26

    You've got to love the sheer gumption of putting citrus fruits in a column headed 'Alkaline'...
    – AakashM
    14 hours ago

  • 3

    @Mr.Web In general, if you see a chart alleging anything about food without citing at least one scientific study in a journal which, when Googled, doesn't turn up on any predatory journal lists, it's a steaming pile of bullshit. Especially about which foods are "healthy". (That's not always the case, of course -- for example, the charts found in those studies -- but if people are stealing those charts without citation they're plagiarizing and probably leaving out important context.)
    – Nic Hartley
    9 hours ago

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote



I'm not an expert, but as far as I understood a sugar solution is completely neutral since sugar can't take hydrogen ions out of the water or donate them in. Sugar is a non ionic compound, so it does not release H and OH ions in the water so it will not make the solution acidic or alkaline.

I keep on reading and seeing charts of how sugars make your body acidic, like this one:

Enter image description here

What process makes a neutral pH solution into an acidic one?
I'm not into chemistry at all and therefore the simpler the answer the better.

share|improve this question

New contributor

Mr.Web is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

I'm not an expert, but as far as I understood a sugar solution is completely neutral since sugar can't take hydrogen ions out of the water or donate them in. Sugar is a non ionic compound, so it does not release H and OH ions in the water so it will not make the solution acidic or alkaline.

I keep on reading and seeing charts of how sugars make your body acidic, like this one:

Enter image description here

What process makes a neutral pH solution into an acidic one?
I'm not into chemistry at all and therefore the simpler the answer the better.

everyday-chemistry ph food-chemistry

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New contributor

Mr.Web is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

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New contributor

Mr.Web is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

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edited 4 hours ago

Peter Mortensen



New contributor

Mr.Web is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

asked 19 hours ago




New contributor

Mr.Web is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

New contributor

Mr.Web is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

Mr.Web is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • 31

    Charts like these are unscientific nonsense, ignore them.
    – Waylander
    18 hours ago

  • @Waylander ok but is it proven sugars acidifies the body? If so, how?
    – Mr.Web
    18 hours ago

  • 8

    @Mr.Web the opposite is proven - these foods (and any other foods) do not acidify the body. Science formed the hypothesis in the 19th century and disprove it in the early 20th century. People keep making these charts, but they are simply wrong.
    – rumtscho
    14 hours ago

  • 26

    You've got to love the sheer gumption of putting citrus fruits in a column headed 'Alkaline'...
    – AakashM
    14 hours ago

  • 3

    @Mr.Web In general, if you see a chart alleging anything about food without citing at least one scientific study in a journal which, when Googled, doesn't turn up on any predatory journal lists, it's a steaming pile of bullshit. Especially about which foods are "healthy". (That's not always the case, of course -- for example, the charts found in those studies -- but if people are stealing those charts without citation they're plagiarizing and probably leaving out important context.)
    – Nic Hartley
    9 hours ago

  • 31

    Charts like these are unscientific nonsense, ignore them.
    – Waylander
    18 hours ago

  • @Waylander ok but is it proven sugars acidifies the body? If so, how?
    – Mr.Web
    18 hours ago

  • 8

    @Mr.Web the opposite is proven - these foods (and any other foods) do not acidify the body. Science formed the hypothesis in the 19th century and disprove it in the early 20th century. People keep making these charts, but they are simply wrong.
    – rumtscho
    14 hours ago

  • 26

    You've got to love the sheer gumption of putting citrus fruits in a column headed 'Alkaline'...
    – AakashM
    14 hours ago

  • 3

    @Mr.Web In general, if you see a chart alleging anything about food without citing at least one scientific study in a journal which, when Googled, doesn't turn up on any predatory journal lists, it's a steaming pile of bullshit. Especially about which foods are "healthy". (That's not always the case, of course -- for example, the charts found in those studies -- but if people are stealing those charts without citation they're plagiarizing and probably leaving out important context.)
    – Nic Hartley
    9 hours ago



Charts like these are unscientific nonsense, ignore them.
– Waylander
18 hours ago

Charts like these are unscientific nonsense, ignore them.
– Waylander
18 hours ago

@Waylander ok but is it proven sugars acidifies the body? If so, how?
– Mr.Web
18 hours ago

@Waylander ok but is it proven sugars acidifies the body? If so, how?
– Mr.Web
18 hours ago



@Mr.Web the opposite is proven - these foods (and any other foods) do not acidify the body. Science formed the hypothesis in the 19th century and disprove it in the early 20th century. People keep making these charts, but they are simply wrong.
– rumtscho
14 hours ago

@Mr.Web the opposite is proven - these foods (and any other foods) do not acidify the body. Science formed the hypothesis in the 19th century and disprove it in the early 20th century. People keep making these charts, but they are simply wrong.
– rumtscho
14 hours ago



You've got to love the sheer gumption of putting citrus fruits in a column headed 'Alkaline'...
– AakashM
14 hours ago

You've got to love the sheer gumption of putting citrus fruits in a column headed 'Alkaline'...
– AakashM
14 hours ago



@Mr.Web In general, if you see a chart alleging anything about food without citing at least one scientific study in a journal which, when Googled, doesn't turn up on any predatory journal lists, it's a steaming pile of bullshit. Especially about which foods are "healthy". (That's not always the case, of course -- for example, the charts found in those studies -- but if people are stealing those charts without citation they're plagiarizing and probably leaving out important context.)
– Nic Hartley
9 hours ago

@Mr.Web In general, if you see a chart alleging anything about food without citing at least one scientific study in a journal which, when Googled, doesn't turn up on any predatory journal lists, it's a steaming pile of bullshit. Especially about which foods are "healthy". (That's not always the case, of course -- for example, the charts found in those studies -- but if people are stealing those charts without citation they're plagiarizing and probably leaving out important context.)
– Nic Hartley
9 hours ago

3 Answers




up vote
down vote


It is not proven that "sugar makes your body acidic"!

Your body's pH is very tightly regulated by the body's internal systems; it is also different in different parts of the body - the stomach is acidic (1.0-2.5), the intestine are mildly basic (jejunem 7-9) terminal ileum 7.5 reference here. Blood pH is 7.35, and any deviation from this is indicative of serious illness.

share|improve this answer

  • 2

    It is almost impossible to "make the body" acidic while keeping it alive and functioning. Diets that advertise "acidic" or "alkaline" do little (nothing) to change the body PH. Instead they focus on other properties. ref
    – Mindwin
    12 hours ago

  • 2

    It is perfectly true that the "alkaline" foods recommended above will do you little harm, and some good if you replace the "acid forming foods" with them - just not for the reasons advanced.
    – Waylander
    11 hours ago

  • 1

    in the end they are just (wrongly used) marketing buzzwords (lies).
    – Mindwin
    10 hours ago

  • @Mindwin While it is correct that there is a lot of quackery around using diet to alter "the body's pH", you will find that your counter is completely false. The existence of a physiological buffer does not mean the pH doesn't change in disease states. It often does. There is an entire chapter in Cecil Medicine on the topic (Ch 120). Yes, alkaline diets are quackery. But no, it's not because your physiologic buffer is inviolable. Various pathophysiologic processes of varying severity can cause disturbances in the buffer system.
    – De Novo
    7 hours ago

  • @Mindwin don't counter quackery with false simplifications. Counter it with facts. Absent some pre-existing disease process, alkaline diets don't substantially change the pH of any body compartment (other than urine), and they aren't shown to be any more effective than any other kind of diet. (vs. "it is almost impossible to make the body acidic while keeping it alive and functioning")
    – De Novo
    7 hours ago

up vote
down vote

One place where sugar does cause acidity is your mouth. The bacteria living in your mouth feed on sugar and excrete lactic acid. It's part of their metabolism. Wikipedia has more details about dietary sugars and acidity in mouth.

It's not clear from the chart what part of the body it refers to, or what it claims the acidity to cause. But it does sound similar to the alkaline diet advice. It was originally related to acid ash hypothesis, which claimed acidic diets to cause osteoporosis. However, scientific research has not found evidence for the hypothesis. There is also a significant difference: the original acid ash hypothesis classified foods based on the pH of the ash left when burned - not the sugar content (all sugar will burn away).

In conclusion, there is no general link between sugar and acidity in body, but in some very specific cases such as caries bacteria in mouth, there is a connection.

share|improve this answer

    up vote
    down vote

    On the point of ‘makes your body acidic’ you already have an answer to which I have nothing to add.

    However, you also claim that sugar be completely neutral—at which point I must intervene.

    A lot more compounds can act as acids and bases than the shortlist of common acids you probably had in chemistry class. Most things with a lone pair can be a base and practically any $ce{X-H}$ bond where $ce{X}$ has a higher electronegativity than hydrogen can be an acid. In $95~%$ of cases, these compounds are probably still not acidic or basic though.

    And then there is the (much smaller, but still vast) class of compounds that can act as acids or bases in standard aquaeous solutions but usually do not. In sugar’s case, it has a lot of $ce{O-H}$ bonds and a lot of oxygen atoms. All oxygen atoms can be protonated if a strong acid is introduced to the mixture so sugar is a base about as strong as water. On the other hand, the hydrogen of the $ce{O-H}$ bonds can also depart as a proton if a strong enough base is in solution. This means sugar’s hydroxy groups are also weak acids—again, about as strong as water.

    Then there is a final convoluting factor. One of these hydroxy groups in glucose is attached to a carbon that is bound to a second oxygen ($ce{R-O-CHR'-O-H}$). Here, the electronegative oxygen exercises a negative inductive effect, i.e. draws electron density away from the hydroxy group. Therefore, this one proton is slightly more acidic than all others. It is also ever so slightly more acidic than water so it acidifies the solution ever so slightly.

    For all practical intents and purposes, this effect can be fully neglected, however, as it is so minor.

    share|improve this answer

    • Ok so, to keep it easy, pouring pure sugar into a stomach, doesn't it make it more alkaline? Or does it change the ph in any way?
      – Mr.Web
      8 hours ago

    • 2

      @Mr.Web: The initial effect will be to dilute your natural stomach acids, making it less acid. But the acidity of the stomach is regulated by the body, producing more acid to digest consumed food.
      – MSalters
      6 hours ago

    • @MSalters and, as the stomach produces more acid, the blood becomes more alkaline for a period of time (an effect known as the alkaline tide). There is no "keeping it easy" when it comes to acid base physiology.
      – De Novo
      5 hours ago

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    3 Answers




    3 Answers










    up vote
    down vote


    It is not proven that "sugar makes your body acidic"!

    Your body's pH is very tightly regulated by the body's internal systems; it is also different in different parts of the body - the stomach is acidic (1.0-2.5), the intestine are mildly basic (jejunem 7-9) terminal ileum 7.5 reference here. Blood pH is 7.35, and any deviation from this is indicative of serious illness.

    share|improve this answer

    • 2

      It is almost impossible to "make the body" acidic while keeping it alive and functioning. Diets that advertise "acidic" or "alkaline" do little (nothing) to change the body PH. Instead they focus on other properties. ref
      – Mindwin
      12 hours ago

    • 2

      It is perfectly true that the "alkaline" foods recommended above will do you little harm, and some good if you replace the "acid forming foods" with them - just not for the reasons advanced.
      – Waylander
      11 hours ago

    • 1

      in the end they are just (wrongly used) marketing buzzwords (lies).
      – Mindwin
      10 hours ago

    • @Mindwin While it is correct that there is a lot of quackery around using diet to alter "the body's pH", you will find that your counter is completely false. The existence of a physiological buffer does not mean the pH doesn't change in disease states. It often does. There is an entire chapter in Cecil Medicine on the topic (Ch 120). Yes, alkaline diets are quackery. But no, it's not because your physiologic buffer is inviolable. Various pathophysiologic processes of varying severity can cause disturbances in the buffer system.
      – De Novo
      7 hours ago

    • @Mindwin don't counter quackery with false simplifications. Counter it with facts. Absent some pre-existing disease process, alkaline diets don't substantially change the pH of any body compartment (other than urine), and they aren't shown to be any more effective than any other kind of diet. (vs. "it is almost impossible to make the body acidic while keeping it alive and functioning")
      – De Novo
      7 hours ago

    up vote
    down vote


    It is not proven that "sugar makes your body acidic"!

    Your body's pH is very tightly regulated by the body's internal systems; it is also different in different parts of the body - the stomach is acidic (1.0-2.5), the intestine are mildly basic (jejunem 7-9) terminal ileum 7.5 reference here. Blood pH is 7.35, and any deviation from this is indicative of serious illness.

    share|improve this answer

    • 2

      It is almost impossible to "make the body" acidic while keeping it alive and functioning. Diets that advertise "acidic" or "alkaline" do little (nothing) to change the body PH. Instead they focus on other properties. ref
      – Mindwin
      12 hours ago

    • 2

      It is perfectly true that the "alkaline" foods recommended above will do you little harm, and some good if you replace the "acid forming foods" with them - just not for the reasons advanced.
      – Waylander
      11 hours ago

    • 1

      in the end they are just (wrongly used) marketing buzzwords (lies).
      – Mindwin
      10 hours ago

    • @Mindwin While it is correct that there is a lot of quackery around using diet to alter "the body's pH", you will find that your counter is completely false. The existence of a physiological buffer does not mean the pH doesn't change in disease states. It often does. There is an entire chapter in Cecil Medicine on the topic (Ch 120). Yes, alkaline diets are quackery. But no, it's not because your physiologic buffer is inviolable. Various pathophysiologic processes of varying severity can cause disturbances in the buffer system.
      – De Novo
      7 hours ago

    • @Mindwin don't counter quackery with false simplifications. Counter it with facts. Absent some pre-existing disease process, alkaline diets don't substantially change the pH of any body compartment (other than urine), and they aren't shown to be any more effective than any other kind of diet. (vs. "it is almost impossible to make the body acidic while keeping it alive and functioning")
      – De Novo
      7 hours ago

    up vote
    down vote


    up vote
    down vote


    It is not proven that "sugar makes your body acidic"!

    Your body's pH is very tightly regulated by the body's internal systems; it is also different in different parts of the body - the stomach is acidic (1.0-2.5), the intestine are mildly basic (jejunem 7-9) terminal ileum 7.5 reference here. Blood pH is 7.35, and any deviation from this is indicative of serious illness.

    share|improve this answer

    It is not proven that "sugar makes your body acidic"!

    Your body's pH is very tightly regulated by the body's internal systems; it is also different in different parts of the body - the stomach is acidic (1.0-2.5), the intestine are mildly basic (jejunem 7-9) terminal ileum 7.5 reference here. Blood pH is 7.35, and any deviation from this is indicative of serious illness.

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    answered 16 hours ago




    • 2

      It is almost impossible to "make the body" acidic while keeping it alive and functioning. Diets that advertise "acidic" or "alkaline" do little (nothing) to change the body PH. Instead they focus on other properties. ref
      – Mindwin
      12 hours ago

    • 2

      It is perfectly true that the "alkaline" foods recommended above will do you little harm, and some good if you replace the "acid forming foods" with them - just not for the reasons advanced.
      – Waylander
      11 hours ago

    • 1

      in the end they are just (wrongly used) marketing buzzwords (lies).
      – Mindwin
      10 hours ago

    • @Mindwin While it is correct that there is a lot of quackery around using diet to alter "the body's pH", you will find that your counter is completely false. The existence of a physiological buffer does not mean the pH doesn't change in disease states. It often does. There is an entire chapter in Cecil Medicine on the topic (Ch 120). Yes, alkaline diets are quackery. But no, it's not because your physiologic buffer is inviolable. Various pathophysiologic processes of varying severity can cause disturbances in the buffer system.
      – De Novo
      7 hours ago

    • @Mindwin don't counter quackery with false simplifications. Counter it with facts. Absent some pre-existing disease process, alkaline diets don't substantially change the pH of any body compartment (other than urine), and they aren't shown to be any more effective than any other kind of diet. (vs. "it is almost impossible to make the body acidic while keeping it alive and functioning")
      – De Novo
      7 hours ago

    • 2

      It is almost impossible to "make the body" acidic while keeping it alive and functioning. Diets that advertise "acidic" or "alkaline" do little (nothing) to change the body PH. Instead they focus on other properties. ref
      – Mindwin
      12 hours ago

    • 2

      It is perfectly true that the "alkaline" foods recommended above will do you little harm, and some good if you replace the "acid forming foods" with them - just not for the reasons advanced.
      – Waylander
      11 hours ago

    • 1

      in the end they are just (wrongly used) marketing buzzwords (lies).
      – Mindwin
      10 hours ago

    • @Mindwin While it is correct that there is a lot of quackery around using diet to alter "the body's pH", you will find that your counter is completely false. The existence of a physiological buffer does not mean the pH doesn't change in disease states. It often does. There is an entire chapter in Cecil Medicine on the topic (Ch 120). Yes, alkaline diets are quackery. But no, it's not because your physiologic buffer is inviolable. Various pathophysiologic processes of varying severity can cause disturbances in the buffer system.
      – De Novo
      7 hours ago

    • @Mindwin don't counter quackery with false simplifications. Counter it with facts. Absent some pre-existing disease process, alkaline diets don't substantially change the pH of any body compartment (other than urine), and they aren't shown to be any more effective than any other kind of diet. (vs. "it is almost impossible to make the body acidic while keeping it alive and functioning")
      – De Novo
      7 hours ago



    It is almost impossible to "make the body" acidic while keeping it alive and functioning. Diets that advertise "acidic" or "alkaline" do little (nothing) to change the body PH. Instead they focus on other properties. ref
    – Mindwin
    12 hours ago

    It is almost impossible to "make the body" acidic while keeping it alive and functioning. Diets that advertise "acidic" or "alkaline" do little (nothing) to change the body PH. Instead they focus on other properties. ref
    – Mindwin
    12 hours ago



    It is perfectly true that the "alkaline" foods recommended above will do you little harm, and some good if you replace the "acid forming foods" with them - just not for the reasons advanced.
    – Waylander
    11 hours ago

    It is perfectly true that the "alkaline" foods recommended above will do you little harm, and some good if you replace the "acid forming foods" with them - just not for the reasons advanced.
    – Waylander
    11 hours ago



    in the end they are just (wrongly used) marketing buzzwords (lies).
    – Mindwin
    10 hours ago

    in the end they are just (wrongly used) marketing buzzwords (lies).
    – Mindwin
    10 hours ago

    @Mindwin While it is correct that there is a lot of quackery around using diet to alter "the body's pH", you will find that your counter is completely false. The existence of a physiological buffer does not mean the pH doesn't change in disease states. It often does. There is an entire chapter in Cecil Medicine on the topic (Ch 120). Yes, alkaline diets are quackery. But no, it's not because your physiologic buffer is inviolable. Various pathophysiologic processes of varying severity can cause disturbances in the buffer system.
    – De Novo
    7 hours ago

    @Mindwin While it is correct that there is a lot of quackery around using diet to alter "the body's pH", you will find that your counter is completely false. The existence of a physiological buffer does not mean the pH doesn't change in disease states. It often does. There is an entire chapter in Cecil Medicine on the topic (Ch 120). Yes, alkaline diets are quackery. But no, it's not because your physiologic buffer is inviolable. Various pathophysiologic processes of varying severity can cause disturbances in the buffer system.
    – De Novo
    7 hours ago

    @Mindwin don't counter quackery with false simplifications. Counter it with facts. Absent some pre-existing disease process, alkaline diets don't substantially change the pH of any body compartment (other than urine), and they aren't shown to be any more effective than any other kind of diet. (vs. "it is almost impossible to make the body acidic while keeping it alive and functioning")
    – De Novo
    7 hours ago

    @Mindwin don't counter quackery with false simplifications. Counter it with facts. Absent some pre-existing disease process, alkaline diets don't substantially change the pH of any body compartment (other than urine), and they aren't shown to be any more effective than any other kind of diet. (vs. "it is almost impossible to make the body acidic while keeping it alive and functioning")
    – De Novo
    7 hours ago

    up vote
    down vote

    One place where sugar does cause acidity is your mouth. The bacteria living in your mouth feed on sugar and excrete lactic acid. It's part of their metabolism. Wikipedia has more details about dietary sugars and acidity in mouth.

    It's not clear from the chart what part of the body it refers to, or what it claims the acidity to cause. But it does sound similar to the alkaline diet advice. It was originally related to acid ash hypothesis, which claimed acidic diets to cause osteoporosis. However, scientific research has not found evidence for the hypothesis. There is also a significant difference: the original acid ash hypothesis classified foods based on the pH of the ash left when burned - not the sugar content (all sugar will burn away).

    In conclusion, there is no general link between sugar and acidity in body, but in some very specific cases such as caries bacteria in mouth, there is a connection.

    share|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      One place where sugar does cause acidity is your mouth. The bacteria living in your mouth feed on sugar and excrete lactic acid. It's part of their metabolism. Wikipedia has more details about dietary sugars and acidity in mouth.

      It's not clear from the chart what part of the body it refers to, or what it claims the acidity to cause. But it does sound similar to the alkaline diet advice. It was originally related to acid ash hypothesis, which claimed acidic diets to cause osteoporosis. However, scientific research has not found evidence for the hypothesis. There is also a significant difference: the original acid ash hypothesis classified foods based on the pH of the ash left when burned - not the sugar content (all sugar will burn away).

      In conclusion, there is no general link between sugar and acidity in body, but in some very specific cases such as caries bacteria in mouth, there is a connection.

      share|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        up vote
        down vote

        One place where sugar does cause acidity is your mouth. The bacteria living in your mouth feed on sugar and excrete lactic acid. It's part of their metabolism. Wikipedia has more details about dietary sugars and acidity in mouth.

        It's not clear from the chart what part of the body it refers to, or what it claims the acidity to cause. But it does sound similar to the alkaline diet advice. It was originally related to acid ash hypothesis, which claimed acidic diets to cause osteoporosis. However, scientific research has not found evidence for the hypothesis. There is also a significant difference: the original acid ash hypothesis classified foods based on the pH of the ash left when burned - not the sugar content (all sugar will burn away).

        In conclusion, there is no general link between sugar and acidity in body, but in some very specific cases such as caries bacteria in mouth, there is a connection.

        share|improve this answer

        One place where sugar does cause acidity is your mouth. The bacteria living in your mouth feed on sugar and excrete lactic acid. It's part of their metabolism. Wikipedia has more details about dietary sugars and acidity in mouth.

        It's not clear from the chart what part of the body it refers to, or what it claims the acidity to cause. But it does sound similar to the alkaline diet advice. It was originally related to acid ash hypothesis, which claimed acidic diets to cause osteoporosis. However, scientific research has not found evidence for the hypothesis. There is also a significant difference: the original acid ash hypothesis classified foods based on the pH of the ash left when burned - not the sugar content (all sugar will burn away).

        In conclusion, there is no general link between sugar and acidity in body, but in some very specific cases such as caries bacteria in mouth, there is a connection.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered 13 hours ago




            up vote
            down vote

            On the point of ‘makes your body acidic’ you already have an answer to which I have nothing to add.

            However, you also claim that sugar be completely neutral—at which point I must intervene.

            A lot more compounds can act as acids and bases than the shortlist of common acids you probably had in chemistry class. Most things with a lone pair can be a base and practically any $ce{X-H}$ bond where $ce{X}$ has a higher electronegativity than hydrogen can be an acid. In $95~%$ of cases, these compounds are probably still not acidic or basic though.

            And then there is the (much smaller, but still vast) class of compounds that can act as acids or bases in standard aquaeous solutions but usually do not. In sugar’s case, it has a lot of $ce{O-H}$ bonds and a lot of oxygen atoms. All oxygen atoms can be protonated if a strong acid is introduced to the mixture so sugar is a base about as strong as water. On the other hand, the hydrogen of the $ce{O-H}$ bonds can also depart as a proton if a strong enough base is in solution. This means sugar’s hydroxy groups are also weak acids—again, about as strong as water.

            Then there is a final convoluting factor. One of these hydroxy groups in glucose is attached to a carbon that is bound to a second oxygen ($ce{R-O-CHR'-O-H}$). Here, the electronegative oxygen exercises a negative inductive effect, i.e. draws electron density away from the hydroxy group. Therefore, this one proton is slightly more acidic than all others. It is also ever so slightly more acidic than water so it acidifies the solution ever so slightly.

            For all practical intents and purposes, this effect can be fully neglected, however, as it is so minor.

            share|improve this answer

            • Ok so, to keep it easy, pouring pure sugar into a stomach, doesn't it make it more alkaline? Or does it change the ph in any way?
              – Mr.Web
              8 hours ago

            • 2

              @Mr.Web: The initial effect will be to dilute your natural stomach acids, making it less acid. But the acidity of the stomach is regulated by the body, producing more acid to digest consumed food.
              – MSalters
              6 hours ago

            • @MSalters and, as the stomach produces more acid, the blood becomes more alkaline for a period of time (an effect known as the alkaline tide). There is no "keeping it easy" when it comes to acid base physiology.
              – De Novo
              5 hours ago

            up vote
            down vote

            On the point of ‘makes your body acidic’ you already have an answer to which I have nothing to add.

            However, you also claim that sugar be completely neutral—at which point I must intervene.

            A lot more compounds can act as acids and bases than the shortlist of common acids you probably had in chemistry class. Most things with a lone pair can be a base and practically any $ce{X-H}$ bond where $ce{X}$ has a higher electronegativity than hydrogen can be an acid. In $95~%$ of cases, these compounds are probably still not acidic or basic though.

            And then there is the (much smaller, but still vast) class of compounds that can act as acids or bases in standard aquaeous solutions but usually do not. In sugar’s case, it has a lot of $ce{O-H}$ bonds and a lot of oxygen atoms. All oxygen atoms can be protonated if a strong acid is introduced to the mixture so sugar is a base about as strong as water. On the other hand, the hydrogen of the $ce{O-H}$ bonds can also depart as a proton if a strong enough base is in solution. This means sugar’s hydroxy groups are also weak acids—again, about as strong as water.

            Then there is a final convoluting factor. One of these hydroxy groups in glucose is attached to a carbon that is bound to a second oxygen ($ce{R-O-CHR'-O-H}$). Here, the electronegative oxygen exercises a negative inductive effect, i.e. draws electron density away from the hydroxy group. Therefore, this one proton is slightly more acidic than all others. It is also ever so slightly more acidic than water so it acidifies the solution ever so slightly.

            For all practical intents and purposes, this effect can be fully neglected, however, as it is so minor.

            share|improve this answer

            • Ok so, to keep it easy, pouring pure sugar into a stomach, doesn't it make it more alkaline? Or does it change the ph in any way?
              – Mr.Web
              8 hours ago

            • 2

              @Mr.Web: The initial effect will be to dilute your natural stomach acids, making it less acid. But the acidity of the stomach is regulated by the body, producing more acid to digest consumed food.
              – MSalters
              6 hours ago

            • @MSalters and, as the stomach produces more acid, the blood becomes more alkaline for a period of time (an effect known as the alkaline tide). There is no "keeping it easy" when it comes to acid base physiology.
              – De Novo
              5 hours ago

            up vote
            down vote

            up vote
            down vote

            On the point of ‘makes your body acidic’ you already have an answer to which I have nothing to add.

            However, you also claim that sugar be completely neutral—at which point I must intervene.

            A lot more compounds can act as acids and bases than the shortlist of common acids you probably had in chemistry class. Most things with a lone pair can be a base and practically any $ce{X-H}$ bond where $ce{X}$ has a higher electronegativity than hydrogen can be an acid. In $95~%$ of cases, these compounds are probably still not acidic or basic though.

            And then there is the (much smaller, but still vast) class of compounds that can act as acids or bases in standard aquaeous solutions but usually do not. In sugar’s case, it has a lot of $ce{O-H}$ bonds and a lot of oxygen atoms. All oxygen atoms can be protonated if a strong acid is introduced to the mixture so sugar is a base about as strong as water. On the other hand, the hydrogen of the $ce{O-H}$ bonds can also depart as a proton if a strong enough base is in solution. This means sugar’s hydroxy groups are also weak acids—again, about as strong as water.

            Then there is a final convoluting factor. One of these hydroxy groups in glucose is attached to a carbon that is bound to a second oxygen ($ce{R-O-CHR'-O-H}$). Here, the electronegative oxygen exercises a negative inductive effect, i.e. draws electron density away from the hydroxy group. Therefore, this one proton is slightly more acidic than all others. It is also ever so slightly more acidic than water so it acidifies the solution ever so slightly.

            For all practical intents and purposes, this effect can be fully neglected, however, as it is so minor.

            share|improve this answer

            On the point of ‘makes your body acidic’ you already have an answer to which I have nothing to add.

            However, you also claim that sugar be completely neutral—at which point I must intervene.

            A lot more compounds can act as acids and bases than the shortlist of common acids you probably had in chemistry class. Most things with a lone pair can be a base and practically any $ce{X-H}$ bond where $ce{X}$ has a higher electronegativity than hydrogen can be an acid. In $95~%$ of cases, these compounds are probably still not acidic or basic though.

            And then there is the (much smaller, but still vast) class of compounds that can act as acids or bases in standard aquaeous solutions but usually do not. In sugar’s case, it has a lot of $ce{O-H}$ bonds and a lot of oxygen atoms. All oxygen atoms can be protonated if a strong acid is introduced to the mixture so sugar is a base about as strong as water. On the other hand, the hydrogen of the $ce{O-H}$ bonds can also depart as a proton if a strong enough base is in solution. This means sugar’s hydroxy groups are also weak acids—again, about as strong as water.

            Then there is a final convoluting factor. One of these hydroxy groups in glucose is attached to a carbon that is bound to a second oxygen ($ce{R-O-CHR'-O-H}$). Here, the electronegative oxygen exercises a negative inductive effect, i.e. draws electron density away from the hydroxy group. Therefore, this one proton is slightly more acidic than all others. It is also ever so slightly more acidic than water so it acidifies the solution ever so slightly.

            For all practical intents and purposes, this effect can be fully neglected, however, as it is so minor.

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            answered 9 hours ago




            • Ok so, to keep it easy, pouring pure sugar into a stomach, doesn't it make it more alkaline? Or does it change the ph in any way?
              – Mr.Web
              8 hours ago

            • 2

              @Mr.Web: The initial effect will be to dilute your natural stomach acids, making it less acid. But the acidity of the stomach is regulated by the body, producing more acid to digest consumed food.
              – MSalters
              6 hours ago

            • @MSalters and, as the stomach produces more acid, the blood becomes more alkaline for a period of time (an effect known as the alkaline tide). There is no "keeping it easy" when it comes to acid base physiology.
              – De Novo
              5 hours ago

            • Ok so, to keep it easy, pouring pure sugar into a stomach, doesn't it make it more alkaline? Or does it change the ph in any way?
              – Mr.Web
              8 hours ago

            • 2

              @Mr.Web: The initial effect will be to dilute your natural stomach acids, making it less acid. But the acidity of the stomach is regulated by the body, producing more acid to digest consumed food.
              – MSalters
              6 hours ago

            • @MSalters and, as the stomach produces more acid, the blood becomes more alkaline for a period of time (an effect known as the alkaline tide). There is no "keeping it easy" when it comes to acid base physiology.
              – De Novo
              5 hours ago

            Ok so, to keep it easy, pouring pure sugar into a stomach, doesn't it make it more alkaline? Or does it change the ph in any way?
            – Mr.Web
            8 hours ago

            Ok so, to keep it easy, pouring pure sugar into a stomach, doesn't it make it more alkaline? Or does it change the ph in any way?
            – Mr.Web
            8 hours ago



            @Mr.Web: The initial effect will be to dilute your natural stomach acids, making it less acid. But the acidity of the stomach is regulated by the body, producing more acid to digest consumed food.
            – MSalters
            6 hours ago

            @Mr.Web: The initial effect will be to dilute your natural stomach acids, making it less acid. But the acidity of the stomach is regulated by the body, producing more acid to digest consumed food.
            – MSalters
            6 hours ago

            @MSalters and, as the stomach produces more acid, the blood becomes more alkaline for a period of time (an effect known as the alkaline tide). There is no "keeping it easy" when it comes to acid base physiology.
            – De Novo
            5 hours ago

            @MSalters and, as the stomach produces more acid, the blood becomes more alkaline for a period of time (an effect known as the alkaline tide). There is no "keeping it easy" when it comes to acid base physiology.
            – De Novo
            5 hours ago

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