Creating multiline strings in JavaScript
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I have the following code in Ruby. I want to convert this code into JavaScript. what's the equivalent code in JS?
text = <<"HERE"
javascript string multiline heredoc
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I have the following code in Ruby. I want to convert this code into JavaScript. what's the equivalent code in JS?
text = <<"HERE"
javascript string multiline heredoc
– Pacerier
Apr 30 '14 at 19:25
Check this out on different ways to achieve the same. I have added performance of each method too
– Vignesh Subramanian
Jul 17 '14 at 5:42
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I have the following code in Ruby. I want to convert this code into JavaScript. what's the equivalent code in JS?
text = <<"HERE"
javascript string multiline heredoc
I have the following code in Ruby. I want to convert this code into JavaScript. what's the equivalent code in JS?
text = <<"HERE"
javascript string multiline heredoc
javascript string multiline heredoc
edited May 8 '13 at 15:37
asked Apr 30 '09 at 2:11
– Pacerier
Apr 30 '14 at 19:25
Check this out on different ways to achieve the same. I have added performance of each method too
– Vignesh Subramanian
Jul 17 '14 at 5:42
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– Pacerier
Apr 30 '14 at 19:25
Check this out on different ways to achieve the same. I have added performance of each method too
– Vignesh Subramanian
Jul 17 '14 at 5:42
– Pacerier
Apr 30 '14 at 19:25
– Pacerier
Apr 30 '14 at 19:25
Check this out on different ways to achieve the same. I have added performance of each method too
– Vignesh Subramanian
Jul 17 '14 at 5:42
Check this out on different ways to achieve the same. I have added performance of each method too
– Vignesh Subramanian
Jul 17 '14 at 5:42
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36 Answers
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ECMAScript 6 (ES6) introduces a new type of literal, namely template literals. They have many features, variable interpolation among others, but most importantly for this question, they can be multiline.
A template literal is delimited by backticks:
var html = `
<span>Some HTML here</span>
(Note: I'm not advocating to use HTML in strings)
Browser support is OK, but you can use transpilers to be more compatible.
Original ES5 answer:
Javascript doesn't have a here-document syntax. You can escape the literal newline, however, which comes close:
Be warned: some browsers will insert newlines at the continuance, some will not.
– staticsan
Apr 30 '09 at 2:22
Visual Studio 2010 seems to be confused by this syntax as well.
– jcollum
Apr 17 '11 at 21:58
@Nate It is specified in ECMA-262 5th Edition section 7.8.4 and called LineContinuation : "A line terminator character cannot appear in a string literal, except as part of a LineContinuation to produce the empty character sequence. The correct way to cause a line terminator character to be part of the String value of a string literal is to use an escape sequence such as n or u000A."
– some
Sep 25 '12 at 2:28
So in summary it seems this is the most straightforward approach, compatible with all browsers at least back to IE6 (and probably earlier), as long as you don't care whether or not extra newlines might be added at the end of each line. Does anyone know which browsers/versions add newlines and which don't?
– Matt Browne
Feb 26 '13 at 18:35
I don't see why you'd do this when browsers treat it inconsistently. "line1n" + "line2" across multiple lines is readable enough and you're guaranteed consistent behavior.
– SamStephens
Mar 20 '13 at 20:14
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ES6 Update:
As the first answer mentions, with ES6/Babel, you can now create multi-line strings simply by using backticks:
const htmlString = `Say hello to
Interpolating variables is a popular new feature that comes with back-tick delimited strings:
const htmlString = `${} liked your post about strings`;
This just transpiles down to concatenation: + ' liked your post about strings'
Original ES5 answer:
Google's JavaScript style guide recommends to use string concatenation instead of escaping newlines:
Do not do this:
var myString = 'A rather long string of English text, an error message
actually that just keeps going and going -- an error
message to make the Energizer bunny blush (right through
those Schwarzenegger shades)! Where was I? Oh yes,
you've got an error and all the extraneous whitespace is
just gravy. Have a nice day.';
The whitespace at the beginning of each line can't be safely stripped at compile time; whitespace after the slash will result in tricky errors; and while most script engines support this, it is not part of ECMAScript.
Use string concatenation instead:
var myString = 'A rather long string of English text, an error message ' +
'actually that just keeps going and going -- an error ' +
'message to make the Energizer bunny blush (right through ' +
'those Schwarzenegger shades)! Where was I? Oh yes, ' +
'you've got an error and all the extraneous whitespace is ' +
'just gravy. Have a nice day.';
this doesn't work for me in canary chrome for windows even after enabling Experimental JavaScript
– Inuart
Nov 20 '12 at 1:09
I don't understand Google's recommendation. All browsers except extremely old ones support the backslash followed by newline approach, and will continue to do so in the future for backward compatibility. The only time you'd need to avoid it is if you needed to be sure that one and only one newline (or no newline) was added at the end of each line (see also my comment on the accepted answer).
– Matt Browne
Feb 26 '13 at 18:40
Note that template strings aren't supported in IE11, Firefox 31, Chrome 35, or Safari 7. See
– Dwayne
May 24 '14 at 2:41
@MattBrowne Google's recommendation is already documented by them, in order of importance of reasons: (1) The whitespace at the beginning of each line [in the example, you don't want that whitespace in your string but it looks nicer in the code] (2) whitespace after the slash will result in tricky errors [if you end a line with
– ShreevatsaR
Jul 31 '16 at 20:29
amazing that after all these years string concatenation is still the best/safest/most compliant way to go with this. template literals (above answer) don't work in IE and escaping lines is just a mess that you're soon going to regret
– Tiago Duarte
Nov 11 '16 at 12:31
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the pattern text = <<"HERE" This Is A Multiline String HERE
is not available in js (I remember using it much in my good old Perl days).
To keep oversight with complex or long multiline strings I sometimes use an array pattern:
var myString =
['<div id="someId">',
'some content<br />',
'<a href="#someRef">someRefTxt</a>',
or the pattern anonymous already showed (escape newline), which can be an ugly block in your code:
var myString =
'<div id="someId">
some content<br />
<a href="#someRef">someRefTxt</a>
Here's another weird but working 'trick'1:
var myString = (function () {/*
<div id="someId">
some content<br />
<a href="#someRef">someRefTxt</a>
external edit: jsfiddle
ES20xx supports spanning strings over multiple lines using template strings:
let str = `This is a text
with multiple lines.
Escapes are interpreted,
n is a newline.`;
let str = String.raw`This is a text
with multiple lines.
Escapes are not interpreted,
n is not a newline.`;
1 Note: this will be lost after minifying/obfuscating your code
Please don't use the array pattern. It will be slower than plain-old string concatenation in most cases.
– BMiner
Jul 17 '11 at 12:39
– KooiInc
Jul 17 '11 at 13:21
The array pattern is more readable and the performance loss for an application is often negligible. As that perf test shows, even IE7 can do tens of thousands of operations per second.
– Ben Atkin
Aug 20 '11 at 8:16
+1 for an elegant alternative that not only works the same way in all browsers, but is also future-proof.
– Pavel
May 21 '12 at 6:06
@KooiInc Your tests start with the array already created, that skews the results. If you add the initialization of the array, straight concatenation is faster See… As a trick for newlines, it may be OK, but it's definitely doing more work than it should
– Juan Mendes
Aug 4 '13 at 8:02
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You can have multiline strings in pure JavaScript.
This method is based on the serialization of functions, which is defined to be implementation-dependent. It does work in the most browsers (see below), but there's no guarantee that it will still work in the future, so do not rely on it.
Using the following function:
function hereDoc(f) {
return f.toString().
replace(/^[^/]+/*!?/, '').
replace(/*/[^/]+$/, '');
You can have here-documents like this:
var tennysonQuote = hereDoc(function() {/*!
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die
The method has successfully been tested in the following browsers (not mentioned = not tested):
- IE 4 - 10
- Opera 9.50 - 12 (not in 9-)
- Safari 4 - 6 (not in 3-)
- Chrome 1 - 45
- Firefox 17 - 21 (not in 16-)
- Rekonq 0.7.0 - 0.8.0
- Not supported in Konqueror 4.7.4
Be careful with your minifier, though. It tends to remove comments. For the YUI compressor, a comment starting with /*!
(like the one I used) will be preserved.
I think a real solution would be to use CoffeeScript.
+1+1 Clever! (works in Node.JS)
– George Bailey
Jun 4 '11 at 21:57
What!? creating and decompiling a Function to hack a multiline comment into being a multiline string? Now that's ugly.
– fforw
Jun 17 '11 at 15:49
It's actually beyond ugly... Although, there's no decompiling involved...
– Jordão
Jun 17 '11 at 18:39
3 works in Chrome 13 and IE8/9, but not FF6. I hate to say it, but I like it, and if it could be an intentional feature of each browser (so that it wouldn't disappear), I'd use it.
– Jason Kleban
Sep 9 '11 at 21:36
Extremely handy. I'm using it for (Jasmine) unit tests, but avoiding it for production code.
– Jason
Jul 13 '12 at 5:23
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You can do this...
var string = 'This isn' +
'a multilinen' +
First example is great and simple. Much better than the approach as I'm not sure how browser's would handle the backslash as an escape character and as a multi-line character.
– Matt K
Nov 3 '11 at 19:13
The CDATA code (E4X) is obsolete and will soon stop working even in Firefox.
– Brock Adams
Nov 22 '12 at 12:16
e4x.js would be the good future-proof solution
– Paul Sweatte
Jan 19 '13 at 2:54
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I came up with this very jimmy rigged method of a multi lined string. Since converting a function into a string also returns any comments inside the function you can use the comments as your string using a multilined comment /**/. You just have to trim off the ends and you have your string.
var myString = function(){/*
This is some
awesome multi-lined
string using a comment
inside a function
returned as a string.
Enjoy the jimmy rigged code.
This is absolutely terrifying. I love it (although you may need to do a regex match because I'm not sure how precise the whitespace fortoString()
– Kevin Cox
Apr 7 '13 at 21:53
– John Dvorak
Jun 5 '13 at 11:53
This solution does not seem to work in firefox, maybe it's a security feature for the browser? EDIT: Nevermind, it only does not work for Firefox Version 16.
– Bill
Jun 6 '13 at 19:18
Also beware of minifiers that strip comments... :D
– jondavidjohn
Oct 22 '13 at 19:07
This is why we can't have nice things.
– Danilo M. Oliveira
Oct 15 at 18:39
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I'm surprised I didn't see this, because it works everywhere I've tested it and is very useful for e.g. templates:
<script type="bogus" id="multi">
Does anybody know of an environment where there is HTML but it doesn't work?
Anywhere you don't want to put your strings into seperate and distant script elements.
– Lodewijk
Jan 9 '12 at 1:12
A valid objection! It isn't perfect. But for templates, that separation is not only ok, but perhaps even encouraged.
– Peter V. Mørch
Feb 3 '12 at 9:03
I prefer splitting everything over 80/120 characters into multiline, I'm afraid that's more than just templates. I now prefer 'line1 ' + 'line2' syntax. It's also the fastest (although this might rival it for really large texts). It's a nice trick though.
– Lodewijk
Feb 3 '12 at 22:51
actually, this is HTML not Javascript :-/
May 22 '12 at 8:54
however, the task of obtaining a multiline string in javascript can be done this way
– Davi Fiamenghi
Jul 30 '13 at 21:41
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I solved this by outputting a div, making it hidden, and calling the div id by jQuery when I needed it.
<div id="UniqueID" style="display:none;">
Then when I need to get the string, I just use the following jQuery:
Which returns my text on multiple lines. If I call
I get:
Thanks for this! It's the only answer I've found that solves my problem, which involves unknown strings that may contain any combination of single and double quotes being directly inserted into the code with no opportunity for pre-encoding. (it's coming from a templating language that creates the JS -- still from a trusted source and not a form submission, so it's not TOTALLY demented).
– octern
Jun 23 '13 at 17:19
This was the only method that actually worked for me to create a multi-line javascript string variable from a Java String.
– beginner_
Aug 6 '13 at 12:06
What if the string is HTML?
– Dan Dascalescu
Jan 24 '14 at 8:39
– mplungjan
Jan 24 '14 at 9:28
@Pacerier Everything I've read, from Google as well as other sites, says that nowadays Google does indexdisplay:none
content, most likely due to the popularity of JavaScript-styled front-ends. (For example, an FAQ page with hide/show functionality.) You need to be careful though, because Google says they can punish you if the hidden content appears to be designed to artificially inflate your SEO rankings.
– Gavin
Aug 8 '17 at 13:12
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Using script tags:
- add a
block containing your multiline text intohead
get your multiline text as is... (watch out for text encoding: UTF-8, ASCII)
// pure javascript
var text = document.getElementById("mySoapMessage").innerHTML ;
// using JQuery's document ready for safety
$(document).ready(function() {
var text = $("#mySoapMessage").html();
<script id="mySoapMessage" type="text/plain">
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ="...">
<!-- this comment will be present on your string -->
//uh-oh, javascript comments... SOAP request will fail
I think this strategy is clean & far underused. jsrender uses this.
– xdhmoore
Jan 9 '15 at 15:57
I'm using this with innerText iso innerHTML, But how do I make sure that the whitespaces are preserved ?
– David Nouls
Jul 16 '15 at 8:53
Since soap is based in XML it must preserve<![CDATA[.....]]>
– jpfreire
Oct 28 '15 at 5:30
Also ajax queries in case you are using them. You can try to change your headersxhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
I don't remember having other problems than mistyping comments in JS. Spaces where no problems.
– jpfreire
Oct 28 '15 at 5:40
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There are multiple ways to achieve this
1. Slash concatenation
var MultiLine= '1
2. regular concatenation
var MultiLine = '1'
3. Array Join concatenation
var MultiLine = [
Performance wise, Slash concatenation (first one) is the fastest.
Refer this test case for more details regarding the performance
With the ES2015, we can take advantage of its Template strings feature. With it, we just need to use back-ticks for creating multi line strings
<h2>{{}} details!</h2>
<div><label>id: </label>{{}}</div>
<div><label>name: </label>{{}}</div>
I think it's that you've just regurgitated what has already on the page for five years, but in a cleaner way.
– RandomInsano
Aug 2 '14 at 18:22
won't slash concatenation also include the whitespace in beginning of lines?
– f.khantsis
May 9 '17 at 23:39
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I like this syntax and indendation:
string = 'my long string...n'
+ 'continue heren'
+ 'and here.';
(but actually can't be considered as multiline string)
I use this, except I put the '+' at the end of the preceding line, to make it clear the statement is continued on the next line. Your way does line up the indents more evenly though.
– Sean
Oct 4 '12 at 8:54
@Sean i use this too, and i still prefer put the '+' at the beginning of each new line added, and the final ';' on a new line, cuz i found it more 'correct'.
– AgelessEssence
Nov 14 '13 at 5:06
putting the + at the beginning allows one to comment out that line without having to edit other lines when its the first/last line of the sequence.
– moliad
Dec 12 '13 at 15:38
I prefer the + at the front too as visually I do not need to scan to the end of the line to know the next one is a continuation.
– Daniel Sokolowski
May 7 '14 at 15:40
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There's this library that makes it beautiful:
var str = '' +
'<!doctype html>' +
'<html>' +
' <body>' +
' <h1>❤ unicorns</h1>' +
' </body>' +
'</html>' +
var str = multiline(function(){/*
<!doctype html>
<h1>❤ unicorns</h1>
This support innodejs
, using in browser must becareful.
– Huei Tan
May 5 '14 at 8:52
@HueiTan Docs state it also works in the browser. Which makes sense - it's justFunction.prototype.String()
– mikemaccana
Jul 13 '14 at 19:14
ya but it said "While it does work fine in the browser, it's mainly intended for use in Node.js. Use at your own risk.While it does work fine in the browser, it's mainly intended for use in Node.js. Use at your own risk." (Just becareful XD)
– Huei Tan
Jul 14 '14 at 9:37
@HueiTanYep I read that part. But Function.prototype.toString() is pretty stable and well known.
– mikemaccana
Jul 14 '14 at 10:52
Best answer for me because it at least achieves multiline without all the rubbish in the middle(The rubbish at the beginning and ends I can deal with).
– Damien Golding
Aug 27 '14 at 6:25
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Downvoters: This code is supplied for information only.
This has been tested in Fx 19 and Chrome 24 on Mac
var new_comment; /*<<<EOF
<li class="photobooth-comment">
<span class="username">
<a href="#">You</a>
<span class="comment-text">
<span class="comment-time">
// note the script tag here is hardcoded as the FIRST tag
alert(new_comment.replace('$text','Here goes some text'));
That's horrific. +1. And you can use document.currentScript instead of getElement...
– Orwellophile
May 27 '15 at 10:00
Undefined "you" in chrome for osx
– mplungjan
May 27 '15 at 16:46
jsfiddle-fixed - I must have had "you" defined globally in my console. Works now (chrome/osx). The nice thing about adding the comment to a var is that you're not in a function context, jsfiddle-function-heredoc although the function thing would be cool for class methods. might be better to pass it a replace { this: that } object anyways. fun to push something crazy to the limit anyway :)
– Orwellophile
Jun 1 '15 at 16:44
Forget the haters. This is the only correct answer bar ES6. All the other answers require concatenation, computation of some sort, or escaping. This is actually pretty cool and I'm going to use it as a way to add documentation to a game I'm working on as a hobby. As long as this trick isn't used for anything that could invoke a bug (I can see how someone would go "Semicolon, derp. Lets put the comment on the next line." and then it breaks your code.) But, is that really a big deal in my hobby game? No, and I can use the cool trick for something useful. Great answer.
– Thomas Dignan
Jul 27 '15 at 21:10
I've never been brave enough to use this technique in production code, but where I DO use it a lot is in unit testing, where often it's easiest to dump the value of some structure as a (quite long) string and compare it to what it 'should' be.
– Ben McIntyre
Feb 3 '16 at 0:00
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to sum up, I have tried 2 approaches listed here in user javascript programming (Opera 11.01):
- this one didn't work: Creating multiline strings in JavaScript
- this worked fairly well, I have also figured out how to make it look good in Notepad++ source view: Creating multiline strings in JavaScript
So I recommend the working approach for Opera user JS users. Unlike what the author was saying:
It doesn't work on firefox or opera; only on IE, chrome and safari.
It DOES work in Opera 11. At least in user JS scripts. Too bad I can't comment on individual answers or upvote the answer, I'd do it immediately. If possible, someone with higher privileges please do it for me.
This is my first actual comment. I have gained the upvote privilege 2 days ago so so I immediately upvoted the one answer I mentioned above. Thank you to anyone who did upvote my feeble attempt to help.
– Tyler
Jul 24 '11 at 12:34
Thanks to everyone who actually upvoted this answer: I have now enough privileges to post normal comments! So thanks again.
– Tyler
Aug 31 '12 at 2:41
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Updated for 2015: it's six years later now: most people use a module loader, and the main module systems each have ways of loading templates. It's not inline, but the most common type of multiline string are templates, and templates should generally be kept out of JS anyway.
require.js: 'require text'.
Using require.js 'text' plugin, with a multiline template in template.html
var template = require('text!template.html')
NPM/browserify: the 'brfs' module
Browserify uses a 'brfs' module to load text files. This will actually build your template into your bundled HTML.
var fs = require("fs");
var template = fs.readFileSync(template.html', 'utf8');
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This works in IE, Safari, Chrome and Firefox:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div class="crazy_idea" thorn_in_my_side='<table border="0">
<td ><span class="mlayouttablecellsdynamic">PACKAGE price $65.00</span></td>
<script type="text/javascript">
Just think about it. Do you think it's valid? Don't you think it can cause display problems?
– Sk8erPeter
Feb 24 '12 at 1:55
Why the downvotes? This is a creative answer, if not very practical!
– dotancohen
Feb 29 '12 at 2:32
no, it's not. One should rather use templates: $.tmpl() (, or EJS (, etc. One reason for downvotes is that it's really far from a valid code and using this can cause huge display problems.
– Sk8erPeter
Mar 24 '12 at 0:07
I hope no one ever uses this answer in practice, but it's a neat idea
– DCShannon
Mar 13 '15 at 23:48
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My extension to
It expects comment in a form /*! any multiline comment */
where symbol ! is used to prevent removing by minification (at least for YUI compressor)
Function.prototype.extractComment = function() {
var startComment = "/*!";
var endComment = "*/";
var str = this.toString();
var start = str.indexOf(startComment);
var end = str.lastIndexOf(endComment);
return str.slice(start + startComment.length, -(str.length - end));
var tmpl = function() { /*!
<div class="navbar-collapse collapse">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
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If you're willing to use the escaped newlines, they can be used nicely. It looks like a document with a page border.
Wouldn't this add extraneous blank spaces?
– tomByrer
Dec 6 '15 at 12:29
@tomByrer Yes, good observation. It's only good for strings which you don't care about white space, e.g. HTML.
– seo
Dec 6 '15 at 23:02
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The equivalent in javascript is:
var text = `
Here's the specification. See browser support at the bottom of this page. Here are some examples too.
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You can use TypeScript (JavaScript SuperSet), it supports multiline strings, and transpiles back down to pure JavaScript without overhead:
var templates = {
myString: `this is
a multiline
If you'd want to accomplish the same with plain JavaScript:
var templates =
myString: function(){/*
This is some
awesome multi-lined
string using a comment
inside a function
returned as a string.
Enjoy the jimmy rigged code.
Note that the iPad/Safari does not support 'functionName.toString()'
If you have a lot of legacy code, you can also use the plain JavaScript variant in TypeScript (for cleanup purposes):
interface externTemplates
declare var templates:externTemplates;
and you can use the multiline-string object from the plain JavaScript variant, where you put the templates into another file (which you can merge in the bundle).
You can try TypeScript at
Any documentation on the iPad/Safari limitation? MDN seems to think it's all good -…
– Campbeln
Aug 5 '17 at 18:15
@Campbeln: CoWorker told me this (he used the code). Haven't tested it myselfs. Might also depend on the iPad/Safari version - so probably depends.
– Stefan Steiger
Aug 6 '17 at 16:07
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ES6 allows you to use a backtick to specify a string on multiple lines. It's called a Template Literal. Like this:
var multilineString = `One line of text
second line of text
third line of text
fourth line of text`;
Using the backtick works in NodeJS, and it's supported by Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, and Opera.
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My version of array-based join for string concat:
var c = ; //c stands for content
c.push("<div id='thisDiv' style='left:10px'></div>");
c.push("<div onclick='showDo('something');'></div>");
This has worked well for me, especially as I often insert values into the html constructed this way. But it has lots of limitations. Indentation would be nice. Not having to deal with nested quotation marks would be really nice, and just the bulkyness of it bothers me.
Is the .push() to add to the array taking up a lot of time? See this related answer:
(Is there a reason JavaScript developers don't use Array.push()?)
After looking at these (opposing) test runs, it looks like .push() is fine for string arrays which will not likely grow over 100 items - I will avoid it in favor of indexed adds for larger arrays.
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You can use +=
to concatenate your string, seems like no one answered that, which will be readable, and also neat... something like this
var hello = 'hello' +
'world' +
can be also written as
var hello = 'hello';
hello += ' world';
hello += ' blah';
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Also do note that, when extending string over multiple lines using forward backslash at end of each line, any extra characters (mostly spaces, tabs and comments added by mistake) after forward backslash will cause unexpected character error, which i took an hour to find out
var string = "line1 // comment, space or tabs here raise error
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Please for the love of the internet use string concatenation and opt not to use ES6 solutions for this. ES6 is NOT supported all across the board, much like CSS3 and certain browsers being slow to adapt to the CSS3 movement. Use plain ol' JavaScript, your end users will thank you.
var str = "This world is neither flat nor round. "+
"Once was lost will be found";
while i agree with your point, i wouldn't call javascript "good" ol
– user151496
Mar 5 at 0:18
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Easiest way to make multiline strings in Javascrips is with the use of backticks ( `` ). This allows you to create multiline strings in which you can insert variables with ${variableName}
let name = 'Willem';
let age = 26;
let multilineString = `
my name is: ${name}
my age is: ${age}
compatibility :
- It was introduces in
- It is now natively supported by all major browser vendors (except internet explorer)
Check exact compatibility in Mozilla docs here
Is this now compatible with all recent browsers? Or are there some browsers which still do not support this syntax?
– cmpreshn
Sep 28 at 3:37
Sorry for my extreme late comment, edited the answer added compatibility info ;)
– Willem van der Veen
Oct 1 at 21:28
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You have to use the concatenation operator '+'.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<p id="demo"></p>
var str = "This "
+ "n<br>is "
+ "n<br>multiline "
+ "n<br>string.";
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str;
By using n
your source code will look like -
By using <br>
your browser output will look like -
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I think this workaround should work in IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera -
Using jQuery :
<xmp id="unique_id" style="display:none;">
Some plain text
Both type of quotes : " ' " And ' " '
JS Code : alert("Hello World");
HTML Code : <div class="some_class"></div>
Using Pure Javascript :
<xmp id="unique_id" style="display:none;">
Some plain text
Both type of quotes : " ' " And ' " '
JS Code : alert("Hello World");
HTML Code : <div class="some_class"></div>
is so deprecated. It may be allowed in HTML, but should not be used by any authors. See…
– Bergi
Jan 28 '13 at 12:28
@Bergi, you are right.. and using<pre>;
with escapes wont help in my solution.. I came across similar issue today and trying to figure out a workaround.. but in my case, I found one very n00bish way to fix this issue by putting output in html comments instead of <xmp> or any other tag. lol. I know its not a standard way to do this but I will work on this issue more tomorrow mornin.. Cheers!!
– Aditya Hajare
Jan 28 '13 at 13:11
Unfortunately even withstyle="display:none"
Chrome tries to load any<img>
images mentioned in the example block.
– Jesse Glick
Dec 9 '13 at 19:57
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Just tried the Anonymous answer and found there's a little trick here, it doesn't work if there's a space after backslash
So the following solution doesn't work -
var x = { test:'<?xml version="1.0"?> <-- One space here
<?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?>'
But when space is removed it works -
var x = { test:'<?xml version="1.0"?><-- No space here now
<?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?>'
Hope it helps !!
well obviously if you have a space after a backslash, backslash escapes the space. It is supposed to escape linebreak, not space.
– Sejanus
Dec 14 '12 at 8:47
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If you happen to be running in Node only, you could use the fs module to read in the multi-line string from a file:
var diagram;
var fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile( __dirname + '/diagram.txt', function (err, data) {
if (err) {
throw err;
diagram = data.toString();
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36 Answers
36 Answers
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ECMAScript 6 (ES6) introduces a new type of literal, namely template literals. They have many features, variable interpolation among others, but most importantly for this question, they can be multiline.
A template literal is delimited by backticks:
var html = `
<span>Some HTML here</span>
(Note: I'm not advocating to use HTML in strings)
Browser support is OK, but you can use transpilers to be more compatible.
Original ES5 answer:
Javascript doesn't have a here-document syntax. You can escape the literal newline, however, which comes close:
Be warned: some browsers will insert newlines at the continuance, some will not.
– staticsan
Apr 30 '09 at 2:22
Visual Studio 2010 seems to be confused by this syntax as well.
– jcollum
Apr 17 '11 at 21:58
@Nate It is specified in ECMA-262 5th Edition section 7.8.4 and called LineContinuation : "A line terminator character cannot appear in a string literal, except as part of a LineContinuation to produce the empty character sequence. The correct way to cause a line terminator character to be part of the String value of a string literal is to use an escape sequence such as n or u000A."
– some
Sep 25 '12 at 2:28
So in summary it seems this is the most straightforward approach, compatible with all browsers at least back to IE6 (and probably earlier), as long as you don't care whether or not extra newlines might be added at the end of each line. Does anyone know which browsers/versions add newlines and which don't?
– Matt Browne
Feb 26 '13 at 18:35
I don't see why you'd do this when browsers treat it inconsistently. "line1n" + "line2" across multiple lines is readable enough and you're guaranteed consistent behavior.
– SamStephens
Mar 20 '13 at 20:14
show 23 more comments
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ECMAScript 6 (ES6) introduces a new type of literal, namely template literals. They have many features, variable interpolation among others, but most importantly for this question, they can be multiline.
A template literal is delimited by backticks:
var html = `
<span>Some HTML here</span>
(Note: I'm not advocating to use HTML in strings)
Browser support is OK, but you can use transpilers to be more compatible.
Original ES5 answer:
Javascript doesn't have a here-document syntax. You can escape the literal newline, however, which comes close:
Be warned: some browsers will insert newlines at the continuance, some will not.
– staticsan
Apr 30 '09 at 2:22
Visual Studio 2010 seems to be confused by this syntax as well.
– jcollum
Apr 17 '11 at 21:58
@Nate It is specified in ECMA-262 5th Edition section 7.8.4 and called LineContinuation : "A line terminator character cannot appear in a string literal, except as part of a LineContinuation to produce the empty character sequence. The correct way to cause a line terminator character to be part of the String value of a string literal is to use an escape sequence such as n or u000A."
– some
Sep 25 '12 at 2:28
So in summary it seems this is the most straightforward approach, compatible with all browsers at least back to IE6 (and probably earlier), as long as you don't care whether or not extra newlines might be added at the end of each line. Does anyone know which browsers/versions add newlines and which don't?
– Matt Browne
Feb 26 '13 at 18:35
I don't see why you'd do this when browsers treat it inconsistently. "line1n" + "line2" across multiple lines is readable enough and you're guaranteed consistent behavior.
– SamStephens
Mar 20 '13 at 20:14
show 23 more comments
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up vote
down vote
ECMAScript 6 (ES6) introduces a new type of literal, namely template literals. They have many features, variable interpolation among others, but most importantly for this question, they can be multiline.
A template literal is delimited by backticks:
var html = `
<span>Some HTML here</span>
(Note: I'm not advocating to use HTML in strings)
Browser support is OK, but you can use transpilers to be more compatible.
Original ES5 answer:
Javascript doesn't have a here-document syntax. You can escape the literal newline, however, which comes close:
ECMAScript 6 (ES6) introduces a new type of literal, namely template literals. They have many features, variable interpolation among others, but most importantly for this question, they can be multiline.
A template literal is delimited by backticks:
var html = `
<span>Some HTML here</span>
(Note: I'm not advocating to use HTML in strings)
Browser support is OK, but you can use transpilers to be more compatible.
Original ES5 answer:
Javascript doesn't have a here-document syntax. You can escape the literal newline, however, which comes close:
edited Feb 14 at 16:47
Andy Mercer
answered Apr 30 '09 at 2:15
Be warned: some browsers will insert newlines at the continuance, some will not.
– staticsan
Apr 30 '09 at 2:22
Visual Studio 2010 seems to be confused by this syntax as well.
– jcollum
Apr 17 '11 at 21:58
@Nate It is specified in ECMA-262 5th Edition section 7.8.4 and called LineContinuation : "A line terminator character cannot appear in a string literal, except as part of a LineContinuation to produce the empty character sequence. The correct way to cause a line terminator character to be part of the String value of a string literal is to use an escape sequence such as n or u000A."
– some
Sep 25 '12 at 2:28
So in summary it seems this is the most straightforward approach, compatible with all browsers at least back to IE6 (and probably earlier), as long as you don't care whether or not extra newlines might be added at the end of each line. Does anyone know which browsers/versions add newlines and which don't?
– Matt Browne
Feb 26 '13 at 18:35
I don't see why you'd do this when browsers treat it inconsistently. "line1n" + "line2" across multiple lines is readable enough and you're guaranteed consistent behavior.
– SamStephens
Mar 20 '13 at 20:14
show 23 more comments
Be warned: some browsers will insert newlines at the continuance, some will not.
– staticsan
Apr 30 '09 at 2:22
Visual Studio 2010 seems to be confused by this syntax as well.
– jcollum
Apr 17 '11 at 21:58
@Nate It is specified in ECMA-262 5th Edition section 7.8.4 and called LineContinuation : "A line terminator character cannot appear in a string literal, except as part of a LineContinuation to produce the empty character sequence. The correct way to cause a line terminator character to be part of the String value of a string literal is to use an escape sequence such as n or u000A."
– some
Sep 25 '12 at 2:28
So in summary it seems this is the most straightforward approach, compatible with all browsers at least back to IE6 (and probably earlier), as long as you don't care whether or not extra newlines might be added at the end of each line. Does anyone know which browsers/versions add newlines and which don't?
– Matt Browne
Feb 26 '13 at 18:35
I don't see why you'd do this when browsers treat it inconsistently. "line1n" + "line2" across multiple lines is readable enough and you're guaranteed consistent behavior.
– SamStephens
Mar 20 '13 at 20:14
Be warned: some browsers will insert newlines at the continuance, some will not.
– staticsan
Apr 30 '09 at 2:22
Be warned: some browsers will insert newlines at the continuance, some will not.
– staticsan
Apr 30 '09 at 2:22
Visual Studio 2010 seems to be confused by this syntax as well.
– jcollum
Apr 17 '11 at 21:58
Visual Studio 2010 seems to be confused by this syntax as well.
– jcollum
Apr 17 '11 at 21:58
@Nate It is specified in ECMA-262 5th Edition section 7.8.4 and called LineContinuation : "A line terminator character cannot appear in a string literal, except as part of a LineContinuation to produce the empty character sequence. The correct way to cause a line terminator character to be part of the String value of a string literal is to use an escape sequence such as n or u000A."
– some
Sep 25 '12 at 2:28
@Nate It is specified in ECMA-262 5th Edition section 7.8.4 and called LineContinuation : "A line terminator character cannot appear in a string literal, except as part of a LineContinuation to produce the empty character sequence. The correct way to cause a line terminator character to be part of the String value of a string literal is to use an escape sequence such as n or u000A."
– some
Sep 25 '12 at 2:28
So in summary it seems this is the most straightforward approach, compatible with all browsers at least back to IE6 (and probably earlier), as long as you don't care whether or not extra newlines might be added at the end of each line. Does anyone know which browsers/versions add newlines and which don't?
– Matt Browne
Feb 26 '13 at 18:35
So in summary it seems this is the most straightforward approach, compatible with all browsers at least back to IE6 (and probably earlier), as long as you don't care whether or not extra newlines might be added at the end of each line. Does anyone know which browsers/versions add newlines and which don't?
– Matt Browne
Feb 26 '13 at 18:35
I don't see why you'd do this when browsers treat it inconsistently. "line1n" + "line2" across multiple lines is readable enough and you're guaranteed consistent behavior.
– SamStephens
Mar 20 '13 at 20:14
I don't see why you'd do this when browsers treat it inconsistently. "line1n" + "line2" across multiple lines is readable enough and you're guaranteed consistent behavior.
– SamStephens
Mar 20 '13 at 20:14
show 23 more comments
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ES6 Update:
As the first answer mentions, with ES6/Babel, you can now create multi-line strings simply by using backticks:
const htmlString = `Say hello to
Interpolating variables is a popular new feature that comes with back-tick delimited strings:
const htmlString = `${} liked your post about strings`;
This just transpiles down to concatenation: + ' liked your post about strings'
Original ES5 answer:
Google's JavaScript style guide recommends to use string concatenation instead of escaping newlines:
Do not do this:
var myString = 'A rather long string of English text, an error message
actually that just keeps going and going -- an error
message to make the Energizer bunny blush (right through
those Schwarzenegger shades)! Where was I? Oh yes,
you've got an error and all the extraneous whitespace is
just gravy. Have a nice day.';
The whitespace at the beginning of each line can't be safely stripped at compile time; whitespace after the slash will result in tricky errors; and while most script engines support this, it is not part of ECMAScript.
Use string concatenation instead:
var myString = 'A rather long string of English text, an error message ' +
'actually that just keeps going and going -- an error ' +
'message to make the Energizer bunny blush (right through ' +
'those Schwarzenegger shades)! Where was I? Oh yes, ' +
'you've got an error and all the extraneous whitespace is ' +
'just gravy. Have a nice day.';
this doesn't work for me in canary chrome for windows even after enabling Experimental JavaScript
– Inuart
Nov 20 '12 at 1:09
I don't understand Google's recommendation. All browsers except extremely old ones support the backslash followed by newline approach, and will continue to do so in the future for backward compatibility. The only time you'd need to avoid it is if you needed to be sure that one and only one newline (or no newline) was added at the end of each line (see also my comment on the accepted answer).
– Matt Browne
Feb 26 '13 at 18:40
Note that template strings aren't supported in IE11, Firefox 31, Chrome 35, or Safari 7. See
– Dwayne
May 24 '14 at 2:41
@MattBrowne Google's recommendation is already documented by them, in order of importance of reasons: (1) The whitespace at the beginning of each line [in the example, you don't want that whitespace in your string but it looks nicer in the code] (2) whitespace after the slash will result in tricky errors [if you end a line with
– ShreevatsaR
Jul 31 '16 at 20:29
amazing that after all these years string concatenation is still the best/safest/most compliant way to go with this. template literals (above answer) don't work in IE and escaping lines is just a mess that you're soon going to regret
– Tiago Duarte
Nov 11 '16 at 12:31
show 4 more comments
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down vote
ES6 Update:
As the first answer mentions, with ES6/Babel, you can now create multi-line strings simply by using backticks:
const htmlString = `Say hello to
Interpolating variables is a popular new feature that comes with back-tick delimited strings:
const htmlString = `${} liked your post about strings`;
This just transpiles down to concatenation: + ' liked your post about strings'
Original ES5 answer:
Google's JavaScript style guide recommends to use string concatenation instead of escaping newlines:
Do not do this:
var myString = 'A rather long string of English text, an error message
actually that just keeps going and going -- an error
message to make the Energizer bunny blush (right through
those Schwarzenegger shades)! Where was I? Oh yes,
you've got an error and all the extraneous whitespace is
just gravy. Have a nice day.';
The whitespace at the beginning of each line can't be safely stripped at compile time; whitespace after the slash will result in tricky errors; and while most script engines support this, it is not part of ECMAScript.
Use string concatenation instead:
var myString = 'A rather long string of English text, an error message ' +
'actually that just keeps going and going -- an error ' +
'message to make the Energizer bunny blush (right through ' +
'those Schwarzenegger shades)! Where was I? Oh yes, ' +
'you've got an error and all the extraneous whitespace is ' +
'just gravy. Have a nice day.';
this doesn't work for me in canary chrome for windows even after enabling Experimental JavaScript
– Inuart
Nov 20 '12 at 1:09
I don't understand Google's recommendation. All browsers except extremely old ones support the backslash followed by newline approach, and will continue to do so in the future for backward compatibility. The only time you'd need to avoid it is if you needed to be sure that one and only one newline (or no newline) was added at the end of each line (see also my comment on the accepted answer).
– Matt Browne
Feb 26 '13 at 18:40
Note that template strings aren't supported in IE11, Firefox 31, Chrome 35, or Safari 7. See
– Dwayne
May 24 '14 at 2:41
@MattBrowne Google's recommendation is already documented by them, in order of importance of reasons: (1) The whitespace at the beginning of each line [in the example, you don't want that whitespace in your string but it looks nicer in the code] (2) whitespace after the slash will result in tricky errors [if you end a line with
– ShreevatsaR
Jul 31 '16 at 20:29
amazing that after all these years string concatenation is still the best/safest/most compliant way to go with this. template literals (above answer) don't work in IE and escaping lines is just a mess that you're soon going to regret
– Tiago Duarte
Nov 11 '16 at 12:31
show 4 more comments
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up vote
down vote
ES6 Update:
As the first answer mentions, with ES6/Babel, you can now create multi-line strings simply by using backticks:
const htmlString = `Say hello to
Interpolating variables is a popular new feature that comes with back-tick delimited strings:
const htmlString = `${} liked your post about strings`;
This just transpiles down to concatenation: + ' liked your post about strings'
Original ES5 answer:
Google's JavaScript style guide recommends to use string concatenation instead of escaping newlines:
Do not do this:
var myString = 'A rather long string of English text, an error message
actually that just keeps going and going -- an error
message to make the Energizer bunny blush (right through
those Schwarzenegger shades)! Where was I? Oh yes,
you've got an error and all the extraneous whitespace is
just gravy. Have a nice day.';
The whitespace at the beginning of each line can't be safely stripped at compile time; whitespace after the slash will result in tricky errors; and while most script engines support this, it is not part of ECMAScript.
Use string concatenation instead:
var myString = 'A rather long string of English text, an error message ' +
'actually that just keeps going and going -- an error ' +
'message to make the Energizer bunny blush (right through ' +
'those Schwarzenegger shades)! Where was I? Oh yes, ' +
'you've got an error and all the extraneous whitespace is ' +
'just gravy. Have a nice day.';
ES6 Update:
As the first answer mentions, with ES6/Babel, you can now create multi-line strings simply by using backticks:
const htmlString = `Say hello to
Interpolating variables is a popular new feature that comes with back-tick delimited strings:
const htmlString = `${} liked your post about strings`;
This just transpiles down to concatenation: + ' liked your post about strings'
Original ES5 answer:
Google's JavaScript style guide recommends to use string concatenation instead of escaping newlines:
Do not do this:
var myString = 'A rather long string of English text, an error message
actually that just keeps going and going -- an error
message to make the Energizer bunny blush (right through
those Schwarzenegger shades)! Where was I? Oh yes,
you've got an error and all the extraneous whitespace is
just gravy. Have a nice day.';
The whitespace at the beginning of each line can't be safely stripped at compile time; whitespace after the slash will result in tricky errors; and while most script engines support this, it is not part of ECMAScript.
Use string concatenation instead:
var myString = 'A rather long string of English text, an error message ' +
'actually that just keeps going and going -- an error ' +
'message to make the Energizer bunny blush (right through ' +
'those Schwarzenegger shades)! Where was I? Oh yes, ' +
'you've got an error and all the extraneous whitespace is ' +
'just gravy. Have a nice day.';
edited Oct 2 at 19:26
answered Jun 6 '11 at 2:30
Devin G Rhode
this doesn't work for me in canary chrome for windows even after enabling Experimental JavaScript
– Inuart
Nov 20 '12 at 1:09
I don't understand Google's recommendation. All browsers except extremely old ones support the backslash followed by newline approach, and will continue to do so in the future for backward compatibility. The only time you'd need to avoid it is if you needed to be sure that one and only one newline (or no newline) was added at the end of each line (see also my comment on the accepted answer).
– Matt Browne
Feb 26 '13 at 18:40
Note that template strings aren't supported in IE11, Firefox 31, Chrome 35, or Safari 7. See
– Dwayne
May 24 '14 at 2:41
@MattBrowne Google's recommendation is already documented by them, in order of importance of reasons: (1) The whitespace at the beginning of each line [in the example, you don't want that whitespace in your string but it looks nicer in the code] (2) whitespace after the slash will result in tricky errors [if you end a line with
– ShreevatsaR
Jul 31 '16 at 20:29
amazing that after all these years string concatenation is still the best/safest/most compliant way to go with this. template literals (above answer) don't work in IE and escaping lines is just a mess that you're soon going to regret
– Tiago Duarte
Nov 11 '16 at 12:31
show 4 more comments
this doesn't work for me in canary chrome for windows even after enabling Experimental JavaScript
– Inuart
Nov 20 '12 at 1:09
I don't understand Google's recommendation. All browsers except extremely old ones support the backslash followed by newline approach, and will continue to do so in the future for backward compatibility. The only time you'd need to avoid it is if you needed to be sure that one and only one newline (or no newline) was added at the end of each line (see also my comment on the accepted answer).
– Matt Browne
Feb 26 '13 at 18:40
Note that template strings aren't supported in IE11, Firefox 31, Chrome 35, or Safari 7. See
– Dwayne
May 24 '14 at 2:41
@MattBrowne Google's recommendation is already documented by them, in order of importance of reasons: (1) The whitespace at the beginning of each line [in the example, you don't want that whitespace in your string but it looks nicer in the code] (2) whitespace after the slash will result in tricky errors [if you end a line with
– ShreevatsaR
Jul 31 '16 at 20:29
amazing that after all these years string concatenation is still the best/safest/most compliant way to go with this. template literals (above answer) don't work in IE and escaping lines is just a mess that you're soon going to regret
– Tiago Duarte
Nov 11 '16 at 12:31
this doesn't work for me in canary chrome for windows even after enabling Experimental JavaScript
– Inuart
Nov 20 '12 at 1:09
this doesn't work for me in canary chrome for windows even after enabling Experimental JavaScript
– Inuart
Nov 20 '12 at 1:09
I don't understand Google's recommendation. All browsers except extremely old ones support the backslash followed by newline approach, and will continue to do so in the future for backward compatibility. The only time you'd need to avoid it is if you needed to be sure that one and only one newline (or no newline) was added at the end of each line (see also my comment on the accepted answer).
– Matt Browne
Feb 26 '13 at 18:40
I don't understand Google's recommendation. All browsers except extremely old ones support the backslash followed by newline approach, and will continue to do so in the future for backward compatibility. The only time you'd need to avoid it is if you needed to be sure that one and only one newline (or no newline) was added at the end of each line (see also my comment on the accepted answer).
– Matt Browne
Feb 26 '13 at 18:40
Note that template strings aren't supported in IE11, Firefox 31, Chrome 35, or Safari 7. See
– Dwayne
May 24 '14 at 2:41
Note that template strings aren't supported in IE11, Firefox 31, Chrome 35, or Safari 7. See
– Dwayne
May 24 '14 at 2:41
@MattBrowne Google's recommendation is already documented by them, in order of importance of reasons: (1) The whitespace at the beginning of each line [in the example, you don't want that whitespace in your string but it looks nicer in the code] (2) whitespace after the slash will result in tricky errors [if you end a line with
instead of `` it's hard to notice] and (3) while most script engines support this, it is not part of ECMAScript [i.e. why use nonstandard features?] Remember it's a style guide, which is about making code easy to read+maintain+debug: not just "it works" correct.– ShreevatsaR
Jul 31 '16 at 20:29
@MattBrowne Google's recommendation is already documented by them, in order of importance of reasons: (1) The whitespace at the beginning of each line [in the example, you don't want that whitespace in your string but it looks nicer in the code] (2) whitespace after the slash will result in tricky errors [if you end a line with
instead of `` it's hard to notice] and (3) while most script engines support this, it is not part of ECMAScript [i.e. why use nonstandard features?] Remember it's a style guide, which is about making code easy to read+maintain+debug: not just "it works" correct.– ShreevatsaR
Jul 31 '16 at 20:29
amazing that after all these years string concatenation is still the best/safest/most compliant way to go with this. template literals (above answer) don't work in IE and escaping lines is just a mess that you're soon going to regret
– Tiago Duarte
Nov 11 '16 at 12:31
amazing that after all these years string concatenation is still the best/safest/most compliant way to go with this. template literals (above answer) don't work in IE and escaping lines is just a mess that you're soon going to regret
– Tiago Duarte
Nov 11 '16 at 12:31
show 4 more comments
up vote
down vote
the pattern text = <<"HERE" This Is A Multiline String HERE
is not available in js (I remember using it much in my good old Perl days).
To keep oversight with complex or long multiline strings I sometimes use an array pattern:
var myString =
['<div id="someId">',
'some content<br />',
'<a href="#someRef">someRefTxt</a>',
or the pattern anonymous already showed (escape newline), which can be an ugly block in your code:
var myString =
'<div id="someId">
some content<br />
<a href="#someRef">someRefTxt</a>
Here's another weird but working 'trick'1:
var myString = (function () {/*
<div id="someId">
some content<br />
<a href="#someRef">someRefTxt</a>
external edit: jsfiddle
ES20xx supports spanning strings over multiple lines using template strings:
let str = `This is a text
with multiple lines.
Escapes are interpreted,
n is a newline.`;
let str = String.raw`This is a text
with multiple lines.
Escapes are not interpreted,
n is not a newline.`;
1 Note: this will be lost after minifying/obfuscating your code
Please don't use the array pattern. It will be slower than plain-old string concatenation in most cases.
– BMiner
Jul 17 '11 at 12:39
– KooiInc
Jul 17 '11 at 13:21
The array pattern is more readable and the performance loss for an application is often negligible. As that perf test shows, even IE7 can do tens of thousands of operations per second.
– Ben Atkin
Aug 20 '11 at 8:16
+1 for an elegant alternative that not only works the same way in all browsers, but is also future-proof.
– Pavel
May 21 '12 at 6:06
@KooiInc Your tests start with the array already created, that skews the results. If you add the initialization of the array, straight concatenation is faster See… As a trick for newlines, it may be OK, but it's definitely doing more work than it should
– Juan Mendes
Aug 4 '13 at 8:02
show 26 more comments
up vote
down vote
the pattern text = <<"HERE" This Is A Multiline String HERE
is not available in js (I remember using it much in my good old Perl days).
To keep oversight with complex or long multiline strings I sometimes use an array pattern:
var myString =
['<div id="someId">',
'some content<br />',
'<a href="#someRef">someRefTxt</a>',
or the pattern anonymous already showed (escape newline), which can be an ugly block in your code:
var myString =
'<div id="someId">
some content<br />
<a href="#someRef">someRefTxt</a>
Here's another weird but working 'trick'1:
var myString = (function () {/*
<div id="someId">
some content<br />
<a href="#someRef">someRefTxt</a>
external edit: jsfiddle
ES20xx supports spanning strings over multiple lines using template strings:
let str = `This is a text
with multiple lines.
Escapes are interpreted,
n is a newline.`;
let str = String.raw`This is a text
with multiple lines.
Escapes are not interpreted,
n is not a newline.`;
1 Note: this will be lost after minifying/obfuscating your code
Please don't use the array pattern. It will be slower than plain-old string concatenation in most cases.
– BMiner
Jul 17 '11 at 12:39
– KooiInc
Jul 17 '11 at 13:21
The array pattern is more readable and the performance loss for an application is often negligible. As that perf test shows, even IE7 can do tens of thousands of operations per second.
– Ben Atkin
Aug 20 '11 at 8:16
+1 for an elegant alternative that not only works the same way in all browsers, but is also future-proof.
– Pavel
May 21 '12 at 6:06
@KooiInc Your tests start with the array already created, that skews the results. If you add the initialization of the array, straight concatenation is faster See… As a trick for newlines, it may be OK, but it's definitely doing more work than it should
– Juan Mendes
Aug 4 '13 at 8:02
show 26 more comments
up vote
down vote
up vote
down vote
the pattern text = <<"HERE" This Is A Multiline String HERE
is not available in js (I remember using it much in my good old Perl days).
To keep oversight with complex or long multiline strings I sometimes use an array pattern:
var myString =
['<div id="someId">',
'some content<br />',
'<a href="#someRef">someRefTxt</a>',
or the pattern anonymous already showed (escape newline), which can be an ugly block in your code:
var myString =
'<div id="someId">
some content<br />
<a href="#someRef">someRefTxt</a>
Here's another weird but working 'trick'1:
var myString = (function () {/*
<div id="someId">
some content<br />
<a href="#someRef">someRefTxt</a>
external edit: jsfiddle
ES20xx supports spanning strings over multiple lines using template strings:
let str = `This is a text
with multiple lines.
Escapes are interpreted,
n is a newline.`;
let str = String.raw`This is a text
with multiple lines.
Escapes are not interpreted,
n is not a newline.`;
1 Note: this will be lost after minifying/obfuscating your code
the pattern text = <<"HERE" This Is A Multiline String HERE
is not available in js (I remember using it much in my good old Perl days).
To keep oversight with complex or long multiline strings I sometimes use an array pattern:
var myString =
['<div id="someId">',
'some content<br />',
'<a href="#someRef">someRefTxt</a>',
or the pattern anonymous already showed (escape newline), which can be an ugly block in your code:
var myString =
'<div id="someId">
some content<br />
<a href="#someRef">someRefTxt</a>
Here's another weird but working 'trick'1:
var myString = (function () {/*
<div id="someId">
some content<br />
<a href="#someRef">someRefTxt</a>
external edit: jsfiddle
ES20xx supports spanning strings over multiple lines using template strings:
let str = `This is a text
with multiple lines.
Escapes are interpreted,
n is a newline.`;
let str = String.raw`This is a text
with multiple lines.
Escapes are not interpreted,
n is not a newline.`;
1 Note: this will be lost after minifying/obfuscating your code
edited Aug 24 at 6:58
answered Apr 30 '09 at 7:22
Please don't use the array pattern. It will be slower than plain-old string concatenation in most cases.
– BMiner
Jul 17 '11 at 12:39
– KooiInc
Jul 17 '11 at 13:21
The array pattern is more readable and the performance loss for an application is often negligible. As that perf test shows, even IE7 can do tens of thousands of operations per second.
– Ben Atkin
Aug 20 '11 at 8:16
+1 for an elegant alternative that not only works the same way in all browsers, but is also future-proof.
– Pavel
May 21 '12 at 6:06
@KooiInc Your tests start with the array already created, that skews the results. If you add the initialization of the array, straight concatenation is faster See… As a trick for newlines, it may be OK, but it's definitely doing more work than it should
– Juan Mendes
Aug 4 '13 at 8:02
show 26 more comments
Please don't use the array pattern. It will be slower than plain-old string concatenation in most cases.
– BMiner
Jul 17 '11 at 12:39
– KooiInc
Jul 17 '11 at 13:21
The array pattern is more readable and the performance loss for an application is often negligible. As that perf test shows, even IE7 can do tens of thousands of operations per second.
– Ben Atkin
Aug 20 '11 at 8:16
+1 for an elegant alternative that not only works the same way in all browsers, but is also future-proof.
– Pavel
May 21 '12 at 6:06
@KooiInc Your tests start with the array already created, that skews the results. If you add the initialization of the array, straight concatenation is faster See… As a trick for newlines, it may be OK, but it's definitely doing more work than it should
– Juan Mendes
Aug 4 '13 at 8:02
Please don't use the array pattern. It will be slower than plain-old string concatenation in most cases.
– BMiner
Jul 17 '11 at 12:39
Please don't use the array pattern. It will be slower than plain-old string concatenation in most cases.
– BMiner
Jul 17 '11 at 12:39
– KooiInc
Jul 17 '11 at 13:21
– KooiInc
Jul 17 '11 at 13:21
The array pattern is more readable and the performance loss for an application is often negligible. As that perf test shows, even IE7 can do tens of thousands of operations per second.
– Ben Atkin
Aug 20 '11 at 8:16
The array pattern is more readable and the performance loss for an application is often negligible. As that perf test shows, even IE7 can do tens of thousands of operations per second.
– Ben Atkin
Aug 20 '11 at 8:16
+1 for an elegant alternative that not only works the same way in all browsers, but is also future-proof.
– Pavel
May 21 '12 at 6:06
+1 for an elegant alternative that not only works the same way in all browsers, but is also future-proof.
– Pavel
May 21 '12 at 6:06
@KooiInc Your tests start with the array already created, that skews the results. If you add the initialization of the array, straight concatenation is faster See… As a trick for newlines, it may be OK, but it's definitely doing more work than it should
– Juan Mendes
Aug 4 '13 at 8:02
@KooiInc Your tests start with the array already created, that skews the results. If you add the initialization of the array, straight concatenation is faster See… As a trick for newlines, it may be OK, but it's definitely doing more work than it should
– Juan Mendes
Aug 4 '13 at 8:02
show 26 more comments
up vote
down vote
You can have multiline strings in pure JavaScript.
This method is based on the serialization of functions, which is defined to be implementation-dependent. It does work in the most browsers (see below), but there's no guarantee that it will still work in the future, so do not rely on it.
Using the following function:
function hereDoc(f) {
return f.toString().
replace(/^[^/]+/*!?/, '').
replace(/*/[^/]+$/, '');
You can have here-documents like this:
var tennysonQuote = hereDoc(function() {/*!
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die
The method has successfully been tested in the following browsers (not mentioned = not tested):
- IE 4 - 10
- Opera 9.50 - 12 (not in 9-)
- Safari 4 - 6 (not in 3-)
- Chrome 1 - 45
- Firefox 17 - 21 (not in 16-)
- Rekonq 0.7.0 - 0.8.0
- Not supported in Konqueror 4.7.4
Be careful with your minifier, though. It tends to remove comments. For the YUI compressor, a comment starting with /*!
(like the one I used) will be preserved.
I think a real solution would be to use CoffeeScript.
+1+1 Clever! (works in Node.JS)
– George Bailey
Jun 4 '11 at 21:57
What!? creating and decompiling a Function to hack a multiline comment into being a multiline string? Now that's ugly.
– fforw
Jun 17 '11 at 15:49
It's actually beyond ugly... Although, there's no decompiling involved...
– Jordão
Jun 17 '11 at 18:39
3 works in Chrome 13 and IE8/9, but not FF6. I hate to say it, but I like it, and if it could be an intentional feature of each browser (so that it wouldn't disappear), I'd use it.
– Jason Kleban
Sep 9 '11 at 21:36
Extremely handy. I'm using it for (Jasmine) unit tests, but avoiding it for production code.
– Jason
Jul 13 '12 at 5:23
show 16 more comments
up vote
down vote
You can have multiline strings in pure JavaScript.
This method is based on the serialization of functions, which is defined to be implementation-dependent. It does work in the most browsers (see below), but there's no guarantee that it will still work in the future, so do not rely on it.
Using the following function:
function hereDoc(f) {
return f.toString().
replace(/^[^/]+/*!?/, '').
replace(/*/[^/]+$/, '');
You can have here-documents like this:
var tennysonQuote = hereDoc(function() {/*!
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die
The method has successfully been tested in the following browsers (not mentioned = not tested):
- IE 4 - 10
- Opera 9.50 - 12 (not in 9-)
- Safari 4 - 6 (not in 3-)
- Chrome 1 - 45
- Firefox 17 - 21 (not in 16-)
- Rekonq 0.7.0 - 0.8.0
- Not supported in Konqueror 4.7.4
Be careful with your minifier, though. It tends to remove comments. For the YUI compressor, a comment starting with /*!
(like the one I used) will be preserved.
I think a real solution would be to use CoffeeScript.
+1+1 Clever! (works in Node.JS)
– George Bailey
Jun 4 '11 at 21:57
What!? creating and decompiling a Function to hack a multiline comment into being a multiline string? Now that's ugly.
– fforw
Jun 17 '11 at 15:49
It's actually beyond ugly... Although, there's no decompiling involved...
– Jordão
Jun 17 '11 at 18:39
3 works in Chrome 13 and IE8/9, but not FF6. I hate to say it, but I like it, and if it could be an intentional feature of each browser (so that it wouldn't disappear), I'd use it.
– Jason Kleban
Sep 9 '11 at 21:36
Extremely handy. I'm using it for (Jasmine) unit tests, but avoiding it for production code.
– Jason
Jul 13 '12 at 5:23
show 16 more comments
up vote
down vote
up vote
down vote
You can have multiline strings in pure JavaScript.
This method is based on the serialization of functions, which is defined to be implementation-dependent. It does work in the most browsers (see below), but there's no guarantee that it will still work in the future, so do not rely on it.
Using the following function:
function hereDoc(f) {
return f.toString().
replace(/^[^/]+/*!?/, '').
replace(/*/[^/]+$/, '');
You can have here-documents like this:
var tennysonQuote = hereDoc(function() {/*!
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die
The method has successfully been tested in the following browsers (not mentioned = not tested):
- IE 4 - 10
- Opera 9.50 - 12 (not in 9-)
- Safari 4 - 6 (not in 3-)
- Chrome 1 - 45
- Firefox 17 - 21 (not in 16-)
- Rekonq 0.7.0 - 0.8.0
- Not supported in Konqueror 4.7.4
Be careful with your minifier, though. It tends to remove comments. For the YUI compressor, a comment starting with /*!
(like the one I used) will be preserved.
I think a real solution would be to use CoffeeScript.
You can have multiline strings in pure JavaScript.
This method is based on the serialization of functions, which is defined to be implementation-dependent. It does work in the most browsers (see below), but there's no guarantee that it will still work in the future, so do not rely on it.
Using the following function:
function hereDoc(f) {
return f.toString().
replace(/^[^/]+/*!?/, '').
replace(/*/[^/]+$/, '');
You can have here-documents like this:
var tennysonQuote = hereDoc(function() {/*!
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die
The method has successfully been tested in the following browsers (not mentioned = not tested):
- IE 4 - 10
- Opera 9.50 - 12 (not in 9-)
- Safari 4 - 6 (not in 3-)
- Chrome 1 - 45
- Firefox 17 - 21 (not in 16-)
- Rekonq 0.7.0 - 0.8.0
- Not supported in Konqueror 4.7.4
Be careful with your minifier, though. It tends to remove comments. For the YUI compressor, a comment starting with /*!
(like the one I used) will be preserved.
I think a real solution would be to use CoffeeScript.
edited Oct 9 '15 at 19:00
answered Apr 6 '11 at 18:16
+1+1 Clever! (works in Node.JS)
– George Bailey
Jun 4 '11 at 21:57
What!? creating and decompiling a Function to hack a multiline comment into being a multiline string? Now that's ugly.
– fforw
Jun 17 '11 at 15:49
It's actually beyond ugly... Although, there's no decompiling involved...
– Jordão
Jun 17 '11 at 18:39
3 works in Chrome 13 and IE8/9, but not FF6. I hate to say it, but I like it, and if it could be an intentional feature of each browser (so that it wouldn't disappear), I'd use it.
– Jason Kleban
Sep 9 '11 at 21:36
Extremely handy. I'm using it for (Jasmine) unit tests, but avoiding it for production code.
– Jason
Jul 13 '12 at 5:23
show 16 more comments
+1+1 Clever! (works in Node.JS)
– George Bailey
Jun 4 '11 at 21:57
What!? creating and decompiling a Function to hack a multiline comment into being a multiline string? Now that's ugly.
– fforw
Jun 17 '11 at 15:49
It's actually beyond ugly... Although, there's no decompiling involved...
– Jordão
Jun 17 '11 at 18:39
3 works in Chrome 13 and IE8/9, but not FF6. I hate to say it, but I like it, and if it could be an intentional feature of each browser (so that it wouldn't disappear), I'd use it.
– Jason Kleban
Sep 9 '11 at 21:36
Extremely handy. I'm using it for (Jasmine) unit tests, but avoiding it for production code.
– Jason
Jul 13 '12 at 5:23
+1+1 Clever! (works in Node.JS)
– George Bailey
Jun 4 '11 at 21:57
+1+1 Clever! (works in Node.JS)
– George Bailey
Jun 4 '11 at 21:57
What!? creating and decompiling a Function to hack a multiline comment into being a multiline string? Now that's ugly.
– fforw
Jun 17 '11 at 15:49
What!? creating and decompiling a Function to hack a multiline comment into being a multiline string? Now that's ugly.
– fforw
Jun 17 '11 at 15:49
It's actually beyond ugly... Although, there's no decompiling involved...
– Jordão
Jun 17 '11 at 18:39
It's actually beyond ugly... Although, there's no decompiling involved...
– Jordão
Jun 17 '11 at 18:39
3 works in Chrome 13 and IE8/9, but not FF6. I hate to say it, but I like it, and if it could be an intentional feature of each browser (so that it wouldn't disappear), I'd use it.
– Jason Kleban
Sep 9 '11 at 21:36 works in Chrome 13 and IE8/9, but not FF6. I hate to say it, but I like it, and if it could be an intentional feature of each browser (so that it wouldn't disappear), I'd use it.
– Jason Kleban
Sep 9 '11 at 21:36
Extremely handy. I'm using it for (Jasmine) unit tests, but avoiding it for production code.
– Jason
Jul 13 '12 at 5:23
Extremely handy. I'm using it for (Jasmine) unit tests, but avoiding it for production code.
– Jason
Jul 13 '12 at 5:23
show 16 more comments
up vote
down vote
You can do this...
var string = 'This isn' +
'a multilinen' +
First example is great and simple. Much better than the approach as I'm not sure how browser's would handle the backslash as an escape character and as a multi-line character.
– Matt K
Nov 3 '11 at 19:13
The CDATA code (E4X) is obsolete and will soon stop working even in Firefox.
– Brock Adams
Nov 22 '12 at 12:16
e4x.js would be the good future-proof solution
– Paul Sweatte
Jan 19 '13 at 2:54
add a comment |
up vote
down vote
You can do this...
var string = 'This isn' +
'a multilinen' +
First example is great and simple. Much better than the approach as I'm not sure how browser's would handle the backslash as an escape character and as a multi-line character.
– Matt K
Nov 3 '11 at 19:13
The CDATA code (E4X) is obsolete and will soon stop working even in Firefox.
– Brock Adams
Nov 22 '12 at 12:16
e4x.js would be the good future-proof solution
– Paul Sweatte
Jan 19 '13 at 2:54
add a comment |
up vote
down vote
up vote
down vote
You can do this...
var string = 'This isn' +
'a multilinen' +
You can do this...
var string = 'This isn' +
'a multilinen' +
edited Jan 19 '14 at 4:14
community wiki
5 revs, 2 users 97%
First example is great and simple. Much better than the approach as I'm not sure how browser's would handle the backslash as an escape character and as a multi-line character.
– Matt K
Nov 3 '11 at 19:13
The CDATA code (E4X) is obsolete and will soon stop working even in Firefox.
– Brock Adams
Nov 22 '12 at 12:16
e4x.js would be the good future-proof solution
– Paul Sweatte
Jan 19 '13 at 2:54
add a comment |
First example is great and simple. Much better than the approach as I'm not sure how browser's would handle the backslash as an escape character and as a multi-line character.
– Matt K
Nov 3 '11 at 19:13
The CDATA code (E4X) is obsolete and will soon stop working even in Firefox.
– Brock Adams
Nov 22 '12 at 12:16
e4x.js would be the good future-proof solution
– Paul Sweatte
Jan 19 '13 at 2:54
First example is great and simple. Much better than the approach as I'm not sure how browser's would handle the backslash as an escape character and as a multi-line character.
– Matt K
Nov 3 '11 at 19:13
First example is great and simple. Much better than the approach as I'm not sure how browser's would handle the backslash as an escape character and as a multi-line character.
– Matt K
Nov 3 '11 at 19:13
The CDATA code (E4X) is obsolete and will soon stop working even in Firefox.
– Brock Adams
Nov 22 '12 at 12:16
The CDATA code (E4X) is obsolete and will soon stop working even in Firefox.
– Brock Adams
Nov 22 '12 at 12:16
e4x.js would be the good future-proof solution
– Paul Sweatte
Jan 19 '13 at 2:54
e4x.js would be the good future-proof solution
– Paul Sweatte
Jan 19 '13 at 2:54
add a comment |
up vote
down vote
I came up with this very jimmy rigged method of a multi lined string. Since converting a function into a string also returns any comments inside the function you can use the comments as your string using a multilined comment /**/. You just have to trim off the ends and you have your string.
var myString = function(){/*
This is some
awesome multi-lined
string using a comment
inside a function
returned as a string.
Enjoy the jimmy rigged code.
This is absolutely terrifying. I love it (although you may need to do a regex match because I'm not sure how precise the whitespace fortoString()
– Kevin Cox
Apr 7 '13 at 21:53
– John Dvorak
Jun 5 '13 at 11:53
This solution does not seem to work in firefox, maybe it's a security feature for the browser? EDIT: Nevermind, it only does not work for Firefox Version 16.
– Bill
Jun 6 '13 at 19:18
Also beware of minifiers that strip comments... :D
– jondavidjohn
Oct 22 '13 at 19:07
This is why we can't have nice things.
– Danilo M. Oliveira
Oct 15 at 18:39
show 6 more comments
up vote
down vote
I came up with this very jimmy rigged method of a multi lined string. Since converting a function into a string also returns any comments inside the function you can use the comments as your string using a multilined comment /**/. You just have to trim off the ends and you have your string.
var myString = function(){/*
This is some
awesome multi-lined
string using a comment
inside a function
returned as a string.
Enjoy the jimmy rigged code.
This is absolutely terrifying. I love it (although you may need to do a regex match because I'm not sure how precise the whitespace fortoString()
– Kevin Cox
Apr 7 '13 at 21:53
– John Dvorak
Jun 5 '13 at 11:53
This solution does not seem to work in firefox, maybe it's a security feature for the browser? EDIT: Nevermind, it only does not work for Firefox Version 16.
– Bill
Jun 6 '13 at 19:18
Also beware of minifiers that strip comments... :D
– jondavidjohn
Oct 22 '13 at 19:07
This is why we can't have nice things.
– Danilo M. Oliveira
Oct 15 at 18:39
show 6 more comments
up vote
down vote
up vote
down vote
I came up with this very jimmy rigged method of a multi lined string. Since converting a function into a string also returns any comments inside the function you can use the comments as your string using a multilined comment /**/. You just have to trim off the ends and you have your string.
var myString = function(){/*
This is some
awesome multi-lined
string using a comment
inside a function
returned as a string.
Enjoy the jimmy rigged code.
I came up with this very jimmy rigged method of a multi lined string. Since converting a function into a string also returns any comments inside the function you can use the comments as your string using a multilined comment /**/. You just have to trim off the ends and you have your string.
var myString = function(){/*
This is some
awesome multi-lined
string using a comment
inside a function
returned as a string.
Enjoy the jimmy rigged code.
answered Mar 21 '13 at 21:05


This is absolutely terrifying. I love it (although you may need to do a regex match because I'm not sure how precise the whitespace fortoString()
– Kevin Cox
Apr 7 '13 at 21:53
– John Dvorak
Jun 5 '13 at 11:53
This solution does not seem to work in firefox, maybe it's a security feature for the browser? EDIT: Nevermind, it only does not work for Firefox Version 16.
– Bill
Jun 6 '13 at 19:18
Also beware of minifiers that strip comments... :D
– jondavidjohn
Oct 22 '13 at 19:07
This is why we can't have nice things.
– Danilo M. Oliveira
Oct 15 at 18:39
show 6 more comments
This is absolutely terrifying. I love it (although you may need to do a regex match because I'm not sure how precise the whitespace fortoString()
– Kevin Cox
Apr 7 '13 at 21:53
– John Dvorak
Jun 5 '13 at 11:53
This solution does not seem to work in firefox, maybe it's a security feature for the browser? EDIT: Nevermind, it only does not work for Firefox Version 16.
– Bill
Jun 6 '13 at 19:18
Also beware of minifiers that strip comments... :D
– jondavidjohn
Oct 22 '13 at 19:07
This is why we can't have nice things.
– Danilo M. Oliveira
Oct 15 at 18:39
This is absolutely terrifying. I love it (although you may need to do a regex match because I'm not sure how precise the whitespace for
is.– Kevin Cox
Apr 7 '13 at 21:53
This is absolutely terrifying. I love it (although you may need to do a regex match because I'm not sure how precise the whitespace for
is.– Kevin Cox
Apr 7 '13 at 21:53
– John Dvorak
Jun 5 '13 at 11:53
– John Dvorak
Jun 5 '13 at 11:53
This solution does not seem to work in firefox, maybe it's a security feature for the browser? EDIT: Nevermind, it only does not work for Firefox Version 16.
– Bill
Jun 6 '13 at 19:18
This solution does not seem to work in firefox, maybe it's a security feature for the browser? EDIT: Nevermind, it only does not work for Firefox Version 16.
– Bill
Jun 6 '13 at 19:18
Also beware of minifiers that strip comments... :D
– jondavidjohn
Oct 22 '13 at 19:07
Also beware of minifiers that strip comments... :D
– jondavidjohn
Oct 22 '13 at 19:07
This is why we can't have nice things.
– Danilo M. Oliveira
Oct 15 at 18:39
This is why we can't have nice things.
– Danilo M. Oliveira
Oct 15 at 18:39
show 6 more comments
up vote
down vote
I'm surprised I didn't see this, because it works everywhere I've tested it and is very useful for e.g. templates:
<script type="bogus" id="multi">
Does anybody know of an environment where there is HTML but it doesn't work?
Anywhere you don't want to put your strings into seperate and distant script elements.
– Lodewijk
Jan 9 '12 at 1:12
A valid objection! It isn't perfect. But for templates, that separation is not only ok, but perhaps even encouraged.
– Peter V. Mørch
Feb 3 '12 at 9:03
I prefer splitting everything over 80/120 characters into multiline, I'm afraid that's more than just templates. I now prefer 'line1 ' + 'line2' syntax. It's also the fastest (although this might rival it for really large texts). It's a nice trick though.
– Lodewijk
Feb 3 '12 at 22:51
actually, this is HTML not Javascript :-/
May 22 '12 at 8:54
however, the task of obtaining a multiline string in javascript can be done this way
– Davi Fiamenghi
Jul 30 '13 at 21:41
show 4 more comments
up vote
down vote
I'm surprised I didn't see this, because it works everywhere I've tested it and is very useful for e.g. templates:
<script type="bogus" id="multi">
Does anybody know of an environment where there is HTML but it doesn't work?
Anywhere you don't want to put your strings into seperate and distant script elements.
– Lodewijk
Jan 9 '12 at 1:12
A valid objection! It isn't perfect. But for templates, that separation is not only ok, but perhaps even encouraged.
– Peter V. Mørch
Feb 3 '12 at 9:03
I prefer splitting everything over 80/120 characters into multiline, I'm afraid that's more than just templates. I now prefer 'line1 ' + 'line2' syntax. It's also the fastest (although this might rival it for really large texts). It's a nice trick though.
– Lodewijk
Feb 3 '12 at 22:51
actually, this is HTML not Javascript :-/
May 22 '12 at 8:54
however, the task of obtaining a multiline string in javascript can be done this way
– Davi Fiamenghi
Jul 30 '13 at 21:41
show 4 more comments
up vote
down vote
up vote
down vote
I'm surprised I didn't see this, because it works everywhere I've tested it and is very useful for e.g. templates:
<script type="bogus" id="multi">
Does anybody know of an environment where there is HTML but it doesn't work?
I'm surprised I didn't see this, because it works everywhere I've tested it and is very useful for e.g. templates:
<script type="bogus" id="multi">
Does anybody know of an environment where there is HTML but it doesn't work?
answered Jan 3 '12 at 19:51
Peter V. Mørch
Anywhere you don't want to put your strings into seperate and distant script elements.
– Lodewijk
Jan 9 '12 at 1:12
A valid objection! It isn't perfect. But for templates, that separation is not only ok, but perhaps even encouraged.
– Peter V. Mørch
Feb 3 '12 at 9:03
I prefer splitting everything over 80/120 characters into multiline, I'm afraid that's more than just templates. I now prefer 'line1 ' + 'line2' syntax. It's also the fastest (although this might rival it for really large texts). It's a nice trick though.
– Lodewijk
Feb 3 '12 at 22:51
actually, this is HTML not Javascript :-/
May 22 '12 at 8:54
however, the task of obtaining a multiline string in javascript can be done this way
– Davi Fiamenghi
Jul 30 '13 at 21:41
show 4 more comments
Anywhere you don't want to put your strings into seperate and distant script elements.
– Lodewijk
Jan 9 '12 at 1:12
A valid objection! It isn't perfect. But for templates, that separation is not only ok, but perhaps even encouraged.
– Peter V. Mørch
Feb 3 '12 at 9:03
I prefer splitting everything over 80/120 characters into multiline, I'm afraid that's more than just templates. I now prefer 'line1 ' + 'line2' syntax. It's also the fastest (although this might rival it for really large texts). It's a nice trick though.
– Lodewijk
Feb 3 '12 at 22:51
actually, this is HTML not Javascript :-/
May 22 '12 at 8:54
however, the task of obtaining a multiline string in javascript can be done this way
– Davi Fiamenghi
Jul 30 '13 at 21:41
Anywhere you don't want to put your strings into seperate and distant script elements.
– Lodewijk
Jan 9 '12 at 1:12
Anywhere you don't want to put your strings into seperate and distant script elements.
– Lodewijk
Jan 9 '12 at 1:12
A valid objection! It isn't perfect. But for templates, that separation is not only ok, but perhaps even encouraged.
– Peter V. Mørch
Feb 3 '12 at 9:03
A valid objection! It isn't perfect. But for templates, that separation is not only ok, but perhaps even encouraged.
– Peter V. Mørch
Feb 3 '12 at 9:03
I prefer splitting everything over 80/120 characters into multiline, I'm afraid that's more than just templates. I now prefer 'line1 ' + 'line2' syntax. It's also the fastest (although this might rival it for really large texts). It's a nice trick though.
– Lodewijk
Feb 3 '12 at 22:51
I prefer splitting everything over 80/120 characters into multiline, I'm afraid that's more than just templates. I now prefer 'line1 ' + 'line2' syntax. It's also the fastest (although this might rival it for really large texts). It's a nice trick though.
– Lodewijk
Feb 3 '12 at 22:51
actually, this is HTML not Javascript :-/
May 22 '12 at 8:54
actually, this is HTML not Javascript :-/
May 22 '12 at 8:54
however, the task of obtaining a multiline string in javascript can be done this way
– Davi Fiamenghi
Jul 30 '13 at 21:41
however, the task of obtaining a multiline string in javascript can be done this way
– Davi Fiamenghi
Jul 30 '13 at 21:41
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I solved this by outputting a div, making it hidden, and calling the div id by jQuery when I needed it.
<div id="UniqueID" style="display:none;">
Then when I need to get the string, I just use the following jQuery:
Which returns my text on multiple lines. If I call
I get:
Thanks for this! It's the only answer I've found that solves my problem, which involves unknown strings that may contain any combination of single and double quotes being directly inserted into the code with no opportunity for pre-encoding. (it's coming from a templating language that creates the JS -- still from a trusted source and not a form submission, so it's not TOTALLY demented).
– octern
Jun 23 '13 at 17:19
This was the only method that actually worked for me to create a multi-line javascript string variable from a Java String.
– beginner_
Aug 6 '13 at 12:06
What if the string is HTML?
– Dan Dascalescu
Jan 24 '14 at 8:39
– mplungjan
Jan 24 '14 at 9:28
@Pacerier Everything I've read, from Google as well as other sites, says that nowadays Google does indexdisplay:none
content, most likely due to the popularity of JavaScript-styled front-ends. (For example, an FAQ page with hide/show functionality.) You need to be careful though, because Google says they can punish you if the hidden content appears to be designed to artificially inflate your SEO rankings.
– Gavin
Aug 8 '17 at 13:12
show 4 more comments
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down vote
I solved this by outputting a div, making it hidden, and calling the div id by jQuery when I needed it.
<div id="UniqueID" style="display:none;">
Then when I need to get the string, I just use the following jQuery:
Which returns my text on multiple lines. If I call
I get:
Thanks for this! It's the only answer I've found that solves my problem, which involves unknown strings that may contain any combination of single and double quotes being directly inserted into the code with no opportunity for pre-encoding. (it's coming from a templating language that creates the JS -- still from a trusted source and not a form submission, so it's not TOTALLY demented).
– octern
Jun 23 '13 at 17:19
This was the only method that actually worked for me to create a multi-line javascript string variable from a Java String.
– beginner_
Aug 6 '13 at 12:06
What if the string is HTML?
– Dan Dascalescu
Jan 24 '14 at 8:39
– mplungjan
Jan 24 '14 at 9:28
@Pacerier Everything I've read, from Google as well as other sites, says that nowadays Google does indexdisplay:none
content, most likely due to the popularity of JavaScript-styled front-ends. (For example, an FAQ page with hide/show functionality.) You need to be careful though, because Google says they can punish you if the hidden content appears to be designed to artificially inflate your SEO rankings.
– Gavin
Aug 8 '17 at 13:12
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up vote
down vote
I solved this by outputting a div, making it hidden, and calling the div id by jQuery when I needed it.
<div id="UniqueID" style="display:none;">
Then when I need to get the string, I just use the following jQuery:
Which returns my text on multiple lines. If I call
I get:
I solved this by outputting a div, making it hidden, and calling the div id by jQuery when I needed it.
<div id="UniqueID" style="display:none;">
Then when I need to get the string, I just use the following jQuery:
Which returns my text on multiple lines. If I call
I get:
edited Dec 16 '16 at 14:20
answered Aug 17 '12 at 14:25


Tom Beech
Thanks for this! It's the only answer I've found that solves my problem, which involves unknown strings that may contain any combination of single and double quotes being directly inserted into the code with no opportunity for pre-encoding. (it's coming from a templating language that creates the JS -- still from a trusted source and not a form submission, so it's not TOTALLY demented).
– octern
Jun 23 '13 at 17:19
This was the only method that actually worked for me to create a multi-line javascript string variable from a Java String.
– beginner_
Aug 6 '13 at 12:06
What if the string is HTML?
– Dan Dascalescu
Jan 24 '14 at 8:39
– mplungjan
Jan 24 '14 at 9:28
@Pacerier Everything I've read, from Google as well as other sites, says that nowadays Google does indexdisplay:none
content, most likely due to the popularity of JavaScript-styled front-ends. (For example, an FAQ page with hide/show functionality.) You need to be careful though, because Google says they can punish you if the hidden content appears to be designed to artificially inflate your SEO rankings.
– Gavin
Aug 8 '17 at 13:12
show 4 more comments
Thanks for this! It's the only answer I've found that solves my problem, which involves unknown strings that may contain any combination of single and double quotes being directly inserted into the code with no opportunity for pre-encoding. (it's coming from a templating language that creates the JS -- still from a trusted source and not a form submission, so it's not TOTALLY demented).
– octern
Jun 23 '13 at 17:19
This was the only method that actually worked for me to create a multi-line javascript string variable from a Java String.
– beginner_
Aug 6 '13 at 12:06
What if the string is HTML?
– Dan Dascalescu
Jan 24 '14 at 8:39
– mplungjan
Jan 24 '14 at 9:28
@Pacerier Everything I've read, from Google as well as other sites, says that nowadays Google does indexdisplay:none
content, most likely due to the popularity of JavaScript-styled front-ends. (For example, an FAQ page with hide/show functionality.) You need to be careful though, because Google says they can punish you if the hidden content appears to be designed to artificially inflate your SEO rankings.
– Gavin
Aug 8 '17 at 13:12
Thanks for this! It's the only answer I've found that solves my problem, which involves unknown strings that may contain any combination of single and double quotes being directly inserted into the code with no opportunity for pre-encoding. (it's coming from a templating language that creates the JS -- still from a trusted source and not a form submission, so it's not TOTALLY demented).
– octern
Jun 23 '13 at 17:19
Thanks for this! It's the only answer I've found that solves my problem, which involves unknown strings that may contain any combination of single and double quotes being directly inserted into the code with no opportunity for pre-encoding. (it's coming from a templating language that creates the JS -- still from a trusted source and not a form submission, so it's not TOTALLY demented).
– octern
Jun 23 '13 at 17:19
This was the only method that actually worked for me to create a multi-line javascript string variable from a Java String.
– beginner_
Aug 6 '13 at 12:06
This was the only method that actually worked for me to create a multi-line javascript string variable from a Java String.
– beginner_
Aug 6 '13 at 12:06
What if the string is HTML?
– Dan Dascalescu
Jan 24 '14 at 8:39
What if the string is HTML?
– Dan Dascalescu
Jan 24 '14 at 8:39
– mplungjan
Jan 24 '14 at 9:28
– mplungjan
Jan 24 '14 at 9:28
@Pacerier Everything I've read, from Google as well as other sites, says that nowadays Google does index
content, most likely due to the popularity of JavaScript-styled front-ends. (For example, an FAQ page with hide/show functionality.) You need to be careful though, because Google says they can punish you if the hidden content appears to be designed to artificially inflate your SEO rankings.– Gavin
Aug 8 '17 at 13:12
@Pacerier Everything I've read, from Google as well as other sites, says that nowadays Google does index
content, most likely due to the popularity of JavaScript-styled front-ends. (For example, an FAQ page with hide/show functionality.) You need to be careful though, because Google says they can punish you if the hidden content appears to be designed to artificially inflate your SEO rankings.– Gavin
Aug 8 '17 at 13:12
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Using script tags:
- add a
block containing your multiline text intohead
get your multiline text as is... (watch out for text encoding: UTF-8, ASCII)
// pure javascript
var text = document.getElementById("mySoapMessage").innerHTML ;
// using JQuery's document ready for safety
$(document).ready(function() {
var text = $("#mySoapMessage").html();
<script id="mySoapMessage" type="text/plain">
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ="...">
<!-- this comment will be present on your string -->
//uh-oh, javascript comments... SOAP request will fail
I think this strategy is clean & far underused. jsrender uses this.
– xdhmoore
Jan 9 '15 at 15:57
I'm using this with innerText iso innerHTML, But how do I make sure that the whitespaces are preserved ?
– David Nouls
Jul 16 '15 at 8:53
Since soap is based in XML it must preserve<![CDATA[.....]]>
– jpfreire
Oct 28 '15 at 5:30
Also ajax queries in case you are using them. You can try to change your headersxhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
I don't remember having other problems than mistyping comments in JS. Spaces where no problems.
– jpfreire
Oct 28 '15 at 5:40
add a comment |
up vote
down vote
Using script tags:
- add a
block containing your multiline text intohead
get your multiline text as is... (watch out for text encoding: UTF-8, ASCII)
// pure javascript
var text = document.getElementById("mySoapMessage").innerHTML ;
// using JQuery's document ready for safety
$(document).ready(function() {
var text = $("#mySoapMessage").html();
<script id="mySoapMessage" type="text/plain">
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ="...">
<!-- this comment will be present on your string -->
//uh-oh, javascript comments... SOAP request will fail
I think this strategy is clean & far underused. jsrender uses this.
– xdhmoore
Jan 9 '15 at 15:57
I'm using this with innerText iso innerHTML, But how do I make sure that the whitespaces are preserved ?
– David Nouls
Jul 16 '15 at 8:53
Since soap is based in XML it must preserve<![CDATA[.....]]>
– jpfreire
Oct 28 '15 at 5:30
Also ajax queries in case you are using them. You can try to change your headersxhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
I don't remember having other problems than mistyping comments in JS. Spaces where no problems.
– jpfreire
Oct 28 '15 at 5:40
add a comment |
up vote
down vote
up vote
down vote
Using script tags:
- add a
block containing your multiline text intohead
get your multiline text as is... (watch out for text encoding: UTF-8, ASCII)
// pure javascript
var text = document.getElementById("mySoapMessage").innerHTML ;
// using JQuery's document ready for safety
$(document).ready(function() {
var text = $("#mySoapMessage").html();
<script id="mySoapMessage" type="text/plain">
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ="...">
<!-- this comment will be present on your string -->
//uh-oh, javascript comments... SOAP request will fail
Using script tags:
- add a
block containing your multiline text intohead
get your multiline text as is... (watch out for text encoding: UTF-8, ASCII)
// pure javascript
var text = document.getElementById("mySoapMessage").innerHTML ;
// using JQuery's document ready for safety
$(document).ready(function() {
var text = $("#mySoapMessage").html();
<script id="mySoapMessage" type="text/plain">
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ="...">
<!-- this comment will be present on your string -->
//uh-oh, javascript comments... SOAP request will fail
edited Jan 3 '17 at 13:58
answered Aug 23 '12 at 18:30
I think this strategy is clean & far underused. jsrender uses this.
– xdhmoore
Jan 9 '15 at 15:57
I'm using this with innerText iso innerHTML, But how do I make sure that the whitespaces are preserved ?
– David Nouls
Jul 16 '15 at 8:53
Since soap is based in XML it must preserve<![CDATA[.....]]>
– jpfreire
Oct 28 '15 at 5:30
Also ajax queries in case you are using them. You can try to change your headersxhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
I don't remember having other problems than mistyping comments in JS. Spaces where no problems.
– jpfreire
Oct 28 '15 at 5:40
add a comment |
I think this strategy is clean & far underused. jsrender uses this.
– xdhmoore
Jan 9 '15 at 15:57
I'm using this with innerText iso innerHTML, But how do I make sure that the whitespaces are preserved ?
– David Nouls
Jul 16 '15 at 8:53
Since soap is based in XML it must preserve<![CDATA[.....]]>
– jpfreire
Oct 28 '15 at 5:30
Also ajax queries in case you are using them. You can try to change your headersxhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
I don't remember having other problems than mistyping comments in JS. Spaces where no problems.
– jpfreire
Oct 28 '15 at 5:40
I think this strategy is clean & far underused. jsrender uses this.
– xdhmoore
Jan 9 '15 at 15:57
I think this strategy is clean & far underused. jsrender uses this.
– xdhmoore
Jan 9 '15 at 15:57
I'm using this with innerText iso innerHTML, But how do I make sure that the whitespaces are preserved ?
– David Nouls
Jul 16 '15 at 8:53
I'm using this with innerText iso innerHTML, But how do I make sure that the whitespaces are preserved ?
– David Nouls
Jul 16 '15 at 8:53
Since soap is based in XML it must preserve
.– jpfreire
Oct 28 '15 at 5:30
Since soap is based in XML it must preserve
.– jpfreire
Oct 28 '15 at 5:30
Also ajax queries in case you are using them. You can try to change your headers
xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
I don't remember having other problems than mistyping comments in JS. Spaces where no problems.– jpfreire
Oct 28 '15 at 5:40
Also ajax queries in case you are using them. You can try to change your headers
xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
I don't remember having other problems than mistyping comments in JS. Spaces where no problems.– jpfreire
Oct 28 '15 at 5:40
add a comment |
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There are multiple ways to achieve this
1. Slash concatenation
var MultiLine= '1
2. regular concatenation
var MultiLine = '1'
3. Array Join concatenation
var MultiLine = [
Performance wise, Slash concatenation (first one) is the fastest.
Refer this test case for more details regarding the performance
With the ES2015, we can take advantage of its Template strings feature. With it, we just need to use back-ticks for creating multi line strings
<h2>{{}} details!</h2>
<div><label>id: </label>{{}}</div>
<div><label>name: </label>{{}}</div>
I think it's that you've just regurgitated what has already on the page for five years, but in a cleaner way.
– RandomInsano
Aug 2 '14 at 18:22
won't slash concatenation also include the whitespace in beginning of lines?
– f.khantsis
May 9 '17 at 23:39
add a comment |
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There are multiple ways to achieve this
1. Slash concatenation
var MultiLine= '1
2. regular concatenation
var MultiLine = '1'
3. Array Join concatenation
var MultiLine = [
Performance wise, Slash concatenation (first one) is the fastest.
Refer this test case for more details regarding the performance
With the ES2015, we can take advantage of its Template strings feature. With it, we just need to use back-ticks for creating multi line strings
<h2>{{}} details!</h2>
<div><label>id: </label>{{}}</div>
<div><label>name: </label>{{}}</div>
I think it's that you've just regurgitated what has already on the page for five years, but in a cleaner way.
– RandomInsano
Aug 2 '14 at 18:22
won't slash concatenation also include the whitespace in beginning of lines?
– f.khantsis
May 9 '17 at 23:39
add a comment |
up vote
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up vote
down vote
There are multiple ways to achieve this
1. Slash concatenation
var MultiLine= '1
2. regular concatenation
var MultiLine = '1'
3. Array Join concatenation
var MultiLine = [
Performance wise, Slash concatenation (first one) is the fastest.
Refer this test case for more details regarding the performance
With the ES2015, we can take advantage of its Template strings feature. With it, we just need to use back-ticks for creating multi line strings
<h2>{{}} details!</h2>
<div><label>id: </label>{{}}</div>
<div><label>name: </label>{{}}</div>
There are multiple ways to achieve this
1. Slash concatenation
var MultiLine= '1
2. regular concatenation
var MultiLine = '1'
3. Array Join concatenation
var MultiLine = [
Performance wise, Slash concatenation (first one) is the fastest.
Refer this test case for more details regarding the performance
With the ES2015, we can take advantage of its Template strings feature. With it, we just need to use back-ticks for creating multi line strings
<h2>{{}} details!</h2>
<div><label>id: </label>{{}}</div>
<div><label>name: </label>{{}}</div>
edited Nov 8 '16 at 8:33
answered May 26 '14 at 9:34
Vignesh Subramanian
I think it's that you've just regurgitated what has already on the page for five years, but in a cleaner way.
– RandomInsano
Aug 2 '14 at 18:22
won't slash concatenation also include the whitespace in beginning of lines?
– f.khantsis
May 9 '17 at 23:39
add a comment |
I think it's that you've just regurgitated what has already on the page for five years, but in a cleaner way.
– RandomInsano
Aug 2 '14 at 18:22
won't slash concatenation also include the whitespace in beginning of lines?
– f.khantsis
May 9 '17 at 23:39
I think it's that you've just regurgitated what has already on the page for five years, but in a cleaner way.
– RandomInsano
Aug 2 '14 at 18:22
I think it's that you've just regurgitated what has already on the page for five years, but in a cleaner way.
– RandomInsano
Aug 2 '14 at 18:22
won't slash concatenation also include the whitespace in beginning of lines?
– f.khantsis
May 9 '17 at 23:39
won't slash concatenation also include the whitespace in beginning of lines?
– f.khantsis
May 9 '17 at 23:39
add a comment |
up vote
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I like this syntax and indendation:
string = 'my long string...n'
+ 'continue heren'
+ 'and here.';
(but actually can't be considered as multiline string)
I use this, except I put the '+' at the end of the preceding line, to make it clear the statement is continued on the next line. Your way does line up the indents more evenly though.
– Sean
Oct 4 '12 at 8:54
@Sean i use this too, and i still prefer put the '+' at the beginning of each new line added, and the final ';' on a new line, cuz i found it more 'correct'.
– AgelessEssence
Nov 14 '13 at 5:06
putting the + at the beginning allows one to comment out that line without having to edit other lines when its the first/last line of the sequence.
– moliad
Dec 12 '13 at 15:38
I prefer the + at the front too as visually I do not need to scan to the end of the line to know the next one is a continuation.
– Daniel Sokolowski
May 7 '14 at 15:40
add a comment |
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I like this syntax and indendation:
string = 'my long string...n'
+ 'continue heren'
+ 'and here.';
(but actually can't be considered as multiline string)
I use this, except I put the '+' at the end of the preceding line, to make it clear the statement is continued on the next line. Your way does line up the indents more evenly though.
– Sean
Oct 4 '12 at 8:54
@Sean i use this too, and i still prefer put the '+' at the beginning of each new line added, and the final ';' on a new line, cuz i found it more 'correct'.
– AgelessEssence
Nov 14 '13 at 5:06
putting the + at the beginning allows one to comment out that line without having to edit other lines when its the first/last line of the sequence.
– moliad
Dec 12 '13 at 15:38
I prefer the + at the front too as visually I do not need to scan to the end of the line to know the next one is a continuation.
– Daniel Sokolowski
May 7 '14 at 15:40
add a comment |
up vote
down vote
up vote
down vote
I like this syntax and indendation:
string = 'my long string...n'
+ 'continue heren'
+ 'and here.';
(but actually can't be considered as multiline string)
I like this syntax and indendation:
string = 'my long string...n'
+ 'continue heren'
+ 'and here.';
(but actually can't be considered as multiline string)
answered Dec 13 '11 at 20:09
I use this, except I put the '+' at the end of the preceding line, to make it clear the statement is continued on the next line. Your way does line up the indents more evenly though.
– Sean
Oct 4 '12 at 8:54
@Sean i use this too, and i still prefer put the '+' at the beginning of each new line added, and the final ';' on a new line, cuz i found it more 'correct'.
– AgelessEssence
Nov 14 '13 at 5:06
putting the + at the beginning allows one to comment out that line without having to edit other lines when its the first/last line of the sequence.
– moliad
Dec 12 '13 at 15:38
I prefer the + at the front too as visually I do not need to scan to the end of the line to know the next one is a continuation.
– Daniel Sokolowski
May 7 '14 at 15:40
add a comment |
I use this, except I put the '+' at the end of the preceding line, to make it clear the statement is continued on the next line. Your way does line up the indents more evenly though.
– Sean
Oct 4 '12 at 8:54
@Sean i use this too, and i still prefer put the '+' at the beginning of each new line added, and the final ';' on a new line, cuz i found it more 'correct'.
– AgelessEssence
Nov 14 '13 at 5:06
putting the + at the beginning allows one to comment out that line without having to edit other lines when its the first/last line of the sequence.
– moliad
Dec 12 '13 at 15:38
I prefer the + at the front too as visually I do not need to scan to the end of the line to know the next one is a continuation.
– Daniel Sokolowski
May 7 '14 at 15:40
I use this, except I put the '+' at the end of the preceding line, to make it clear the statement is continued on the next line. Your way does line up the indents more evenly though.
– Sean
Oct 4 '12 at 8:54
I use this, except I put the '+' at the end of the preceding line, to make it clear the statement is continued on the next line. Your way does line up the indents more evenly though.
– Sean
Oct 4 '12 at 8:54
@Sean i use this too, and i still prefer put the '+' at the beginning of each new line added, and the final ';' on a new line, cuz i found it more 'correct'.
– AgelessEssence
Nov 14 '13 at 5:06
@Sean i use this too, and i still prefer put the '+' at the beginning of each new line added, and the final ';' on a new line, cuz i found it more 'correct'.
– AgelessEssence
Nov 14 '13 at 5:06
putting the + at the beginning allows one to comment out that line without having to edit other lines when its the first/last line of the sequence.
– moliad
Dec 12 '13 at 15:38
putting the + at the beginning allows one to comment out that line without having to edit other lines when its the first/last line of the sequence.
– moliad
Dec 12 '13 at 15:38
I prefer the + at the front too as visually I do not need to scan to the end of the line to know the next one is a continuation.
– Daniel Sokolowski
May 7 '14 at 15:40
I prefer the + at the front too as visually I do not need to scan to the end of the line to know the next one is a continuation.
– Daniel Sokolowski
May 7 '14 at 15:40
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up vote
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There's this library that makes it beautiful:
var str = '' +
'<!doctype html>' +
'<html>' +
' <body>' +
' <h1>❤ unicorns</h1>' +
' </body>' +
'</html>' +
var str = multiline(function(){/*
<!doctype html>
<h1>❤ unicorns</h1>
This support innodejs
, using in browser must becareful.
– Huei Tan
May 5 '14 at 8:52
@HueiTan Docs state it also works in the browser. Which makes sense - it's justFunction.prototype.String()
– mikemaccana
Jul 13 '14 at 19:14
ya but it said "While it does work fine in the browser, it's mainly intended for use in Node.js. Use at your own risk.While it does work fine in the browser, it's mainly intended for use in Node.js. Use at your own risk." (Just becareful XD)
– Huei Tan
Jul 14 '14 at 9:37
@HueiTanYep I read that part. But Function.prototype.toString() is pretty stable and well known.
– mikemaccana
Jul 14 '14 at 10:52
Best answer for me because it at least achieves multiline without all the rubbish in the middle(The rubbish at the beginning and ends I can deal with).
– Damien Golding
Aug 27 '14 at 6:25
add a comment |
up vote
down vote
There's this library that makes it beautiful:
var str = '' +
'<!doctype html>' +
'<html>' +
' <body>' +
' <h1>❤ unicorns</h1>' +
' </body>' +
'</html>' +
var str = multiline(function(){/*
<!doctype html>
<h1>❤ unicorns</h1>
This support innodejs
, using in browser must becareful.
– Huei Tan
May 5 '14 at 8:52
@HueiTan Docs state it also works in the browser. Which makes sense - it's justFunction.prototype.String()
– mikemaccana
Jul 13 '14 at 19:14
ya but it said "While it does work fine in the browser, it's mainly intended for use in Node.js. Use at your own risk.While it does work fine in the browser, it's mainly intended for use in Node.js. Use at your own risk." (Just becareful XD)
– Huei Tan
Jul 14 '14 at 9:37
@HueiTanYep I read that part. But Function.prototype.toString() is pretty stable and well known.
– mikemaccana
Jul 14 '14 at 10:52
Best answer for me because it at least achieves multiline without all the rubbish in the middle(The rubbish at the beginning and ends I can deal with).
– Damien Golding
Aug 27 '14 at 6:25
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down vote
There's this library that makes it beautiful:
var str = '' +
'<!doctype html>' +
'<html>' +
' <body>' +
' <h1>❤ unicorns</h1>' +
' </body>' +
'</html>' +
var str = multiline(function(){/*
<!doctype html>
<h1>❤ unicorns</h1>
There's this library that makes it beautiful:
var str = '' +
'<!doctype html>' +
'<html>' +
' <body>' +
' <h1>❤ unicorns</h1>' +
' </body>' +
'</html>' +
var str = multiline(function(){/*
<!doctype html>
<h1>❤ unicorns</h1>
answered Apr 25 '14 at 11:34
This support innodejs
, using in browser must becareful.
– Huei Tan
May 5 '14 at 8:52
@HueiTan Docs state it also works in the browser. Which makes sense - it's justFunction.prototype.String()
– mikemaccana
Jul 13 '14 at 19:14
ya but it said "While it does work fine in the browser, it's mainly intended for use in Node.js. Use at your own risk.While it does work fine in the browser, it's mainly intended for use in Node.js. Use at your own risk." (Just becareful XD)
– Huei Tan
Jul 14 '14 at 9:37
@HueiTanYep I read that part. But Function.prototype.toString() is pretty stable and well known.
– mikemaccana
Jul 14 '14 at 10:52
Best answer for me because it at least achieves multiline without all the rubbish in the middle(The rubbish at the beginning and ends I can deal with).
– Damien Golding
Aug 27 '14 at 6:25
add a comment |
This support innodejs
, using in browser must becareful.
– Huei Tan
May 5 '14 at 8:52
@HueiTan Docs state it also works in the browser. Which makes sense - it's justFunction.prototype.String()
– mikemaccana
Jul 13 '14 at 19:14
ya but it said "While it does work fine in the browser, it's mainly intended for use in Node.js. Use at your own risk.While it does work fine in the browser, it's mainly intended for use in Node.js. Use at your own risk." (Just becareful XD)
– Huei Tan
Jul 14 '14 at 9:37
@HueiTanYep I read that part. But Function.prototype.toString() is pretty stable and well known.
– mikemaccana
Jul 14 '14 at 10:52
Best answer for me because it at least achieves multiline without all the rubbish in the middle(The rubbish at the beginning and ends I can deal with).
– Damien Golding
Aug 27 '14 at 6:25
This support in
, using in browser must becareful.– Huei Tan
May 5 '14 at 8:52
This support in
, using in browser must becareful.– Huei Tan
May 5 '14 at 8:52
@HueiTan Docs state it also works in the browser. Which makes sense - it's just
.– mikemaccana
Jul 13 '14 at 19:14
@HueiTan Docs state it also works in the browser. Which makes sense - it's just
.– mikemaccana
Jul 13 '14 at 19:14
ya but it said "While it does work fine in the browser, it's mainly intended for use in Node.js. Use at your own risk.While it does work fine in the browser, it's mainly intended for use in Node.js. Use at your own risk." (Just becareful XD)
– Huei Tan
Jul 14 '14 at 9:37
ya but it said "While it does work fine in the browser, it's mainly intended for use in Node.js. Use at your own risk.While it does work fine in the browser, it's mainly intended for use in Node.js. Use at your own risk." (Just becareful XD)
– Huei Tan
Jul 14 '14 at 9:37
@HueiTanYep I read that part. But Function.prototype.toString() is pretty stable and well known.
– mikemaccana
Jul 14 '14 at 10:52
@HueiTanYep I read that part. But Function.prototype.toString() is pretty stable and well known.
– mikemaccana
Jul 14 '14 at 10:52
Best answer for me because it at least achieves multiline without all the rubbish in the middle(The rubbish at the beginning and ends I can deal with).
– Damien Golding
Aug 27 '14 at 6:25
Best answer for me because it at least achieves multiline without all the rubbish in the middle(The rubbish at the beginning and ends I can deal with).
– Damien Golding
Aug 27 '14 at 6:25
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Downvoters: This code is supplied for information only.
This has been tested in Fx 19 and Chrome 24 on Mac
var new_comment; /*<<<EOF
<li class="photobooth-comment">
<span class="username">
<a href="#">You</a>
<span class="comment-text">
<span class="comment-time">
// note the script tag here is hardcoded as the FIRST tag
alert(new_comment.replace('$text','Here goes some text'));
That's horrific. +1. And you can use document.currentScript instead of getElement...
– Orwellophile
May 27 '15 at 10:00
Undefined "you" in chrome for osx
– mplungjan
May 27 '15 at 16:46
jsfiddle-fixed - I must have had "you" defined globally in my console. Works now (chrome/osx). The nice thing about adding the comment to a var is that you're not in a function context, jsfiddle-function-heredoc although the function thing would be cool for class methods. might be better to pass it a replace { this: that } object anyways. fun to push something crazy to the limit anyway :)
– Orwellophile
Jun 1 '15 at 16:44
Forget the haters. This is the only correct answer bar ES6. All the other answers require concatenation, computation of some sort, or escaping. This is actually pretty cool and I'm going to use it as a way to add documentation to a game I'm working on as a hobby. As long as this trick isn't used for anything that could invoke a bug (I can see how someone would go "Semicolon, derp. Lets put the comment on the next line." and then it breaks your code.) But, is that really a big deal in my hobby game? No, and I can use the cool trick for something useful. Great answer.
– Thomas Dignan
Jul 27 '15 at 21:10
I've never been brave enough to use this technique in production code, but where I DO use it a lot is in unit testing, where often it's easiest to dump the value of some structure as a (quite long) string and compare it to what it 'should' be.
– Ben McIntyre
Feb 3 '16 at 0:00
show 8 more comments
up vote
down vote
Downvoters: This code is supplied for information only.
This has been tested in Fx 19 and Chrome 24 on Mac
var new_comment; /*<<<EOF
<li class="photobooth-comment">
<span class="username">
<a href="#">You</a>
<span class="comment-text">
<span class="comment-time">
// note the script tag here is hardcoded as the FIRST tag
alert(new_comment.replace('$text','Here goes some text'));
That's horrific. +1. And you can use document.currentScript instead of getElement...
– Orwellophile
May 27 '15 at 10:00
Undefined "you" in chrome for osx
– mplungjan
May 27 '15 at 16:46
jsfiddle-fixed - I must have had "you" defined globally in my console. Works now (chrome/osx). The nice thing about adding the comment to a var is that you're not in a function context, jsfiddle-function-heredoc although the function thing would be cool for class methods. might be better to pass it a replace { this: that } object anyways. fun to push something crazy to the limit anyway :)
– Orwellophile
Jun 1 '15 at 16:44
Forget the haters. This is the only correct answer bar ES6. All the other answers require concatenation, computation of some sort, or escaping. This is actually pretty cool and I'm going to use it as a way to add documentation to a game I'm working on as a hobby. As long as this trick isn't used for anything that could invoke a bug (I can see how someone would go "Semicolon, derp. Lets put the comment on the next line." and then it breaks your code.) But, is that really a big deal in my hobby game? No, and I can use the cool trick for something useful. Great answer.
– Thomas Dignan
Jul 27 '15 at 21:10
I've never been brave enough to use this technique in production code, but where I DO use it a lot is in unit testing, where often it's easiest to dump the value of some structure as a (quite long) string and compare it to what it 'should' be.
– Ben McIntyre
Feb 3 '16 at 0:00
show 8 more comments
up vote
down vote
up vote
down vote
Downvoters: This code is supplied for information only.
This has been tested in Fx 19 and Chrome 24 on Mac
var new_comment; /*<<<EOF
<li class="photobooth-comment">
<span class="username">
<a href="#">You</a>
<span class="comment-text">
<span class="comment-time">
// note the script tag here is hardcoded as the FIRST tag
alert(new_comment.replace('$text','Here goes some text'));
Downvoters: This code is supplied for information only.
This has been tested in Fx 19 and Chrome 24 on Mac
var new_comment; /*<<<EOF
<li class="photobooth-comment">
<span class="username">
<a href="#">You</a>
<span class="comment-text">
<span class="comment-time">
// note the script tag here is hardcoded as the FIRST tag
alert(new_comment.replace('$text','Here goes some text'));
edited Jan 17 '16 at 15:44
answered Feb 17 '13 at 9:56
That's horrific. +1. And you can use document.currentScript instead of getElement...
– Orwellophile
May 27 '15 at 10:00
Undefined "you" in chrome for osx
– mplungjan
May 27 '15 at 16:46
jsfiddle-fixed - I must have had "you" defined globally in my console. Works now (chrome/osx). The nice thing about adding the comment to a var is that you're not in a function context, jsfiddle-function-heredoc although the function thing would be cool for class methods. might be better to pass it a replace { this: that } object anyways. fun to push something crazy to the limit anyway :)
– Orwellophile
Jun 1 '15 at 16:44
Forget the haters. This is the only correct answer bar ES6. All the other answers require concatenation, computation of some sort, or escaping. This is actually pretty cool and I'm going to use it as a way to add documentation to a game I'm working on as a hobby. As long as this trick isn't used for anything that could invoke a bug (I can see how someone would go "Semicolon, derp. Lets put the comment on the next line." and then it breaks your code.) But, is that really a big deal in my hobby game? No, and I can use the cool trick for something useful. Great answer.
– Thomas Dignan
Jul 27 '15 at 21:10
I've never been brave enough to use this technique in production code, but where I DO use it a lot is in unit testing, where often it's easiest to dump the value of some structure as a (quite long) string and compare it to what it 'should' be.
– Ben McIntyre
Feb 3 '16 at 0:00
show 8 more comments
That's horrific. +1. And you can use document.currentScript instead of getElement...
– Orwellophile
May 27 '15 at 10:00
Undefined "you" in chrome for osx
– mplungjan
May 27 '15 at 16:46
jsfiddle-fixed - I must have had "you" defined globally in my console. Works now (chrome/osx). The nice thing about adding the comment to a var is that you're not in a function context, jsfiddle-function-heredoc although the function thing would be cool for class methods. might be better to pass it a replace { this: that } object anyways. fun to push something crazy to the limit anyway :)
– Orwellophile
Jun 1 '15 at 16:44
Forget the haters. This is the only correct answer bar ES6. All the other answers require concatenation, computation of some sort, or escaping. This is actually pretty cool and I'm going to use it as a way to add documentation to a game I'm working on as a hobby. As long as this trick isn't used for anything that could invoke a bug (I can see how someone would go "Semicolon, derp. Lets put the comment on the next line." and then it breaks your code.) But, is that really a big deal in my hobby game? No, and I can use the cool trick for something useful. Great answer.
– Thomas Dignan
Jul 27 '15 at 21:10
I've never been brave enough to use this technique in production code, but where I DO use it a lot is in unit testing, where often it's easiest to dump the value of some structure as a (quite long) string and compare it to what it 'should' be.
– Ben McIntyre
Feb 3 '16 at 0:00
That's horrific. +1. And you can use document.currentScript instead of getElement...
– Orwellophile
May 27 '15 at 10:00
That's horrific. +1. And you can use document.currentScript instead of getElement...
– Orwellophile
May 27 '15 at 10:00
Undefined "you" in chrome for osx
– mplungjan
May 27 '15 at 16:46
Undefined "you" in chrome for osx
– mplungjan
May 27 '15 at 16:46
jsfiddle-fixed - I must have had "you" defined globally in my console. Works now (chrome/osx). The nice thing about adding the comment to a var is that you're not in a function context, jsfiddle-function-heredoc although the function thing would be cool for class methods. might be better to pass it a replace { this: that } object anyways. fun to push something crazy to the limit anyway :)
– Orwellophile
Jun 1 '15 at 16:44
jsfiddle-fixed - I must have had "you" defined globally in my console. Works now (chrome/osx). The nice thing about adding the comment to a var is that you're not in a function context, jsfiddle-function-heredoc although the function thing would be cool for class methods. might be better to pass it a replace { this: that } object anyways. fun to push something crazy to the limit anyway :)
– Orwellophile
Jun 1 '15 at 16:44
Forget the haters. This is the only correct answer bar ES6. All the other answers require concatenation, computation of some sort, or escaping. This is actually pretty cool and I'm going to use it as a way to add documentation to a game I'm working on as a hobby. As long as this trick isn't used for anything that could invoke a bug (I can see how someone would go "Semicolon, derp. Lets put the comment on the next line." and then it breaks your code.) But, is that really a big deal in my hobby game? No, and I can use the cool trick for something useful. Great answer.
– Thomas Dignan
Jul 27 '15 at 21:10
Forget the haters. This is the only correct answer bar ES6. All the other answers require concatenation, computation of some sort, or escaping. This is actually pretty cool and I'm going to use it as a way to add documentation to a game I'm working on as a hobby. As long as this trick isn't used for anything that could invoke a bug (I can see how someone would go "Semicolon, derp. Lets put the comment on the next line." and then it breaks your code.) But, is that really a big deal in my hobby game? No, and I can use the cool trick for something useful. Great answer.
– Thomas Dignan
Jul 27 '15 at 21:10
I've never been brave enough to use this technique in production code, but where I DO use it a lot is in unit testing, where often it's easiest to dump the value of some structure as a (quite long) string and compare it to what it 'should' be.
– Ben McIntyre
Feb 3 '16 at 0:00
I've never been brave enough to use this technique in production code, but where I DO use it a lot is in unit testing, where often it's easiest to dump the value of some structure as a (quite long) string and compare it to what it 'should' be.
– Ben McIntyre
Feb 3 '16 at 0:00
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to sum up, I have tried 2 approaches listed here in user javascript programming (Opera 11.01):
- this one didn't work: Creating multiline strings in JavaScript
- this worked fairly well, I have also figured out how to make it look good in Notepad++ source view: Creating multiline strings in JavaScript
So I recommend the working approach for Opera user JS users. Unlike what the author was saying:
It doesn't work on firefox or opera; only on IE, chrome and safari.
It DOES work in Opera 11. At least in user JS scripts. Too bad I can't comment on individual answers or upvote the answer, I'd do it immediately. If possible, someone with higher privileges please do it for me.
This is my first actual comment. I have gained the upvote privilege 2 days ago so so I immediately upvoted the one answer I mentioned above. Thank you to anyone who did upvote my feeble attempt to help.
– Tyler
Jul 24 '11 at 12:34
Thanks to everyone who actually upvoted this answer: I have now enough privileges to post normal comments! So thanks again.
– Tyler
Aug 31 '12 at 2:41
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to sum up, I have tried 2 approaches listed here in user javascript programming (Opera 11.01):
- this one didn't work: Creating multiline strings in JavaScript
- this worked fairly well, I have also figured out how to make it look good in Notepad++ source view: Creating multiline strings in JavaScript
So I recommend the working approach for Opera user JS users. Unlike what the author was saying:
It doesn't work on firefox or opera; only on IE, chrome and safari.
It DOES work in Opera 11. At least in user JS scripts. Too bad I can't comment on individual answers or upvote the answer, I'd do it immediately. If possible, someone with higher privileges please do it for me.
This is my first actual comment. I have gained the upvote privilege 2 days ago so so I immediately upvoted the one answer I mentioned above. Thank you to anyone who did upvote my feeble attempt to help.
– Tyler
Jul 24 '11 at 12:34
Thanks to everyone who actually upvoted this answer: I have now enough privileges to post normal comments! So thanks again.
– Tyler
Aug 31 '12 at 2:41
add a comment |
up vote
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up vote
down vote
to sum up, I have tried 2 approaches listed here in user javascript programming (Opera 11.01):
- this one didn't work: Creating multiline strings in JavaScript
- this worked fairly well, I have also figured out how to make it look good in Notepad++ source view: Creating multiline strings in JavaScript
So I recommend the working approach for Opera user JS users. Unlike what the author was saying:
It doesn't work on firefox or opera; only on IE, chrome and safari.
It DOES work in Opera 11. At least in user JS scripts. Too bad I can't comment on individual answers or upvote the answer, I'd do it immediately. If possible, someone with higher privileges please do it for me.
to sum up, I have tried 2 approaches listed here in user javascript programming (Opera 11.01):
- this one didn't work: Creating multiline strings in JavaScript
- this worked fairly well, I have also figured out how to make it look good in Notepad++ source view: Creating multiline strings in JavaScript
So I recommend the working approach for Opera user JS users. Unlike what the author was saying:
It doesn't work on firefox or opera; only on IE, chrome and safari.
It DOES work in Opera 11. At least in user JS scripts. Too bad I can't comment on individual answers or upvote the answer, I'd do it immediately. If possible, someone with higher privileges please do it for me.
edited May 23 '17 at 11:47
answered May 20 '11 at 13:10
This is my first actual comment. I have gained the upvote privilege 2 days ago so so I immediately upvoted the one answer I mentioned above. Thank you to anyone who did upvote my feeble attempt to help.
– Tyler
Jul 24 '11 at 12:34
Thanks to everyone who actually upvoted this answer: I have now enough privileges to post normal comments! So thanks again.
– Tyler
Aug 31 '12 at 2:41
add a comment |
This is my first actual comment. I have gained the upvote privilege 2 days ago so so I immediately upvoted the one answer I mentioned above. Thank you to anyone who did upvote my feeble attempt to help.
– Tyler
Jul 24 '11 at 12:34
Thanks to everyone who actually upvoted this answer: I have now enough privileges to post normal comments! So thanks again.
– Tyler
Aug 31 '12 at 2:41
This is my first actual comment. I have gained the upvote privilege 2 days ago so so I immediately upvoted the one answer I mentioned above. Thank you to anyone who did upvote my feeble attempt to help.
– Tyler
Jul 24 '11 at 12:34
This is my first actual comment. I have gained the upvote privilege 2 days ago so so I immediately upvoted the one answer I mentioned above. Thank you to anyone who did upvote my feeble attempt to help.
– Tyler
Jul 24 '11 at 12:34
Thanks to everyone who actually upvoted this answer: I have now enough privileges to post normal comments! So thanks again.
– Tyler
Aug 31 '12 at 2:41
Thanks to everyone who actually upvoted this answer: I have now enough privileges to post normal comments! So thanks again.
– Tyler
Aug 31 '12 at 2:41
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Updated for 2015: it's six years later now: most people use a module loader, and the main module systems each have ways of loading templates. It's not inline, but the most common type of multiline string are templates, and templates should generally be kept out of JS anyway.
require.js: 'require text'.
Using require.js 'text' plugin, with a multiline template in template.html
var template = require('text!template.html')
NPM/browserify: the 'brfs' module
Browserify uses a 'brfs' module to load text files. This will actually build your template into your bundled HTML.
var fs = require("fs");
var template = fs.readFileSync(template.html', 'utf8');
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Updated for 2015: it's six years later now: most people use a module loader, and the main module systems each have ways of loading templates. It's not inline, but the most common type of multiline string are templates, and templates should generally be kept out of JS anyway.
require.js: 'require text'.
Using require.js 'text' plugin, with a multiline template in template.html
var template = require('text!template.html')
NPM/browserify: the 'brfs' module
Browserify uses a 'brfs' module to load text files. This will actually build your template into your bundled HTML.
var fs = require("fs");
var template = fs.readFileSync(template.html', 'utf8');
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up vote
down vote
Updated for 2015: it's six years later now: most people use a module loader, and the main module systems each have ways of loading templates. It's not inline, but the most common type of multiline string are templates, and templates should generally be kept out of JS anyway.
require.js: 'require text'.
Using require.js 'text' plugin, with a multiline template in template.html
var template = require('text!template.html')
NPM/browserify: the 'brfs' module
Browserify uses a 'brfs' module to load text files. This will actually build your template into your bundled HTML.
var fs = require("fs");
var template = fs.readFileSync(template.html', 'utf8');
Updated for 2015: it's six years later now: most people use a module loader, and the main module systems each have ways of loading templates. It's not inline, but the most common type of multiline string are templates, and templates should generally be kept out of JS anyway.
require.js: 'require text'.
Using require.js 'text' plugin, with a multiline template in template.html
var template = require('text!template.html')
NPM/browserify: the 'brfs' module
Browserify uses a 'brfs' module to load text files. This will actually build your template into your bundled HTML.
var fs = require("fs");
var template = fs.readFileSync(template.html', 'utf8');
edited Dec 31 '14 at 17:48
answered Feb 10 '14 at 11:13
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This works in IE, Safari, Chrome and Firefox:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div class="crazy_idea" thorn_in_my_side='<table border="0">
<td ><span class="mlayouttablecellsdynamic">PACKAGE price $65.00</span></td>
<script type="text/javascript">
Just think about it. Do you think it's valid? Don't you think it can cause display problems?
– Sk8erPeter
Feb 24 '12 at 1:55
Why the downvotes? This is a creative answer, if not very practical!
– dotancohen
Feb 29 '12 at 2:32
no, it's not. One should rather use templates: $.tmpl() (, or EJS (, etc. One reason for downvotes is that it's really far from a valid code and using this can cause huge display problems.
– Sk8erPeter
Mar 24 '12 at 0:07
I hope no one ever uses this answer in practice, but it's a neat idea
– DCShannon
Mar 13 '15 at 23:48
add a comment |
up vote
down vote
This works in IE, Safari, Chrome and Firefox:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div class="crazy_idea" thorn_in_my_side='<table border="0">
<td ><span class="mlayouttablecellsdynamic">PACKAGE price $65.00</span></td>
<script type="text/javascript">
Just think about it. Do you think it's valid? Don't you think it can cause display problems?
– Sk8erPeter
Feb 24 '12 at 1:55
Why the downvotes? This is a creative answer, if not very practical!
– dotancohen
Feb 29 '12 at 2:32
no, it's not. One should rather use templates: $.tmpl() (, or EJS (, etc. One reason for downvotes is that it's really far from a valid code and using this can cause huge display problems.
– Sk8erPeter
Mar 24 '12 at 0:07
I hope no one ever uses this answer in practice, but it's a neat idea
– DCShannon
Mar 13 '15 at 23:48
add a comment |
up vote
down vote
up vote
down vote
This works in IE, Safari, Chrome and Firefox:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div class="crazy_idea" thorn_in_my_side='<table border="0">
<td ><span class="mlayouttablecellsdynamic">PACKAGE price $65.00</span></td>
<script type="text/javascript">
This works in IE, Safari, Chrome and Firefox:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div class="crazy_idea" thorn_in_my_side='<table border="0">
<td ><span class="mlayouttablecellsdynamic">PACKAGE price $65.00</span></td>
<script type="text/javascript">
answered Nov 23 '10 at 16:46
Just think about it. Do you think it's valid? Don't you think it can cause display problems?
– Sk8erPeter
Feb 24 '12 at 1:55
Why the downvotes? This is a creative answer, if not very practical!
– dotancohen
Feb 29 '12 at 2:32
no, it's not. One should rather use templates: $.tmpl() (, or EJS (, etc. One reason for downvotes is that it's really far from a valid code and using this can cause huge display problems.
– Sk8erPeter
Mar 24 '12 at 0:07
I hope no one ever uses this answer in practice, but it's a neat idea
– DCShannon
Mar 13 '15 at 23:48
add a comment |
Just think about it. Do you think it's valid? Don't you think it can cause display problems?
– Sk8erPeter
Feb 24 '12 at 1:55
Why the downvotes? This is a creative answer, if not very practical!
– dotancohen
Feb 29 '12 at 2:32
no, it's not. One should rather use templates: $.tmpl() (, or EJS (, etc. One reason for downvotes is that it's really far from a valid code and using this can cause huge display problems.
– Sk8erPeter
Mar 24 '12 at 0:07
I hope no one ever uses this answer in practice, but it's a neat idea
– DCShannon
Mar 13 '15 at 23:48
Just think about it. Do you think it's valid? Don't you think it can cause display problems?
– Sk8erPeter
Feb 24 '12 at 1:55
Just think about it. Do you think it's valid? Don't you think it can cause display problems?
– Sk8erPeter
Feb 24 '12 at 1:55
Why the downvotes? This is a creative answer, if not very practical!
– dotancohen
Feb 29 '12 at 2:32
Why the downvotes? This is a creative answer, if not very practical!
– dotancohen
Feb 29 '12 at 2:32
no, it's not. One should rather use templates: $.tmpl() (, or EJS (, etc. One reason for downvotes is that it's really far from a valid code and using this can cause huge display problems.
– Sk8erPeter
Mar 24 '12 at 0:07
no, it's not. One should rather use templates: $.tmpl() (, or EJS (, etc. One reason for downvotes is that it's really far from a valid code and using this can cause huge display problems.
– Sk8erPeter
Mar 24 '12 at 0:07
I hope no one ever uses this answer in practice, but it's a neat idea
– DCShannon
Mar 13 '15 at 23:48
I hope no one ever uses this answer in practice, but it's a neat idea
– DCShannon
Mar 13 '15 at 23:48
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My extension to
It expects comment in a form /*! any multiline comment */
where symbol ! is used to prevent removing by minification (at least for YUI compressor)
Function.prototype.extractComment = function() {
var startComment = "/*!";
var endComment = "*/";
var str = this.toString();
var start = str.indexOf(startComment);
var end = str.lastIndexOf(endComment);
return str.slice(start + startComment.length, -(str.length - end));
var tmpl = function() { /*!
<div class="navbar-collapse collapse">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
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My extension to
It expects comment in a form /*! any multiline comment */
where symbol ! is used to prevent removing by minification (at least for YUI compressor)
Function.prototype.extractComment = function() {
var startComment = "/*!";
var endComment = "*/";
var str = this.toString();
var start = str.indexOf(startComment);
var end = str.lastIndexOf(endComment);
return str.slice(start + startComment.length, -(str.length - end));
var tmpl = function() { /*!
<div class="navbar-collapse collapse">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
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My extension to
It expects comment in a form /*! any multiline comment */
where symbol ! is used to prevent removing by minification (at least for YUI compressor)
Function.prototype.extractComment = function() {
var startComment = "/*!";
var endComment = "*/";
var str = this.toString();
var start = str.indexOf(startComment);
var end = str.lastIndexOf(endComment);
return str.slice(start + startComment.length, -(str.length - end));
var tmpl = function() { /*!
<div class="navbar-collapse collapse">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
My extension to
It expects comment in a form /*! any multiline comment */
where symbol ! is used to prevent removing by minification (at least for YUI compressor)
Function.prototype.extractComment = function() {
var startComment = "/*!";
var endComment = "*/";
var str = this.toString();
var start = str.indexOf(startComment);
var end = str.lastIndexOf(endComment);
return str.slice(start + startComment.length, -(str.length - end));
var tmpl = function() { /*!
<div class="navbar-collapse collapse">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
edited May 23 '17 at 10:31
answered Dec 11 '13 at 17:30
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If you're willing to use the escaped newlines, they can be used nicely. It looks like a document with a page border.
Wouldn't this add extraneous blank spaces?
– tomByrer
Dec 6 '15 at 12:29
@tomByrer Yes, good observation. It's only good for strings which you don't care about white space, e.g. HTML.
– seo
Dec 6 '15 at 23:02
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If you're willing to use the escaped newlines, they can be used nicely. It looks like a document with a page border.
Wouldn't this add extraneous blank spaces?
– tomByrer
Dec 6 '15 at 12:29
@tomByrer Yes, good observation. It's only good for strings which you don't care about white space, e.g. HTML.
– seo
Dec 6 '15 at 23:02
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up vote
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If you're willing to use the escaped newlines, they can be used nicely. It looks like a document with a page border.
If you're willing to use the escaped newlines, they can be used nicely. It looks like a document with a page border.
edited Sep 30 '15 at 14:14
answered Apr 28 '15 at 18:31
Wouldn't this add extraneous blank spaces?
– tomByrer
Dec 6 '15 at 12:29
@tomByrer Yes, good observation. It's only good for strings which you don't care about white space, e.g. HTML.
– seo
Dec 6 '15 at 23:02
add a comment |
Wouldn't this add extraneous blank spaces?
– tomByrer
Dec 6 '15 at 12:29
@tomByrer Yes, good observation. It's only good for strings which you don't care about white space, e.g. HTML.
– seo
Dec 6 '15 at 23:02
Wouldn't this add extraneous blank spaces?
– tomByrer
Dec 6 '15 at 12:29
Wouldn't this add extraneous blank spaces?
– tomByrer
Dec 6 '15 at 12:29
@tomByrer Yes, good observation. It's only good for strings which you don't care about white space, e.g. HTML.
– seo
Dec 6 '15 at 23:02
@tomByrer Yes, good observation. It's only good for strings which you don't care about white space, e.g. HTML.
– seo
Dec 6 '15 at 23:02
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The equivalent in javascript is:
var text = `
Here's the specification. See browser support at the bottom of this page. Here are some examples too.
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The equivalent in javascript is:
var text = `
Here's the specification. See browser support at the bottom of this page. Here are some examples too.
add a comment |
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up vote
down vote
The equivalent in javascript is:
var text = `
Here's the specification. See browser support at the bottom of this page. Here are some examples too.
The equivalent in javascript is:
var text = `
Here's the specification. See browser support at the bottom of this page. Here are some examples too.
edited Nov 4 '15 at 14:06
answered Nov 4 '15 at 13:59


Lonnie Best
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You can use TypeScript (JavaScript SuperSet), it supports multiline strings, and transpiles back down to pure JavaScript without overhead:
var templates = {
myString: `this is
a multiline
If you'd want to accomplish the same with plain JavaScript:
var templates =
myString: function(){/*
This is some
awesome multi-lined
string using a comment
inside a function
returned as a string.
Enjoy the jimmy rigged code.
Note that the iPad/Safari does not support 'functionName.toString()'
If you have a lot of legacy code, you can also use the plain JavaScript variant in TypeScript (for cleanup purposes):
interface externTemplates
declare var templates:externTemplates;
and you can use the multiline-string object from the plain JavaScript variant, where you put the templates into another file (which you can merge in the bundle).
You can try TypeScript at
Any documentation on the iPad/Safari limitation? MDN seems to think it's all good -…
– Campbeln
Aug 5 '17 at 18:15
@Campbeln: CoWorker told me this (he used the code). Haven't tested it myselfs. Might also depend on the iPad/Safari version - so probably depends.
– Stefan Steiger
Aug 6 '17 at 16:07
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You can use TypeScript (JavaScript SuperSet), it supports multiline strings, and transpiles back down to pure JavaScript without overhead:
var templates = {
myString: `this is
a multiline
If you'd want to accomplish the same with plain JavaScript:
var templates =
myString: function(){/*
This is some
awesome multi-lined
string using a comment
inside a function
returned as a string.
Enjoy the jimmy rigged code.
Note that the iPad/Safari does not support 'functionName.toString()'
If you have a lot of legacy code, you can also use the plain JavaScript variant in TypeScript (for cleanup purposes):
interface externTemplates
declare var templates:externTemplates;
and you can use the multiline-string object from the plain JavaScript variant, where you put the templates into another file (which you can merge in the bundle).
You can try TypeScript at
Any documentation on the iPad/Safari limitation? MDN seems to think it's all good -…
– Campbeln
Aug 5 '17 at 18:15
@Campbeln: CoWorker told me this (he used the code). Haven't tested it myselfs. Might also depend on the iPad/Safari version - so probably depends.
– Stefan Steiger
Aug 6 '17 at 16:07
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up vote
down vote
You can use TypeScript (JavaScript SuperSet), it supports multiline strings, and transpiles back down to pure JavaScript without overhead:
var templates = {
myString: `this is
a multiline
If you'd want to accomplish the same with plain JavaScript:
var templates =
myString: function(){/*
This is some
awesome multi-lined
string using a comment
inside a function
returned as a string.
Enjoy the jimmy rigged code.
Note that the iPad/Safari does not support 'functionName.toString()'
If you have a lot of legacy code, you can also use the plain JavaScript variant in TypeScript (for cleanup purposes):
interface externTemplates
declare var templates:externTemplates;
and you can use the multiline-string object from the plain JavaScript variant, where you put the templates into another file (which you can merge in the bundle).
You can try TypeScript at
You can use TypeScript (JavaScript SuperSet), it supports multiline strings, and transpiles back down to pure JavaScript without overhead:
var templates = {
myString: `this is
a multiline
If you'd want to accomplish the same with plain JavaScript:
var templates =
myString: function(){/*
This is some
awesome multi-lined
string using a comment
inside a function
returned as a string.
Enjoy the jimmy rigged code.
Note that the iPad/Safari does not support 'functionName.toString()'
If you have a lot of legacy code, you can also use the plain JavaScript variant in TypeScript (for cleanup purposes):
interface externTemplates
declare var templates:externTemplates;
and you can use the multiline-string object from the plain JavaScript variant, where you put the templates into another file (which you can merge in the bundle).
You can try TypeScript at
edited Oct 7 '15 at 13:12
answered Sep 21 '15 at 15:23


Stefan Steiger
Any documentation on the iPad/Safari limitation? MDN seems to think it's all good -…
– Campbeln
Aug 5 '17 at 18:15
@Campbeln: CoWorker told me this (he used the code). Haven't tested it myselfs. Might also depend on the iPad/Safari version - so probably depends.
– Stefan Steiger
Aug 6 '17 at 16:07
add a comment |
Any documentation on the iPad/Safari limitation? MDN seems to think it's all good -…
– Campbeln
Aug 5 '17 at 18:15
@Campbeln: CoWorker told me this (he used the code). Haven't tested it myselfs. Might also depend on the iPad/Safari version - so probably depends.
– Stefan Steiger
Aug 6 '17 at 16:07
Any documentation on the iPad/Safari limitation? MDN seems to think it's all good -…
– Campbeln
Aug 5 '17 at 18:15
Any documentation on the iPad/Safari limitation? MDN seems to think it's all good -…
– Campbeln
Aug 5 '17 at 18:15
@Campbeln: CoWorker told me this (he used the code). Haven't tested it myselfs. Might also depend on the iPad/Safari version - so probably depends.
– Stefan Steiger
Aug 6 '17 at 16:07
@Campbeln: CoWorker told me this (he used the code). Haven't tested it myselfs. Might also depend on the iPad/Safari version - so probably depends.
– Stefan Steiger
Aug 6 '17 at 16:07
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ES6 allows you to use a backtick to specify a string on multiple lines. It's called a Template Literal. Like this:
var multilineString = `One line of text
second line of text
third line of text
fourth line of text`;
Using the backtick works in NodeJS, and it's supported by Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, and Opera.
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ES6 allows you to use a backtick to specify a string on multiple lines. It's called a Template Literal. Like this:
var multilineString = `One line of text
second line of text
third line of text
fourth line of text`;
Using the backtick works in NodeJS, and it's supported by Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, and Opera.
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up vote
down vote
ES6 allows you to use a backtick to specify a string on multiple lines. It's called a Template Literal. Like this:
var multilineString = `One line of text
second line of text
third line of text
fourth line of text`;
Using the backtick works in NodeJS, and it's supported by Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, and Opera.
ES6 allows you to use a backtick to specify a string on multiple lines. It's called a Template Literal. Like this:
var multilineString = `One line of text
second line of text
third line of text
fourth line of text`;
Using the backtick works in NodeJS, and it's supported by Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, and Opera.
answered Mar 28 '16 at 18:43
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My version of array-based join for string concat:
var c = ; //c stands for content
c.push("<div id='thisDiv' style='left:10px'></div>");
c.push("<div onclick='showDo('something');'></div>");
This has worked well for me, especially as I often insert values into the html constructed this way. But it has lots of limitations. Indentation would be nice. Not having to deal with nested quotation marks would be really nice, and just the bulkyness of it bothers me.
Is the .push() to add to the array taking up a lot of time? See this related answer:
(Is there a reason JavaScript developers don't use Array.push()?)
After looking at these (opposing) test runs, it looks like .push() is fine for string arrays which will not likely grow over 100 items - I will avoid it in favor of indexed adds for larger arrays.
add a comment |
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My version of array-based join for string concat:
var c = ; //c stands for content
c.push("<div id='thisDiv' style='left:10px'></div>");
c.push("<div onclick='showDo('something');'></div>");
This has worked well for me, especially as I often insert values into the html constructed this way. But it has lots of limitations. Indentation would be nice. Not having to deal with nested quotation marks would be really nice, and just the bulkyness of it bothers me.
Is the .push() to add to the array taking up a lot of time? See this related answer:
(Is there a reason JavaScript developers don't use Array.push()?)
After looking at these (opposing) test runs, it looks like .push() is fine for string arrays which will not likely grow over 100 items - I will avoid it in favor of indexed adds for larger arrays.
add a comment |
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up vote
down vote
My version of array-based join for string concat:
var c = ; //c stands for content
c.push("<div id='thisDiv' style='left:10px'></div>");
c.push("<div onclick='showDo('something');'></div>");
This has worked well for me, especially as I often insert values into the html constructed this way. But it has lots of limitations. Indentation would be nice. Not having to deal with nested quotation marks would be really nice, and just the bulkyness of it bothers me.
Is the .push() to add to the array taking up a lot of time? See this related answer:
(Is there a reason JavaScript developers don't use Array.push()?)
After looking at these (opposing) test runs, it looks like .push() is fine for string arrays which will not likely grow over 100 items - I will avoid it in favor of indexed adds for larger arrays.
My version of array-based join for string concat:
var c = ; //c stands for content
c.push("<div id='thisDiv' style='left:10px'></div>");
c.push("<div onclick='showDo('something');'></div>");
This has worked well for me, especially as I often insert values into the html constructed this way. But it has lots of limitations. Indentation would be nice. Not having to deal with nested quotation marks would be really nice, and just the bulkyness of it bothers me.
Is the .push() to add to the array taking up a lot of time? See this related answer:
(Is there a reason JavaScript developers don't use Array.push()?)
After looking at these (opposing) test runs, it looks like .push() is fine for string arrays which will not likely grow over 100 items - I will avoid it in favor of indexed adds for larger arrays.
edited May 23 '17 at 12:34
answered Oct 14 '13 at 0:58
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You can use +=
to concatenate your string, seems like no one answered that, which will be readable, and also neat... something like this
var hello = 'hello' +
'world' +
can be also written as
var hello = 'hello';
hello += ' world';
hello += ' blah';
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You can use +=
to concatenate your string, seems like no one answered that, which will be readable, and also neat... something like this
var hello = 'hello' +
'world' +
can be also written as
var hello = 'hello';
hello += ' world';
hello += ' blah';
add a comment |
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up vote
down vote
You can use +=
to concatenate your string, seems like no one answered that, which will be readable, and also neat... something like this
var hello = 'hello' +
'world' +
can be also written as
var hello = 'hello';
hello += ' world';
hello += ' blah';
You can use +=
to concatenate your string, seems like no one answered that, which will be readable, and also neat... something like this
var hello = 'hello' +
'world' +
can be also written as
var hello = 'hello';
hello += ' world';
hello += ' blah';
answered Jan 18 '14 at 13:18


Mr. Alien
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Also do note that, when extending string over multiple lines using forward backslash at end of each line, any extra characters (mostly spaces, tabs and comments added by mistake) after forward backslash will cause unexpected character error, which i took an hour to find out
var string = "line1 // comment, space or tabs here raise error
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Also do note that, when extending string over multiple lines using forward backslash at end of each line, any extra characters (mostly spaces, tabs and comments added by mistake) after forward backslash will cause unexpected character error, which i took an hour to find out
var string = "line1 // comment, space or tabs here raise error
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up vote
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Also do note that, when extending string over multiple lines using forward backslash at end of each line, any extra characters (mostly spaces, tabs and comments added by mistake) after forward backslash will cause unexpected character error, which i took an hour to find out
var string = "line1 // comment, space or tabs here raise error
Also do note that, when extending string over multiple lines using forward backslash at end of each line, any extra characters (mostly spaces, tabs and comments added by mistake) after forward backslash will cause unexpected character error, which i took an hour to find out
var string = "line1 // comment, space or tabs here raise error
answered Jul 13 '16 at 19:25
Prakash GPz
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Please for the love of the internet use string concatenation and opt not to use ES6 solutions for this. ES6 is NOT supported all across the board, much like CSS3 and certain browsers being slow to adapt to the CSS3 movement. Use plain ol' JavaScript, your end users will thank you.
var str = "This world is neither flat nor round. "+
"Once was lost will be found";
while i agree with your point, i wouldn't call javascript "good" ol
– user151496
Mar 5 at 0:18
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Please for the love of the internet use string concatenation and opt not to use ES6 solutions for this. ES6 is NOT supported all across the board, much like CSS3 and certain browsers being slow to adapt to the CSS3 movement. Use plain ol' JavaScript, your end users will thank you.
var str = "This world is neither flat nor round. "+
"Once was lost will be found";
while i agree with your point, i wouldn't call javascript "good" ol
– user151496
Mar 5 at 0:18
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up vote
down vote
Please for the love of the internet use string concatenation and opt not to use ES6 solutions for this. ES6 is NOT supported all across the board, much like CSS3 and certain browsers being slow to adapt to the CSS3 movement. Use plain ol' JavaScript, your end users will thank you.
var str = "This world is neither flat nor round. "+
"Once was lost will be found";
Please for the love of the internet use string concatenation and opt not to use ES6 solutions for this. ES6 is NOT supported all across the board, much like CSS3 and certain browsers being slow to adapt to the CSS3 movement. Use plain ol' JavaScript, your end users will thank you.
var str = "This world is neither flat nor round. "+
"Once was lost will be found";
answered Oct 11 '17 at 23:28
while i agree with your point, i wouldn't call javascript "good" ol
– user151496
Mar 5 at 0:18
add a comment |
while i agree with your point, i wouldn't call javascript "good" ol
– user151496
Mar 5 at 0:18
while i agree with your point, i wouldn't call javascript "good" ol
– user151496
Mar 5 at 0:18
while i agree with your point, i wouldn't call javascript "good" ol
– user151496
Mar 5 at 0:18
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Easiest way to make multiline strings in Javascrips is with the use of backticks ( `` ). This allows you to create multiline strings in which you can insert variables with ${variableName}
let name = 'Willem';
let age = 26;
let multilineString = `
my name is: ${name}
my age is: ${age}
compatibility :
- It was introduces in
- It is now natively supported by all major browser vendors (except internet explorer)
Check exact compatibility in Mozilla docs here
Is this now compatible with all recent browsers? Or are there some browsers which still do not support this syntax?
– cmpreshn
Sep 28 at 3:37
Sorry for my extreme late comment, edited the answer added compatibility info ;)
– Willem van der Veen
Oct 1 at 21:28
add a comment |
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Easiest way to make multiline strings in Javascrips is with the use of backticks ( `` ). This allows you to create multiline strings in which you can insert variables with ${variableName}
let name = 'Willem';
let age = 26;
let multilineString = `
my name is: ${name}
my age is: ${age}
compatibility :
- It was introduces in
- It is now natively supported by all major browser vendors (except internet explorer)
Check exact compatibility in Mozilla docs here
Is this now compatible with all recent browsers? Or are there some browsers which still do not support this syntax?
– cmpreshn
Sep 28 at 3:37
Sorry for my extreme late comment, edited the answer added compatibility info ;)
– Willem van der Veen
Oct 1 at 21:28
add a comment |
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up vote
down vote
Easiest way to make multiline strings in Javascrips is with the use of backticks ( `` ). This allows you to create multiline strings in which you can insert variables with ${variableName}
let name = 'Willem';
let age = 26;
let multilineString = `
my name is: ${name}
my age is: ${age}
compatibility :
- It was introduces in
- It is now natively supported by all major browser vendors (except internet explorer)
Check exact compatibility in Mozilla docs here
Easiest way to make multiline strings in Javascrips is with the use of backticks ( `` ). This allows you to create multiline strings in which you can insert variables with ${variableName}
let name = 'Willem';
let age = 26;
let multilineString = `
my name is: ${name}
my age is: ${age}
compatibility :
- It was introduces in
- It is now natively supported by all major browser vendors (except internet explorer)
Check exact compatibility in Mozilla docs here
let name = 'Willem';
let age = 26;
let multilineString = `
my name is: ${name}
my age is: ${age}
let name = 'Willem';
let age = 26;
let multilineString = `
my name is: ${name}
my age is: ${age}
edited Oct 1 at 21:27
answered Sep 9 at 11:00


Willem van der Veen
Is this now compatible with all recent browsers? Or are there some browsers which still do not support this syntax?
– cmpreshn
Sep 28 at 3:37
Sorry for my extreme late comment, edited the answer added compatibility info ;)
– Willem van der Veen
Oct 1 at 21:28
add a comment |
Is this now compatible with all recent browsers? Or are there some browsers which still do not support this syntax?
– cmpreshn
Sep 28 at 3:37
Sorry for my extreme late comment, edited the answer added compatibility info ;)
– Willem van der Veen
Oct 1 at 21:28
Is this now compatible with all recent browsers? Or are there some browsers which still do not support this syntax?
– cmpreshn
Sep 28 at 3:37
Is this now compatible with all recent browsers? Or are there some browsers which still do not support this syntax?
– cmpreshn
Sep 28 at 3:37
Sorry for my extreme late comment, edited the answer added compatibility info ;)
– Willem van der Veen
Oct 1 at 21:28
Sorry for my extreme late comment, edited the answer added compatibility info ;)
– Willem van der Veen
Oct 1 at 21:28
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You have to use the concatenation operator '+'.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<p id="demo"></p>
var str = "This "
+ "n<br>is "
+ "n<br>multiline "
+ "n<br>string.";
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str;
By using n
your source code will look like -
By using <br>
your browser output will look like -
add a comment |
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down vote
You have to use the concatenation operator '+'.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<p id="demo"></p>
var str = "This "
+ "n<br>is "
+ "n<br>multiline "
+ "n<br>string.";
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str;
By using n
your source code will look like -
By using <br>
your browser output will look like -
add a comment |
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up vote
down vote
You have to use the concatenation operator '+'.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<p id="demo"></p>
var str = "This "
+ "n<br>is "
+ "n<br>multiline "
+ "n<br>string.";
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str;
By using n
your source code will look like -
By using <br>
your browser output will look like -
You have to use the concatenation operator '+'.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<p id="demo"></p>
var str = "This "
+ "n<br>is "
+ "n<br>multiline "
+ "n<br>string.";
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str;
By using n
your source code will look like -
By using <br>
your browser output will look like -
answered Aug 13 '17 at 22:57


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I think this workaround should work in IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera -
Using jQuery :
<xmp id="unique_id" style="display:none;">
Some plain text
Both type of quotes : " ' " And ' " '
JS Code : alert("Hello World");
HTML Code : <div class="some_class"></div>
Using Pure Javascript :
<xmp id="unique_id" style="display:none;">
Some plain text
Both type of quotes : " ' " And ' " '
JS Code : alert("Hello World");
HTML Code : <div class="some_class"></div>
is so deprecated. It may be allowed in HTML, but should not be used by any authors. See…
– Bergi
Jan 28 '13 at 12:28
@Bergi, you are right.. and using<pre>;
with escapes wont help in my solution.. I came across similar issue today and trying to figure out a workaround.. but in my case, I found one very n00bish way to fix this issue by putting output in html comments instead of <xmp> or any other tag. lol. I know its not a standard way to do this but I will work on this issue more tomorrow mornin.. Cheers!!
– Aditya Hajare
Jan 28 '13 at 13:11
Unfortunately even withstyle="display:none"
Chrome tries to load any<img>
images mentioned in the example block.
– Jesse Glick
Dec 9 '13 at 19:57
add a comment |
up vote
down vote
I think this workaround should work in IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera -
Using jQuery :
<xmp id="unique_id" style="display:none;">
Some plain text
Both type of quotes : " ' " And ' " '
JS Code : alert("Hello World");
HTML Code : <div class="some_class"></div>
Using Pure Javascript :
<xmp id="unique_id" style="display:none;">
Some plain text
Both type of quotes : " ' " And ' " '
JS Code : alert("Hello World");
HTML Code : <div class="some_class"></div>
is so deprecated. It may be allowed in HTML, but should not be used by any authors. See…
– Bergi
Jan 28 '13 at 12:28
@Bergi, you are right.. and using<pre>;
with escapes wont help in my solution.. I came across similar issue today and trying to figure out a workaround.. but in my case, I found one very n00bish way to fix this issue by putting output in html comments instead of <xmp> or any other tag. lol. I know its not a standard way to do this but I will work on this issue more tomorrow mornin.. Cheers!!
– Aditya Hajare
Jan 28 '13 at 13:11
Unfortunately even withstyle="display:none"
Chrome tries to load any<img>
images mentioned in the example block.
– Jesse Glick
Dec 9 '13 at 19:57
add a comment |
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up vote
down vote
I think this workaround should work in IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera -
Using jQuery :
<xmp id="unique_id" style="display:none;">
Some plain text
Both type of quotes : " ' " And ' " '
JS Code : alert("Hello World");
HTML Code : <div class="some_class"></div>
Using Pure Javascript :
<xmp id="unique_id" style="display:none;">
Some plain text
Both type of quotes : " ' " And ' " '
JS Code : alert("Hello World");
HTML Code : <div class="some_class"></div>
I think this workaround should work in IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera -
Using jQuery :
<xmp id="unique_id" style="display:none;">
Some plain text
Both type of quotes : " ' " And ' " '
JS Code : alert("Hello World");
HTML Code : <div class="some_class"></div>
Using Pure Javascript :
<xmp id="unique_id" style="display:none;">
Some plain text
Both type of quotes : " ' " And ' " '
JS Code : alert("Hello World");
HTML Code : <div class="some_class"></div>
answered Jan 28 '13 at 12:20
Aditya Hajare
is so deprecated. It may be allowed in HTML, but should not be used by any authors. See…
– Bergi
Jan 28 '13 at 12:28
@Bergi, you are right.. and using<pre>;
with escapes wont help in my solution.. I came across similar issue today and trying to figure out a workaround.. but in my case, I found one very n00bish way to fix this issue by putting output in html comments instead of <xmp> or any other tag. lol. I know its not a standard way to do this but I will work on this issue more tomorrow mornin.. Cheers!!
– Aditya Hajare
Jan 28 '13 at 13:11
Unfortunately even withstyle="display:none"
Chrome tries to load any<img>
images mentioned in the example block.
– Jesse Glick
Dec 9 '13 at 19:57
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is so deprecated. It may be allowed in HTML, but should not be used by any authors. See…
– Bergi
Jan 28 '13 at 12:28
@Bergi, you are right.. and using<pre>;
with escapes wont help in my solution.. I came across similar issue today and trying to figure out a workaround.. but in my case, I found one very n00bish way to fix this issue by putting output in html comments instead of <xmp> or any other tag. lol. I know its not a standard way to do this but I will work on this issue more tomorrow mornin.. Cheers!!
– Aditya Hajare
Jan 28 '13 at 13:11
Unfortunately even withstyle="display:none"
Chrome tries to load any<img>
images mentioned in the example block.
– Jesse Glick
Dec 9 '13 at 19:57
is so deprecated. It may be allowed in HTML, but should not be used by any authors. See…– Bergi
Jan 28 '13 at 12:28
is so deprecated. It may be allowed in HTML, but should not be used by any authors. See…– Bergi
Jan 28 '13 at 12:28
@Bergi, you are right.. and using
with escapes wont help in my solution.. I came across similar issue today and trying to figure out a workaround.. but in my case, I found one very n00bish way to fix this issue by putting output in html comments instead of <xmp> or any other tag. lol. I know its not a standard way to do this but I will work on this issue more tomorrow mornin.. Cheers!!– Aditya Hajare
Jan 28 '13 at 13:11
@Bergi, you are right.. and using
with escapes wont help in my solution.. I came across similar issue today and trying to figure out a workaround.. but in my case, I found one very n00bish way to fix this issue by putting output in html comments instead of <xmp> or any other tag. lol. I know its not a standard way to do this but I will work on this issue more tomorrow mornin.. Cheers!!– Aditya Hajare
Jan 28 '13 at 13:11
Unfortunately even with
Chrome tries to load any <img>
images mentioned in the example block.– Jesse Glick
Dec 9 '13 at 19:57
Unfortunately even with
Chrome tries to load any <img>
images mentioned in the example block.– Jesse Glick
Dec 9 '13 at 19:57
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Just tried the Anonymous answer and found there's a little trick here, it doesn't work if there's a space after backslash
So the following solution doesn't work -
var x = { test:'<?xml version="1.0"?> <-- One space here
<?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?>'
But when space is removed it works -
var x = { test:'<?xml version="1.0"?><-- No space here now
<?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?>'
Hope it helps !!
well obviously if you have a space after a backslash, backslash escapes the space. It is supposed to escape linebreak, not space.
– Sejanus
Dec 14 '12 at 8:47
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Just tried the Anonymous answer and found there's a little trick here, it doesn't work if there's a space after backslash
So the following solution doesn't work -
var x = { test:'<?xml version="1.0"?> <-- One space here
<?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?>'
But when space is removed it works -
var x = { test:'<?xml version="1.0"?><-- No space here now
<?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?>'
Hope it helps !!
well obviously if you have a space after a backslash, backslash escapes the space. It is supposed to escape linebreak, not space.
– Sejanus
Dec 14 '12 at 8:47
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up vote
down vote
Just tried the Anonymous answer and found there's a little trick here, it doesn't work if there's a space after backslash
So the following solution doesn't work -
var x = { test:'<?xml version="1.0"?> <-- One space here
<?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?>'
But when space is removed it works -
var x = { test:'<?xml version="1.0"?><-- No space here now
<?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?>'
Hope it helps !!
Just tried the Anonymous answer and found there's a little trick here, it doesn't work if there's a space after backslash
So the following solution doesn't work -
var x = { test:'<?xml version="1.0"?> <-- One space here
<?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?>'
But when space is removed it works -
var x = { test:'<?xml version="1.0"?><-- No space here now
<?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?>'
Hope it helps !!
answered Nov 23 '12 at 13:10
Anmol Saraf
well obviously if you have a space after a backslash, backslash escapes the space. It is supposed to escape linebreak, not space.
– Sejanus
Dec 14 '12 at 8:47
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well obviously if you have a space after a backslash, backslash escapes the space. It is supposed to escape linebreak, not space.
– Sejanus
Dec 14 '12 at 8:47
well obviously if you have a space after a backslash, backslash escapes the space. It is supposed to escape linebreak, not space.
– Sejanus
Dec 14 '12 at 8:47
well obviously if you have a space after a backslash, backslash escapes the space. It is supposed to escape linebreak, not space.
– Sejanus
Dec 14 '12 at 8:47
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If you happen to be running in Node only, you could use the fs module to read in the multi-line string from a file:
var diagram;
var fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile( __dirname + '/diagram.txt', function (err, data) {
if (err) {
throw err;
diagram = data.toString();
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If you happen to be running in Node only, you could use the fs module to read in the multi-line string from a file:
var diagram;
var fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile( __dirname + '/diagram.txt', function (err, data) {
if (err) {
throw err;
diagram = data.toString();
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up vote
down vote
If you happen to be running in Node only, you could use the fs module to read in the multi-line string from a file:
var diagram;
var fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile( __dirname + '/diagram.txt', function (err, data) {
if (err) {
throw err;
diagram = data.toString();
If you happen to be running in Node only, you could use the fs module to read in the multi-line string from a file:
var diagram;
var fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile( __dirname + '/diagram.txt', function (err, data) {
if (err) {
throw err;
diagram = data.toString();
answered Sep 9 '14 at 0:02
Charles Brandt
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protected by Travis J Dec 12 '13 at 3:03
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– Pacerier
Apr 30 '14 at 19:25
Check this out on different ways to achieve the same. I have added performance of each method too
– Vignesh Subramanian
Jul 17 '14 at 5:42